Conservation area
Finchley Garden Village
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | CA18 | Facts |
Prefix | conservation-area | Facts |
Name | Finchley Garden Village | Facts |
Dataset | Conservation area | no fact link |
Organisation | London Borough of Barnet | no fact link |
Start date | 1978-11-22 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-06-05 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.207888 51.599429, -0.207887 51.599448, -0.20794 51.599458, -0.207917 51.599614, -0.207915 51.599868, -0.208042 51.599865, -0.208042 51.599852, -0.208259 51.599854, -0.208259 51.599835, -0.208543 51.599833, -0.208541 51.599666, -0.208562 51.599063, -0.208554 51.599055, -0.208555 51.599013, -0.208565 51.599012, -0.208586 51.598343, -0.208594 51.598344, -0.208597 51.598264, -0.208587 51.598263, -0.208605 51.597794, -0.20803 51.597644, -0.207788 51.597524, -0.207397 51.597308, -0.207284 51.597267, -0.207205 51.597251, -0.207211 51.597237, -0.206928 51.597191, -0.20679 51.597572, -0.207095 51.597662, -0.207138 51.597682, -0.207135 51.59775, -0.207096 51.598015, -0.206915 51.598037, -0.206903 51.5981, -0.20683 51.59885, -0.206706 51.599122, -0.207376 51.599239, -0.207372 51.599447, -0.207856 51.599422, -0.207888 51.599422, -0.207888 51.599429)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.207745 51.598525)
Facts |
Designation date | 1978-01-01 | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "CA18",
"prefix": "conservation-area",
"name": "Finchley Garden Village",
"dataset": "conservation-area",
"organisation-entity": "48",
"start-date": "1978-11-22",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-06-05",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.207888 51.599429, -0.207887 51.599448, -0.20794 51.599458, -0.207917 51.599614, -0.207915 51.599868, -0.208042 51.599865, -0.208042 51.599852, -0.208259 51.599854, -0.208259 51.599835, -0.208543 51.599833, -0.208541 51.599666, -0.208562 51.599063, -0.208554 51.599055, -0.208555 51.599013, -0.208565 51.599012, -0.208586 51.598343, -0.208594 51.598344, -0.208597 51.598264, -0.208587 51.598263, -0.208605 51.597794, -0.20803 51.597644, -0.207788 51.597524, -0.207397 51.597308, -0.207284 51.597267, -0.207205 51.597251, -0.207211 51.597237, -0.206928 51.597191, -0.20679 51.597572, -0.207095 51.597662, -0.207138 51.597682, -0.207135 51.59775, -0.207096 51.598015, -0.206915 51.598037, -0.206903 51.5981, -0.20683 51.59885, -0.206706 51.599122, -0.207376 51.599239, -0.207372 51.599447, -0.207856 51.599422, -0.207888 51.599422, -0.207888 51.599429)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.207745 51.598525)",
"entity": 44002417,
"designation-date": "1978-01-01",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
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