Conservation area


Field Value Fact links
Reference 6867 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name Hempstead Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1975-02-28 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-11-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.127463 52.891446, 1.127477 52.891502, 1.127181 52.891533, 1.127057 52.891186, 1.127031 52.891077, 1.127035 52.891, 1.126435 52.891037, 1.126285 52.890911, 1.126047 52.890753, 1.125913 52.8907, 1.125713 52.890682, 1.125695 52.890666, 1.125761 52.890364, 1.125719 52.890226, 1.12569 52.890042, 1.125636 52.889917, 1.125565 52.88981, 1.125562 52.889774, 1.125769 52.889727, 1.125858 52.889699, 1.125922 52.88966, 1.126117 52.889567, 1.126215 52.88953, 1.126614 52.889485, 1.126614 52.889335, 1.126886 52.889338, 1.126882 52.889164, 1.126891 52.888927, 1.126693 52.888934, 1.126321 52.888915, 1.126135 52.888916, 1.126071 52.888865, 1.126081 52.888716, 1.126252 52.888718, 1.126284 52.888575, 1.126253 52.888568, 1.126244 52.888546, 1.126276 52.888521, 1.12633 52.888364, 1.12655 52.888371, 1.126658 52.888348, 1.126724 52.887924, 1.126716 52.887629, 1.126728 52.887228, 1.126689 52.887163, 1.126668 52.887168, 1.126656 52.887146, 1.126677 52.887143, 1.126606 52.887003, 1.126571 52.887009, 1.126535 52.886948, 1.12651 52.886786, 1.126196 52.886197, 1.125799 52.885778, 1.125674 52.885635, 1.125253 52.885715, 1.125184 52.885616, 1.125122 52.885458, 1.12508 52.885411, 1.124999 52.885395, 1.124907 52.885388, 1.124777 52.885361, 1.124799 52.885174, 1.12472 52.884766, 1.124907 52.884686, 1.12512 52.88458, 1.125225 52.884541, 1.125252 52.884587, 1.125304 52.884648, 1.125765 52.884955, 1.126127 52.88521, 1.126169 52.885261, 1.126212 52.88538, 1.126968 52.886224, 1.127006 52.886275, 1.127071 52.8864, 1.127116 52.886469, 1.127147 52.886571, 1.127193 52.886622, 1.12725 52.886645, 1.127996 52.886648, 1.128169 52.886633, 1.128589 52.886626, 1.128754 52.886675, 1.129011 52.886668, 1.129197 52.886651, 1.129582 52.886649, 1.130183 52.886601, 1.131155 52.886592, 1.131285 52.886579, 1.131274 52.886496, 1.131267 52.886301, 1.131272 52.886215, 1.131984 52.886236, 1.132613 52.88624, 1.132443 52.886388, 1.132381 52.88643, 1.132258 52.886481, 1.132192 52.886487, 1.132189 52.886561, 1.132263 52.886896, 1.13226 52.88691, 1.132227 52.88693, 1.132096 52.886947, 1.13194 52.88695, 1.131851 52.886941, 1.131742 52.886907, 1.131607 52.886913, 1.131461 52.886927, 1.131466 52.886967, 1.131393 52.886969, 1.131391 52.88698, 1.131306 52.886987, 1.13132 52.886931, 1.131067 52.886934, 1.130781 52.886984, 1.130767 52.887014, 1.130789 52.8871, 1.130398 52.887098, 1.129871 52.887114, 1.12941 52.887157, 1.128806 52.8872, 1.12881 52.887267, 1.128669 52.887285, 1.128641 52.88738, 1.128589 52.887479, 1.12847 52.887486, 1.128492 52.887608, 1.128488 52.887683, 1.128456 52.88775, 1.128426 52.887777, 1.128387 52.887797, 1.128432 52.88783, 1.128407 52.887839, 1.12842 52.887882, 1.128495 52.888059, 1.12871 52.888701, 1.128804 52.888688, 1.128844 52.888838, 1.12884 52.888922, 1.128655 52.888916, 1.128653 52.88908, 1.128858 52.88947, 1.128861 52.889521, 1.12885 52.889574, 1.128848 52.889896, 1.1291 52.889886, 1.129037 52.889994, 1.129018 52.890046, 1.128983 52.890107, 1.129001 52.890386, 1.129265 52.890393, 1.129326 52.890778, 1.129112 52.890772, 1.128939 52.890895, 1.128724 52.891134, 1.128665 52.891183, 1.128274 52.891207, 1.12816 52.891222, 1.128232 52.891394, 1.128038 52.891412, 1.127969 52.89139, 1.127463 52.891446))) Facts
Point POINT (1.127737 52.888417) Facts
Designation date 1975-02-28 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "6867",
    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "Hempstead",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1975-02-28",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-11-12",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.127463 52.891446, 1.127477 52.891502, 1.127181 52.891533, 1.127057 52.891186, 1.127031 52.891077, 1.127035 52.891, 1.126435 52.891037, 1.126285 52.890911, 1.126047 52.890753, 1.125913 52.8907, 1.125713 52.890682, 1.125695 52.890666, 1.125761 52.890364, 1.125719 52.890226, 1.12569 52.890042, 1.125636 52.889917, 1.125565 52.88981, 1.125562 52.889774, 1.125769 52.889727, 1.125858 52.889699, 1.125922 52.88966, 1.126117 52.889567, 1.126215 52.88953, 1.126614 52.889485, 1.126614 52.889335, 1.126886 52.889338, 1.126882 52.889164, 1.126891 52.888927, 1.126693 52.888934, 1.126321 52.888915, 1.126135 52.888916, 1.126071 52.888865, 1.126081 52.888716, 1.126252 52.888718, 1.126284 52.888575, 1.126253 52.888568, 1.126244 52.888546, 1.126276 52.888521, 1.12633 52.888364, 1.12655 52.888371, 1.126658 52.888348, 1.126724 52.887924, 1.126716 52.887629, 1.126728 52.887228, 1.126689 52.887163, 1.126668 52.887168, 1.126656 52.887146, 1.126677 52.887143, 1.126606 52.887003, 1.126571 52.887009, 1.126535 52.886948, 1.12651 52.886786, 1.126196 52.886197, 1.125799 52.885778, 1.125674 52.885635, 1.125253 52.885715, 1.125184 52.885616, 1.125122 52.885458, 1.12508 52.885411, 1.124999 52.885395, 1.124907 52.885388, 1.124777 52.885361, 1.124799 52.885174, 1.12472 52.884766, 1.124907 52.884686, 1.12512 52.88458, 1.125225 52.884541, 1.125252 52.884587, 1.125304 52.884648, 1.125765 52.884955, 1.126127 52.88521, 1.126169 52.885261, 1.126212 52.88538, 1.126968 52.886224, 1.127006 52.886275, 1.127071 52.8864, 1.127116 52.886469, 1.127147 52.886571, 1.127193 52.886622, 1.12725 52.886645, 1.127996 52.886648, 1.128169 52.886633, 1.128589 52.886626, 1.128754 52.886675, 1.129011 52.886668, 1.129197 52.886651, 1.129582 52.886649, 1.130183 52.886601, 1.131155 52.886592, 1.131285 52.886579, 1.131274 52.886496, 1.131267 52.886301, 1.131272 52.886215, 1.131984 52.886236, 1.132613 52.88624, 1.132443 52.886388, 1.132381 52.88643, 1.132258 52.886481, 1.132192 52.886487, 1.132189 52.886561, 1.132263 52.886896, 1.13226 52.88691, 1.132227 52.88693, 1.132096 52.886947, 1.13194 52.88695, 1.131851 52.886941, 1.131742 52.886907, 1.131607 52.886913, 1.131461 52.886927, 1.131466 52.886967, 1.131393 52.886969, 1.131391 52.88698, 1.131306 52.886987, 1.13132 52.886931, 1.131067 52.886934, 1.130781 52.886984, 1.130767 52.887014, 1.130789 52.8871, 1.130398 52.887098, 1.129871 52.887114, 1.12941 52.887157, 1.128806 52.8872, 1.12881 52.887267, 1.128669 52.887285, 1.128641 52.88738, 1.128589 52.887479, 1.12847 52.887486, 1.128492 52.887608, 1.128488 52.887683, 1.128456 52.88775, 1.128426 52.887777, 1.128387 52.887797, 1.128432 52.88783, 1.128407 52.887839, 1.12842 52.887882, 1.128495 52.888059, 1.12871 52.888701, 1.128804 52.888688, 1.128844 52.888838, 1.12884 52.888922, 1.128655 52.888916, 1.128653 52.88908, 1.128858 52.88947, 1.128861 52.889521, 1.12885 52.889574, 1.128848 52.889896, 1.1291 52.889886, 1.129037 52.889994, 1.129018 52.890046, 1.128983 52.890107, 1.129001 52.890386, 1.129265 52.890393, 1.129326 52.890778, 1.129112 52.890772, 1.128939 52.890895, 1.128724 52.891134, 1.128665 52.891183, 1.128274 52.891207, 1.12816 52.891222, 1.128232 52.891394, 1.128038 52.891412, 1.127969 52.89139, 1.127463 52.891446)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.127737 52.888417)",
    "entity": 44000164,
    "designation-date": "1975-02-28"

© Historic England 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area