Conservation area
Radcliffe Park Road conservation area
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | HE1/11 | Facts |
Prefix | conservation-area | Facts |
Name | Radcliffe Park Road conservation area | Facts |
Dataset | Conservation area | no fact link |
Organisation | Salford City Council | no fact link |
Start date | 1992-01-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 1992-01-01 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.316078 53.500082, -2.316251 53.49998, -2.316418 53.500046, -2.317397 53.500311, -2.317534 53.500206, -2.317317 53.50007, -2.317308 53.500034, -2.31793 53.499672, -2.317219 53.49924, -2.317354 53.499175, -2.317534 53.499056, -2.317702 53.498908, -2.317752 53.49881, -2.317765 53.498711, -2.31775 53.498621, -2.317681 53.498463, -2.317657 53.498365, -2.317665 53.498289, -2.316731 53.498558, -2.316889 53.498752, -2.315318 53.499313, -2.315253 53.499234, -2.314391 53.49958, -2.314258 53.499561, -2.314048 53.499649, -2.314232 53.499804, -2.314902 53.500627, -2.315227 53.500599, -2.315295 53.500465, -2.315374 53.500382, -2.315446 53.500323, -2.315581 53.500257, -2.315921 53.500157, -2.316078 53.500082)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.316182 53.499567)
Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "HE1/11",
"prefix": "conservation-area",
"name": "Radcliffe Park Road conservation area",
"dataset": "conservation-area",
"organisation-entity": "301",
"start-date": "1992-01-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "1992-01-01",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.316078 53.500082, -2.316251 53.49998, -2.316418 53.500046, -2.317397 53.500311, -2.317534 53.500206, -2.317317 53.50007, -2.317308 53.500034, -2.31793 53.499672, -2.317219 53.49924, -2.317354 53.499175, -2.317534 53.499056, -2.317702 53.498908, -2.317752 53.49881, -2.317765 53.498711, -2.31775 53.498621, -2.317681 53.498463, -2.317657 53.498365, -2.317665 53.498289, -2.316731 53.498558, -2.316889 53.498752, -2.315318 53.499313, -2.315253 53.499234, -2.314391 53.49958, -2.314258 53.499561, -2.314048 53.499649, -2.314232 53.499804, -2.314902 53.500627, -2.315227 53.500599, -2.315295 53.500465, -2.315374 53.500382, -2.315446 53.500323, -2.315581 53.500257, -2.315921 53.500157, -2.316078 53.500082)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.316182 53.499567)",
"entity": 44012734,
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
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