Conservation area

Hendon Church End

Field Value Fact links
Reference CA08 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name Hendon Church End Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation London Borough of Barnet no fact link
Start date 1983-07-27 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-06-05 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.226838 51.592528, -0.226851 51.592577, -0.226963 51.592383, -0.22795 51.592434, -0.227955 51.591877, -0.228321 51.591876, -0.228921 51.59185, -0.228913 51.591492, -0.228664 51.591525, -0.228643 51.591519, -0.228621 51.591535, -0.228569 51.591509, -0.22855 51.591191, -0.22862 51.591189, -0.228614 51.591144, -0.22864 51.591115, -0.228623 51.590905, -0.228112 51.590863, -0.228103 51.590952, -0.227993 51.590973, -0.227924 51.590842, -0.227933 51.59082, -0.227868 51.590813, -0.227959 51.590473, -0.227942 51.590471, -0.227985 51.590308, -0.227829 51.590295, -0.227841 51.590023, -0.227615 51.589885, -0.227541 51.58985, -0.227311 51.589904, -0.22733 51.589751, -0.227003 51.589728, -0.22645 51.589729, -0.226455 51.589759, -0.226233 51.589736, -0.226089 51.589732, -0.226094 51.589949, -0.226733 51.589948, -0.226861 51.590365, -0.22685 51.590394, -0.22682 51.590411, -0.22644 51.590491, -0.22635 51.590548, -0.226322 51.590583, -0.226316 51.59062, -0.22632 51.590663, -0.226415 51.591043, -0.226402 51.591344, -0.226564 51.591818, -0.226607 51.591804, -0.22661 51.591812, -0.226715 51.592143, -0.226778 51.59239, -0.226838 51.592528))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.227392 51.591148) Facts
Designation date 1983-01-01 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "CA08",
    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "Hendon Church End",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "48",
    "start-date": "1983-07-27",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-06-05",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.226838 51.592528, -0.226851 51.592577, -0.226963 51.592383, -0.22795 51.592434, -0.227955 51.591877, -0.228321 51.591876, -0.228921 51.59185, -0.228913 51.591492, -0.228664 51.591525, -0.228643 51.591519, -0.228621 51.591535, -0.228569 51.591509, -0.22855 51.591191, -0.22862 51.591189, -0.228614 51.591144, -0.22864 51.591115, -0.228623 51.590905, -0.228112 51.590863, -0.228103 51.590952, -0.227993 51.590973, -0.227924 51.590842, -0.227933 51.59082, -0.227868 51.590813, -0.227959 51.590473, -0.227942 51.590471, -0.227985 51.590308, -0.227829 51.590295, -0.227841 51.590023, -0.227615 51.589885, -0.227541 51.58985, -0.227311 51.589904, -0.22733 51.589751, -0.227003 51.589728, -0.22645 51.589729, -0.226455 51.589759, -0.226233 51.589736, -0.226089 51.589732, -0.226094 51.589949, -0.226733 51.589948, -0.226861 51.590365, -0.22685 51.590394, -0.22682 51.590411, -0.22644 51.590491, -0.22635 51.590548, -0.226322 51.590583, -0.226316 51.59062, -0.22632 51.590663, -0.226415 51.591043, -0.226402 51.591344, -0.226564 51.591818, -0.226607 51.591804, -0.22661 51.591812, -0.226715 51.592143, -0.226778 51.59239, -0.226838 51.592528)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.227392 51.591148)",
    "entity": 44002415,
    "designation-date": "1983-01-01",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area