Conservation area

Roe Green / Beesley Green conservation area

Field Value Fact links
Reference HE1/12 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name Roe Green / Beesley Green conservation area Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation Salford City Council no fact link
Start date 2019-01-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 1970-01-01 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.382145 53.508023, -2.382136 53.507976, -2.382137 53.507923, -2.382268 53.507764, -2.382692 53.507417, -2.382744 53.507359, -2.382793 53.507287, -2.382832 53.507191, -2.382829 53.507129, -2.382803 53.507072, -2.382768 53.507022, -2.382705 53.506977, -2.382581 53.506937, -2.381693 53.506711, -2.380802 53.506464, -2.380666 53.506436, -2.380537 53.506422, -2.38042 53.506427, -2.38035 53.506439, -2.38 53.506549, -2.378796 53.506831, -2.378626 53.506854, -2.378304 53.506845, -2.377096 53.506764, -2.377045 53.506756, -2.376986 53.506734, -2.376891 53.50667, -2.376834 53.506642, -2.376813 53.506652, -2.376496 53.50684, -2.375112 53.507719, -2.374597 53.507989, -2.374488 53.50806, -2.374485 53.508069, -2.374 53.508381, -2.373877 53.508454, -2.373862 53.508456, -2.373742 53.508533, -2.373889 53.508849, -2.373955 53.508965, -2.374013 53.509048, -2.374019 53.509073, -2.374012 53.50909, -2.374077 53.509161, -2.374116 53.509178, -2.374302 53.509352, -2.374205 53.509395, 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-2.37861 53.511905, -2.378636 53.511876, -2.379137 53.512067, -2.379242 53.512115, -2.379216 53.512137, -2.379439 53.512227, -2.379273 53.512449, -2.379505 53.512505, -2.379672 53.512524, -2.379701 53.512496, -2.379859 53.512535, -2.380016 53.512655, -2.380145 53.512931, -2.380209 53.512973, -2.380266 53.513059, -2.380397 53.513052, -2.380605 53.513015, -2.38088 53.513109, -2.381062 53.513147, -2.381181 53.513157, -2.381335 53.513157, -2.381469 53.51314, -2.381629 53.513094, -2.381643 53.513083, -2.381759 53.512976, -2.381909 53.512699, -2.381208 53.512677, -2.381199 53.51267, -2.380957 53.512659, -2.380994 53.51248, -2.381008 53.512468, -2.381014 53.512436, -2.38106 53.512344, -2.38134 53.512123, -2.381428 53.512151, -2.38158 53.512028, -2.381606 53.512018, -2.381703 53.511949, -2.381688 53.511942, -2.381843 53.51182, -2.381973 53.511787, -2.382009 53.511768, -2.382101 53.511682, -2.382113 53.511662, -2.382181 53.511606, -2.382187 53.51159, -2.382179 53.511507, -2.382193 53.511471, 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-2.382145 53.508023))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.379012 53.509749) Facts
Designation date 1981-01-01 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "Roe Green / Beesley Green conservation area",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "301",
    "start-date": "2019-01-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "1970-01-01",
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53.511887, -2.37861 53.511905, -2.378636 53.511876, -2.379137 53.512067, -2.379242 53.512115, -2.379216 53.512137, -2.379439 53.512227, -2.379273 53.512449, -2.379505 53.512505, -2.379672 53.512524, -2.379701 53.512496, -2.379859 53.512535, -2.380016 53.512655, -2.380145 53.512931, -2.380209 53.512973, -2.380266 53.513059, -2.380397 53.513052, -2.380605 53.513015, -2.38088 53.513109, -2.381062 53.513147, -2.381181 53.513157, -2.381335 53.513157, -2.381469 53.51314, -2.381629 53.513094, -2.381643 53.513083, -2.381759 53.512976, -2.381909 53.512699, -2.381208 53.512677, -2.381199 53.51267, -2.380957 53.512659, -2.380994 53.51248, -2.381008 53.512468, -2.381014 53.512436, -2.38106 53.512344, -2.38134 53.512123, -2.381428 53.512151, -2.38158 53.512028, -2.381606 53.512018, -2.381703 53.511949, -2.381688 53.511942, -2.381843 53.51182, -2.381973 53.511787, -2.382009 53.511768, -2.382101 53.511682, -2.382113 53.511662, -2.382181 53.511606, -2.382187 53.51159, -2.382179 53.511507, -2.382193 53.511471, -2.382404 53.511274, -2.382476 53.511292, -2.383033 53.51135, -2.384044 53.511482, -2.384488 53.511527, -2.385027 53.511568, -2.385137 53.511295, -2.385102 53.511281, -2.385052 53.511274, -2.385151 53.511044, -2.385143 53.510937, -2.385145 53.510702, -2.385138 53.510553, -2.385091 53.510082, -2.384809 53.510138, -2.384596 53.510192, -2.384463 53.510236, -2.384376 53.509997, -2.38439 53.509738, -2.384257 53.509582, -2.38415 53.509485, -2.38374 53.509632, -2.383587 53.509486, -2.383558 53.509468, -2.383506 53.50947, -2.383398 53.509373, -2.383271 53.509409, -2.383264 53.509401, -2.383155 53.509431, -2.3828 53.509288, -2.382736 53.509254, -2.382679 53.509256, -2.38257 53.509243, -2.382421 53.509196, -2.382334 53.509154, -2.382127 53.509029, -2.381923 53.508929, -2.381905 53.508895, -2.381894 53.508807, -2.381869 53.508739, -2.38186 53.50868, -2.381796 53.508582, -2.381774 53.508509, -2.381773 53.508476, -2.381864 53.508323, -2.38186 53.508252, -2.381998 53.508181, -2.382212 53.508092, -2.382145 53.508023)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.379012 53.509749)",
    "entity": 44005163,
    "designation-date": "1981-01-01",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area