Conservation area

Pelsall Common

Field Value Fact links
Reference 109 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name Pelsall Common Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1979-03-02 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-13 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.970615 52.62476, -1.970458 52.624733, -1.970581 52.624494, -1.969868 52.624351, -1.970045 52.623837, -1.970706 52.62382, -1.970779 52.623611, -1.970469 52.623554, -1.969967 52.623475, -1.970386 52.622602, -1.970893 52.622687, -1.971107 52.622339, -1.970574 52.622225, -1.970633 52.622118, -1.970562 52.622112, -1.970623 52.621985, -1.970939 52.621653, -1.970975 52.621663, -1.971007 52.621627, -1.970797 52.621574, -1.971204 52.621136, -1.971606 52.620764, -1.97085 52.620472, -1.970833 52.620489, -1.970755 52.620457, -1.970774 52.620436, -1.970227 52.620226, -1.970211 52.620241, -1.970187 52.620231, -1.970201 52.620219, -1.970041 52.620149, -1.970017 52.620162, -1.969984 52.620148, -1.969996 52.620136, -1.969925 52.620104, -1.969918 52.620109, -1.969834 52.620069, -1.969823 52.620078, -1.969693 52.620019, -1.96967 52.620024, -1.969687 52.62001, -1.969664 52.619997, -1.969657 52.620002, -1.969615 52.619982, -1.96959 52.620001, -1.969439 52.619961, -1.969432 52.619966, -1.96939 52.619955, -1.969197 52.619743, -1.969008 52.619824, -1.968803 52.61993, -1.968715 52.619828, -1.968507 52.619615, -1.968415 52.619544, -1.968175 52.619645, -1.968016 52.619718, -1.967953 52.619756, -1.967856 52.619733, -1.967682 52.619724, -1.967583 52.619741, -1.967524 52.619762, -1.967469 52.619817, -1.967462 52.620222, -1.966175 52.620207, -1.965876 52.620196, -1.965705 52.62028, -1.965388 52.620461, -1.965326 52.620798, -1.964844 52.622993, -1.964626 52.623915, -1.964533 52.624257, -1.964337 52.625195, -1.964245 52.625381, -1.964195 52.625596, -1.964097 52.626349, -1.964666 52.626397, -1.965061 52.627121, -1.965049 52.627122, -1.96503 52.627223, -1.965231 52.627461, -1.96542 52.627807, -1.96545 52.627848, -1.965178 52.627957, -1.96522 52.628036, -1.965342 52.628434, -1.96575 52.629827, -1.966007 52.62981, -1.966028 52.62985, -1.966123 52.630142, -1.966332 52.63013, -1.966305 52.630336, -1.966321 52.631277, -1.966157 52.631316, -1.966275 52.631592, -1.966666 52.632664, -1.966842 52.633114, -1.967745 52.632951, -1.968256 52.632613, -1.968938 52.632091, -1.970262 52.63126, -1.970466 52.631116, -1.971023 52.630692, -1.971524 52.630293, -1.972124 52.629883, -1.971685 52.629574, -1.971607 52.629511, -1.971088 52.629775, -1.971035 52.629774, -1.970778 52.629918, -1.970778 52.629941, -1.97026 52.630188, -1.970366 52.63027, -1.969953 52.630407, -1.969869 52.630342, -1.969469 52.630533, -1.969305 52.63042, -1.969168 52.630354, -1.969125 52.630304, -1.968908 52.630133, -1.96892 52.630128, -1.968729 52.629687, -1.968685 52.629604, -1.968684 52.629583, -1.968633 52.629481, -1.968602 52.629353, -1.968995 52.629206, -1.969496 52.629005, -1.969491 52.629, -1.969547 52.628975, -1.969555 52.628982, -1.969901 52.628826, -1.969917 52.62884, -1.970014 52.628798, -1.970012 52.628784, -1.97008 52.628756, -1.970257 52.628689, -1.970326 52.628667, -1.970346 52.628668, -1.97043 52.628636, -1.970407 52.628614, -1.970515 52.628561, -1.970821 52.628433, -1.971122 52.628282, -1.971134 52.628277, -1.971142 52.628283, -1.971518 52.628122, -1.971649 52.628061, -1.971638 52.628052, -1.972021 52.627893, -1.972199 52.627832, -1.972278 52.62778, -1.972297 52.627778, -1.972354 52.627743, -1.972355 52.627731, -1.972495 52.627673, -1.971879 52.627414, -1.971455 52.627226, -1.971271 52.627149, -1.971194 52.627127, -1.971225 52.627082, -1.971318 52.62676, -1.971561 52.626191, -1.971659 52.626001, -1.971676 52.626004, -1.971723 52.625917, -1.97171 52.625908, -1.971718 52.62591, -1.971758 52.625839, -1.971724 52.625832, -1.971865 52.625588, -1.972077 52.625439, -1.972314 52.625026, -1.972281 52.625012, -1.971937 52.624933, -1.971912 52.624914, -1.971704 52.624849, -1.971625 52.624966, -1.971472 52.624917, -1.970615 52.62476))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.968025 52.625816) Facts
Notes No appraisal document Facts
Designation date 1979-03-02 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "109",
    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "Pelsall Common",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1979-03-02",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-13",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.970615 52.62476, -1.970458 52.624733, -1.970581 52.624494, -1.969868 52.624351, -1.970045 52.623837, -1.970706 52.62382, -1.970779 52.623611, -1.970469 52.623554, -1.969967 52.623475, -1.970386 52.622602, -1.970893 52.622687, -1.971107 52.622339, -1.970574 52.622225, -1.970633 52.622118, -1.970562 52.622112, -1.970623 52.621985, -1.970939 52.621653, -1.970975 52.621663, -1.971007 52.621627, -1.970797 52.621574, -1.971204 52.621136, -1.971606 52.620764, -1.97085 52.620472, -1.970833 52.620489, -1.970755 52.620457, -1.970774 52.620436, -1.970227 52.620226, -1.970211 52.620241, -1.970187 52.620231, -1.970201 52.620219, -1.970041 52.620149, -1.970017 52.620162, -1.969984 52.620148, -1.969996 52.620136, -1.969925 52.620104, -1.969918 52.620109, -1.969834 52.620069, -1.969823 52.620078, -1.969693 52.620019, -1.96967 52.620024, -1.969687 52.62001, -1.969664 52.619997, -1.969657 52.620002, -1.969615 52.619982, -1.96959 52.620001, -1.969439 52.619961, -1.969432 52.619966, -1.96939 52.619955, -1.969197 52.619743, -1.969008 52.619824, -1.968803 52.61993, -1.968715 52.619828, -1.968507 52.619615, -1.968415 52.619544, -1.968175 52.619645, -1.968016 52.619718, -1.967953 52.619756, -1.967856 52.619733, -1.967682 52.619724, -1.967583 52.619741, -1.967524 52.619762, -1.967469 52.619817, -1.967462 52.620222, -1.966175 52.620207, -1.965876 52.620196, -1.965705 52.62028, -1.965388 52.620461, -1.965326 52.620798, -1.964844 52.622993, -1.964626 52.623915, -1.964533 52.624257, -1.964337 52.625195, -1.964245 52.625381, -1.964195 52.625596, -1.964097 52.626349, -1.964666 52.626397, -1.965061 52.627121, -1.965049 52.627122, -1.96503 52.627223, -1.965231 52.627461, -1.96542 52.627807, -1.96545 52.627848, -1.965178 52.627957, -1.96522 52.628036, -1.965342 52.628434, -1.96575 52.629827, -1.966007 52.62981, -1.966028 52.62985, -1.966123 52.630142, -1.966332 52.63013, -1.966305 52.630336, -1.966321 52.631277, -1.966157 52.631316, -1.966275 52.631592, -1.966666 52.632664, -1.966842 52.633114, -1.967745 52.632951, -1.968256 52.632613, -1.968938 52.632091, -1.970262 52.63126, -1.970466 52.631116, -1.971023 52.630692, -1.971524 52.630293, -1.972124 52.629883, -1.971685 52.629574, -1.971607 52.629511, -1.971088 52.629775, -1.971035 52.629774, -1.970778 52.629918, -1.970778 52.629941, -1.97026 52.630188, -1.970366 52.63027, -1.969953 52.630407, -1.969869 52.630342, -1.969469 52.630533, -1.969305 52.63042, -1.969168 52.630354, -1.969125 52.630304, -1.968908 52.630133, -1.96892 52.630128, -1.968729 52.629687, -1.968685 52.629604, -1.968684 52.629583, -1.968633 52.629481, -1.968602 52.629353, -1.968995 52.629206, -1.969496 52.629005, -1.969491 52.629, -1.969547 52.628975, -1.969555 52.628982, -1.969901 52.628826, -1.969917 52.62884, -1.970014 52.628798, -1.970012 52.628784, -1.97008 52.628756, -1.970257 52.628689, -1.970326 52.628667, -1.970346 52.628668, -1.97043 52.628636, -1.970407 52.628614, -1.970515 52.628561, -1.970821 52.628433, -1.971122 52.628282, -1.971134 52.628277, -1.971142 52.628283, -1.971518 52.628122, -1.971649 52.628061, -1.971638 52.628052, -1.972021 52.627893, -1.972199 52.627832, -1.972278 52.62778, -1.972297 52.627778, -1.972354 52.627743, -1.972355 52.627731, -1.972495 52.627673, -1.971879 52.627414, -1.971455 52.627226, -1.971271 52.627149, -1.971194 52.627127, -1.971225 52.627082, -1.971318 52.62676, -1.971561 52.626191, -1.971659 52.626001, -1.971676 52.626004, -1.971723 52.625917, -1.97171 52.625908, -1.971718 52.62591, -1.971758 52.625839, -1.971724 52.625832, -1.971865 52.625588, -1.972077 52.625439, -1.972314 52.625026, -1.972281 52.625012, -1.971937 52.624933, -1.971912 52.624914, -1.971704 52.624849, -1.971625 52.624966, -1.971472 52.624917, -1.970615 52.62476)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.968025 52.625816)",
    "entity": 44000416,
    "notes": "No appraisal document",
    "designation-date": "1979-03-02",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area