Conservation area
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 71 | Facts |
Prefix | conservation-area | Facts |
Dataset | Conservation area | no fact link |
Organisation | Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council | no fact link |
Start date | 2005-09-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2022-12-22 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.147856 52.458876, -2.147979 52.459092, -2.147932 52.459131, -2.14796 52.459307, -2.147874 52.459314, -2.14791 52.459405, -2.148306 52.459395, -2.148306 52.459403, -2.148345 52.45941, -2.148372 52.459642, -2.148427 52.459643, -2.148425 52.459657, -2.148508 52.459665, -2.148511 52.459684, -2.1485 52.459687, -2.148511 52.459745, -2.148489 52.459746, -2.1485 52.459863, -2.14852 52.459868, -2.148517 52.459909, -2.148501 52.459944, -2.148473 52.459938, -2.148451 52.46006, -2.148595 52.460081, -2.148681 52.460085, -2.148781 52.460083, -2.14901 52.460049, -2.149354 52.45984, -2.149409 52.459791, -2.14947 52.459711, -2.149525 52.459592, -2.149589 52.459364, -2.149634 52.459098, -2.149634 52.45899, -2.149433 52.458217, -2.149383 52.458121, -2.14899 52.458109, -2.148847 52.458112, -2.14859 52.458088, -2.148625 52.45799, -2.148342 52.457982, -2.148364 52.457825, -2.147995 52.457806, -2.148059 52.457445, -2.148056 52.457385, -2.147972 52.457324, -2.14815 52.457233, -2.148263 52.457188, -2.148299 52.457163, -2.148314 52.457138, -2.148312 52.457118, -2.148299 52.457101, -2.148121 52.457012, -2.147807 52.456899, -2.147835 52.456731, -2.147874 52.456733, -2.147878 52.45669, -2.148011 52.456696, -2.148035 52.456484, -2.148069 52.456323, -2.148093 52.456142, -2.148366 52.456143, -2.148375 52.455941, -2.148457 52.455942, -2.148484 52.455934, -2.148494 52.455923, -2.14854 52.455555, -2.148437 52.455546, -2.14848 52.455314, -2.148577 52.455315, -2.14858 52.455209, -2.148512 52.455229, -2.148522 52.455207, -2.148615 52.454749, -2.148359 52.454721, -2.147801 52.454704, -2.147108 52.454713, -2.146543 52.4547, -2.146494 52.454705, -2.14644 52.454733, -2.146416 52.454779, -2.146426 52.454824, -2.14647 52.454877, -2.14658 52.454844, -2.146955 52.454864, -2.146937 52.455004, -2.147312 52.45503, -2.14731 52.455076, -2.147396 52.455125, -2.147374 52.455304, -2.147516 52.455313, -2.14751 52.455378, -2.14753 52.455381, -2.147525 52.455461, -2.147045 52.455432, -2.147039 52.455491, -2.147369 52.455508, -2.147315 52.455893, -2.147235 52.45589, -2.147213 52.45608, -2.146984 52.456067, -2.146968 52.456191, -2.146953 52.456194, -2.146953 52.456206, -2.147234 52.456239, -2.147228 52.456566, -2.147095 52.456553, -2.146997 52.456647, -2.146984 52.456689, -2.146913 52.456686, -2.146856 52.456913, -2.146702 52.456895, -2.146692 52.456931, -2.146549 52.45688, -2.146587 52.456842, -2.14661 52.456764, -2.146585 52.456761, -2.146601 52.456697, -2.146456 52.456677, -2.146432 52.456768, -2.146366 52.456761, -2.146398 52.456574, -2.146249 52.45657, -2.146226 52.456685, -2.146116 52.456746, -2.145971 52.456804, -2.145895 52.456845, -2.145913 52.45686, -2.145862 52.45691, -2.145797 52.457088, -2.145702 52.457281, -2.145843 52.457307, -2.145821 52.457421, -2.145983 52.457436, -2.146008 52.457427, -2.146025 52.457389, -2.146309 52.457406, -2.146315 52.457361, -2.146401 52.457369, -2.146419 52.457382, -2.146481 52.457381, -2.146479 52.457434, -2.146571 52.457435, -2.146571 52.45756, -2.146759 52.457553, -2.146782 52.457719, -2.14669 52.457739, -2.146433 52.457759, -2.146134 52.457771, -2.146126 52.457798, -2.146136 52.457848, -2.146091 52.457854, -2.146078 52.457863, -2.146071 52.457886, -2.146137 52.45812, -2.146202 52.4583, -2.146675 52.458256, -2.146691 52.458283, -2.146861 52.458259, -2.146846 52.458225, -2.147143 52.458165, -2.147448 52.458087, -2.147565 52.458258, -2.147507 52.458273, -2.147584 52.458365, -2.147504 52.458387, -2.147618 52.458525, -2.147616 52.4586, -2.147761 52.45882, -2.147814 52.458808, -2.147856 52.458876)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.147859 52.457444)
Facts |
Notes | No Appraisal document. | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"dataset": "conservation-area",
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"start-date": "2005-09-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2022-12-22",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.147856 52.458876, -2.147979 52.459092, -2.147932 52.459131, -2.14796 52.459307, -2.147874 52.459314, -2.14791 52.459405, -2.148306 52.459395, -2.148306 52.459403, -2.148345 52.45941, -2.148372 52.459642, -2.148427 52.459643, -2.148425 52.459657, -2.148508 52.459665, -2.148511 52.459684, -2.1485 52.459687, -2.148511 52.459745, -2.148489 52.459746, -2.1485 52.459863, -2.14852 52.459868, -2.148517 52.459909, -2.148501 52.459944, -2.148473 52.459938, -2.148451 52.46006, -2.148595 52.460081, -2.148681 52.460085, -2.148781 52.460083, -2.14901 52.460049, -2.149354 52.45984, -2.149409 52.459791, -2.14947 52.459711, -2.149525 52.459592, -2.149589 52.459364, -2.149634 52.459098, -2.149634 52.45899, -2.149433 52.458217, -2.149383 52.458121, -2.14899 52.458109, -2.148847 52.458112, -2.14859 52.458088, -2.148625 52.45799, -2.148342 52.457982, -2.148364 52.457825, -2.147995 52.457806, -2.148059 52.457445, -2.148056 52.457385, -2.147972 52.457324, -2.14815 52.457233, -2.148263 52.457188, -2.148299 52.457163, -2.148314 52.457138, -2.148312 52.457118, -2.148299 52.457101, -2.148121 52.457012, -2.147807 52.456899, -2.147835 52.456731, -2.147874 52.456733, -2.147878 52.45669, -2.148011 52.456696, -2.148035 52.456484, -2.148069 52.456323, -2.148093 52.456142, -2.148366 52.456143, -2.148375 52.455941, -2.148457 52.455942, -2.148484 52.455934, -2.148494 52.455923, -2.14854 52.455555, -2.148437 52.455546, -2.14848 52.455314, -2.148577 52.455315, -2.14858 52.455209, -2.148512 52.455229, -2.148522 52.455207, -2.148615 52.454749, -2.148359 52.454721, -2.147801 52.454704, -2.147108 52.454713, -2.146543 52.4547, -2.146494 52.454705, -2.14644 52.454733, -2.146416 52.454779, -2.146426 52.454824, -2.14647 52.454877, -2.14658 52.454844, -2.146955 52.454864, -2.146937 52.455004, -2.147312 52.45503, -2.14731 52.455076, -2.147396 52.455125, -2.147374 52.455304, -2.147516 52.455313, -2.14751 52.455378, -2.14753 52.455381, -2.147525 52.455461, -2.147045 52.455432, -2.147039 52.455491, -2.147369 52.455508, -2.147315 52.455893, -2.147235 52.45589, -2.147213 52.45608, -2.146984 52.456067, -2.146968 52.456191, -2.146953 52.456194, -2.146953 52.456206, -2.147234 52.456239, -2.147228 52.456566, -2.147095 52.456553, -2.146997 52.456647, -2.146984 52.456689, -2.146913 52.456686, -2.146856 52.456913, -2.146702 52.456895, -2.146692 52.456931, -2.146549 52.45688, -2.146587 52.456842, -2.14661 52.456764, -2.146585 52.456761, -2.146601 52.456697, -2.146456 52.456677, -2.146432 52.456768, -2.146366 52.456761, -2.146398 52.456574, -2.146249 52.45657, -2.146226 52.456685, -2.146116 52.456746, -2.145971 52.456804, -2.145895 52.456845, -2.145913 52.45686, -2.145862 52.45691, -2.145797 52.457088, -2.145702 52.457281, -2.145843 52.457307, -2.145821 52.457421, -2.145983 52.457436, -2.146008 52.457427, -2.146025 52.457389, -2.146309 52.457406, -2.146315 52.457361, -2.146401 52.457369, -2.146419 52.457382, -2.146481 52.457381, -2.146479 52.457434, -2.146571 52.457435, -2.146571 52.45756, -2.146759 52.457553, -2.146782 52.457719, -2.14669 52.457739, -2.146433 52.457759, -2.146134 52.457771, -2.146126 52.457798, -2.146136 52.457848, -2.146091 52.457854, -2.146078 52.457863, -2.146071 52.457886, -2.146137 52.45812, -2.146202 52.4583, -2.146675 52.458256, -2.146691 52.458283, -2.146861 52.458259, -2.146846 52.458225, -2.147143 52.458165, -2.147448 52.458087, -2.147565 52.458258, -2.147507 52.458273, -2.147584 52.458365, -2.147504 52.458387, -2.147618 52.458525, -2.147616 52.4586, -2.147761 52.45882, -2.147814 52.458808, -2.147856 52.458876)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.147859 52.457444)",
"entity": 44008223,
"notes": "No Appraisal document.",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.