Conservation area


Field Value Fact links
Reference 53 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name ASTHALL Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation West Oxfordshire District Council no fact link
Start date 1993-03-03 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2020-09-05 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.576598 51.807092, -1.579095 51.806857, -1.579226 51.8068, -1.579478 51.806735, -1.579502 51.806654, -1.579523 51.806635, -1.579644 51.806441, -1.579884 51.80621, -1.580027 51.806045, -1.580064 51.805982, -1.580094 51.805875, -1.580278 51.805342, -1.580373 51.805029, -1.580436 51.804627, -1.580452 51.804598, -1.580436 51.804359, -1.580445 51.804264, -1.580317 51.803926, -1.580259 51.803751, -1.581188 51.803652, -1.583475 51.803385, -1.584456 51.803293, -1.584401 51.802993, -1.5842 51.802464, -1.584118 51.802187, -1.58463 51.802168, -1.585188 51.802186, -1.585454 51.802181, -1.585711 51.802152, -1.585814 51.802133, -1.585984 51.802096, -1.586071 51.802061, -1.586195 51.801736, -1.586253 51.801541, -1.586311 51.80141, -1.587228 51.800541, -1.587364 51.800339, -1.58742 51.800224, -1.587474 51.80002, -1.587491 51.799739, -1.588005 51.799623, -1.58833 51.799537, -1.588357 51.799525, -1.588376 51.799504, -1.588423 51.799212, -1.588492 51.798612, -1.588472 51.798436, -1.588414 51.79819, -1.588366 51.797924, -1.588294 51.797719, -1.588293 51.7977, -1.588408 51.797657, -1.588428 51.797634, -1.588396 51.797472, -1.588306 51.797223, -1.588993 51.797278, -1.589221 51.796938, -1.589607 51.796402, -1.58971 51.796245, -1.589066 51.796088, -1.588132 51.796272, -1.587772 51.796334, -1.587437 51.796481, -1.586992 51.796644, -1.586469 51.796858, -1.58566 51.797289, -1.585002 51.797616, -1.584658 51.7974, -1.584134 51.797622, -1.584123 51.797697, -1.583796 51.797704, -1.583798 51.797749, -1.583632 51.797753, -1.583629 51.797742, -1.583455 51.797581, -1.578688 51.797801, -1.578607 51.797611, -1.578587 51.797051, -1.578575 51.796908, -1.576907 51.796903, -1.576476 51.796889, -1.576422 51.796717, -1.573927 51.79723, -1.574024 51.797263, -1.575334 51.799605, -1.5755 51.799845, -1.575835 51.800444, -1.57583 51.800506, -1.575391 51.800717, -1.57519 51.800823, -1.574872 51.801027, -1.574441 51.801332, -1.574264 51.801308, -1.574211 51.801312, -1.574143 51.801335, -1.574088 51.801381, -1.573967 51.80151, -1.573872 51.801592, -1.573826 51.801678, -1.574048 51.801715, -1.574149 51.801754, -1.574185 51.801779, -1.574214 51.801804, -1.574252 51.801869, -1.574264 51.801912, -1.574256 51.802063, -1.574262 51.80209, -1.574336 51.802228, -1.574522 51.802339, -1.574768 51.802468, -1.57524 51.802666, -1.575428 51.80272, -1.575599 51.802742, -1.575903 51.802764, -1.576219 51.802729, -1.576276 51.802914, -1.576218 51.802922, -1.57614 51.802958, -1.576069 51.803002, -1.57603 51.803041, -1.575837 51.802977, -1.575667 51.803164, -1.575635 51.803228, -1.575634 51.803276, -1.575673 51.803308, -1.575788 51.803353, -1.575461 51.803699, -1.575559 51.803774, -1.575745 51.803675, -1.575966 51.803595, -1.576172 51.80353, -1.57631 51.803517, -1.576352 51.803524, -1.576663 51.803627, -1.577168 51.80377, -1.577146 51.804396, -1.577109 51.804628, -1.57686 51.805885, -1.576831 51.806076, -1.576598 51.807092))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.580799 51.800702) Facts
Notes Polygons on interactive map. No appraisal document Facts
Designation date 1993-03-03 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "53",
    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "ASTHALL",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "383",
    "start-date": "1993-03-03",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2020-09-05",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.576598 51.807092, -1.579095 51.806857, -1.579226 51.8068, -1.579478 51.806735, -1.579502 51.806654, -1.579523 51.806635, -1.579644 51.806441, -1.579884 51.80621, -1.580027 51.806045, -1.580064 51.805982, -1.580094 51.805875, -1.580278 51.805342, -1.580373 51.805029, -1.580436 51.804627, -1.580452 51.804598, -1.580436 51.804359, -1.580445 51.804264, -1.580317 51.803926, -1.580259 51.803751, -1.581188 51.803652, -1.583475 51.803385, -1.584456 51.803293, -1.584401 51.802993, -1.5842 51.802464, -1.584118 51.802187, -1.58463 51.802168, -1.585188 51.802186, -1.585454 51.802181, -1.585711 51.802152, -1.585814 51.802133, -1.585984 51.802096, -1.586071 51.802061, -1.586195 51.801736, -1.586253 51.801541, -1.586311 51.80141, -1.587228 51.800541, -1.587364 51.800339, -1.58742 51.800224, -1.587474 51.80002, -1.587491 51.799739, -1.588005 51.799623, -1.58833 51.799537, -1.588357 51.799525, -1.588376 51.799504, -1.588423 51.799212, -1.588492 51.798612, -1.588472 51.798436, -1.588414 51.79819, -1.588366 51.797924, -1.588294 51.797719, -1.588293 51.7977, -1.588408 51.797657, -1.588428 51.797634, -1.588396 51.797472, -1.588306 51.797223, -1.588993 51.797278, -1.589221 51.796938, -1.589607 51.796402, -1.58971 51.796245, -1.589066 51.796088, -1.588132 51.796272, -1.587772 51.796334, -1.587437 51.796481, -1.586992 51.796644, -1.586469 51.796858, -1.58566 51.797289, -1.585002 51.797616, -1.584658 51.7974, -1.584134 51.797622, -1.584123 51.797697, -1.583796 51.797704, -1.583798 51.797749, -1.583632 51.797753, -1.583629 51.797742, -1.583455 51.797581, -1.578688 51.797801, -1.578607 51.797611, -1.578587 51.797051, -1.578575 51.796908, -1.576907 51.796903, -1.576476 51.796889, -1.576422 51.796717, -1.573927 51.79723, -1.574024 51.797263, -1.575334 51.799605, -1.5755 51.799845, -1.575835 51.800444, -1.57583 51.800506, -1.575391 51.800717, -1.57519 51.800823, -1.574872 51.801027, -1.574441 51.801332, -1.574264 51.801308, -1.574211 51.801312, -1.574143 51.801335, -1.574088 51.801381, -1.573967 51.80151, -1.573872 51.801592, -1.573826 51.801678, -1.574048 51.801715, -1.574149 51.801754, -1.574185 51.801779, -1.574214 51.801804, -1.574252 51.801869, -1.574264 51.801912, -1.574256 51.802063, -1.574262 51.80209, -1.574336 51.802228, -1.574522 51.802339, -1.574768 51.802468, -1.57524 51.802666, -1.575428 51.80272, -1.575599 51.802742, -1.575903 51.802764, -1.576219 51.802729, -1.576276 51.802914, -1.576218 51.802922, -1.57614 51.802958, -1.576069 51.803002, -1.57603 51.803041, -1.575837 51.802977, -1.575667 51.803164, -1.575635 51.803228, -1.575634 51.803276, -1.575673 51.803308, -1.575788 51.803353, -1.575461 51.803699, -1.575559 51.803774, -1.575745 51.803675, -1.575966 51.803595, -1.576172 51.80353, -1.57631 51.803517, -1.576352 51.803524, -1.576663 51.803627, -1.577168 51.80377, -1.577146 51.804396, -1.577109 51.804628, -1.57686 51.805885, -1.576831 51.806076, -1.576598 51.807092)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.580799 51.800702)",
    "entity": 44001907,
    "notes": "Polygons on interactive map. No appraisal document",
    "designation-date": "1993-03-03",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area