Conservation area


Field Value Fact links
Reference 3202 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name Glynde Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1996-03-13 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-13 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.068967 50.865006, 0.068206 50.866573, 0.067839 50.867348, 0.066488 50.867202, 0.066524 50.866918, 0.066532 50.866782, 0.066531 50.866569, 0.066475 50.866264, 0.066408 50.866037, 0.066336 50.865738, 0.066171 50.865615, 0.06613 50.865604, 0.066258 50.865542, 0.06636 50.865477, 0.065825 50.865005, 0.065762 50.865032, 0.065656 50.864914, 0.065514 50.86472, 0.065273 50.864308, 0.065846 50.864172, 0.06688 50.863832, 0.067052 50.863881, 0.067213 50.863866, 0.067413 50.86376, 0.067442 50.863727, 0.067448 50.863701, 0.067353 50.863672, 0.067292 50.863617, 0.067404 50.863494, 0.067339 50.863427, 0.067079 50.863082, 0.066881 50.862793, 0.067837 50.8623, 0.067789 50.862254, 0.067962 50.862209, 0.067956 50.862193, 0.067737 50.861942, 0.068023 50.861838, 0.067927 50.861766, 0.067717 50.861655, 0.067462 50.861568, 0.067239 50.861533, 0.067121 50.861534, 0.06699 50.861549, 0.066205 50.861721, 0.06618 50.861959, 0.066143 50.862038, 0.066157 50.862077, 0.066098 50.862108, 0.066073 50.862136, 0.063817 50.86209, 0.063691 50.861798, 0.063858 50.86165, 0.063993 50.861276, 0.063883 50.861271, 0.063953 50.861144, 0.064221 50.861255, 0.064342 50.861316, 0.064575 50.861377, 0.064777 50.861444, 0.064889 50.86147, 0.06503 50.861475, 0.065317 50.861531, 0.065727 50.86128, 0.065723 50.861254, 0.065834 50.861177, 0.065886 50.861222, 0.065916 50.86121, 0.066545 50.861112, 0.066989 50.861245, 0.067048 50.861228, 0.067107 50.861234, 0.06734 50.861313, 0.067491 50.861328, 0.067535 50.861362, 0.067601 50.861466, 0.067658 50.86147, 0.067603 50.861338, 0.067523 50.861259, 0.067477 50.861187, 0.067468 50.861159, 0.067434 50.860754, 0.067366 50.860316, 0.067336 50.860149, 0.06731 50.860055, 0.067321 50.859938, 0.067424 50.85978, 0.067936 50.859855, 0.06834 50.859228, 0.068454 50.859067, 0.06846 50.859069, 0.068537 50.858905, 0.0687 50.858676, 0.068861 50.858491, 0.069088 50.858204, 0.068485 50.858057, 0.068703 50.857831, 0.069075 50.857477, 0.069112 50.857438, 0.069126 50.85741, 0.069128 50.857317, 0.069142 50.857281, 0.069145 50.857197, 0.069112 50.857115, 0.069032 50.856971, 0.069015 50.856873, 0.069006 50.856653, 0.069259 50.856667, 0.069267 50.856757, 0.069304 50.85696, 0.069403 50.857354, 0.069433 50.857497, 0.069454 50.85765, 0.070021 50.857615, 0.070019 50.857437, 0.070676 50.857514, 0.070891 50.857344, 0.071059 50.857266, 0.071766 50.856842, 0.071985 50.857011, 0.071704 50.85717, 0.071592 50.857213, 0.071358 50.857359, 0.071347 50.857352, 0.071019 50.857531, 0.070857 50.857671, 0.070748 50.857807, 0.070714 50.857907, 0.070747 50.858088, 0.07079 50.85817, 0.07088 50.85838, 0.07089 50.858442, 0.070904 50.858472, 0.070934 50.858503, 0.070954 50.858559, 0.070903 50.85861, 0.070825 50.858651, 0.070694 50.858698, 0.070548 50.858747, 0.070347 50.858763, 0.070659 50.858924, 0.070682 50.858945, 0.070703 50.85898, 0.070708 50.859022, 0.070682 50.859087, 0.070566 50.859246, 0.07068 50.859265, 0.072988 50.859502, 0.072988 50.85998, 0.073007 50.860385, 0.072999 50.860725, 0.073025 50.860882, 0.072453 50.860687, 0.07198 50.860554, 0.071179 50.860366, 0.070234 50.860185, 0.070071 50.860568, 0.069955 50.860785, 0.069983 50.860786, 0.069991 50.860855, 0.069982 50.860912, 0.069853 50.861137, 0.069839 50.861132, 0.069783 50.861213, 0.06974 50.861395, 0.069918 50.86141, 0.069751 50.861774, 0.069715 50.861812, 0.069598 50.861781, 0.069388 50.862194, 0.069399 50.862589, 0.069394 50.862729, 0.069291 50.863613, 0.069364 50.863613, 0.069302 50.864164, 0.069225 50.864192, 0.069098 50.864224, 0.069145 50.864544, 0.069141 50.864644, 0.068967 50.865006))) Facts
Point POINT (0.068504 50.862011) Facts
Designation date 1996-03-13 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "3202",
    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "Glynde",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1996-03-13",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-13",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.068967 50.865006, 0.068206 50.866573, 0.067839 50.867348, 0.066488 50.867202, 0.066524 50.866918, 0.066532 50.866782, 0.066531 50.866569, 0.066475 50.866264, 0.066408 50.866037, 0.066336 50.865738, 0.066171 50.865615, 0.06613 50.865604, 0.066258 50.865542, 0.06636 50.865477, 0.065825 50.865005, 0.065762 50.865032, 0.065656 50.864914, 0.065514 50.86472, 0.065273 50.864308, 0.065846 50.864172, 0.06688 50.863832, 0.067052 50.863881, 0.067213 50.863866, 0.067413 50.86376, 0.067442 50.863727, 0.067448 50.863701, 0.067353 50.863672, 0.067292 50.863617, 0.067404 50.863494, 0.067339 50.863427, 0.067079 50.863082, 0.066881 50.862793, 0.067837 50.8623, 0.067789 50.862254, 0.067962 50.862209, 0.067956 50.862193, 0.067737 50.861942, 0.068023 50.861838, 0.067927 50.861766, 0.067717 50.861655, 0.067462 50.861568, 0.067239 50.861533, 0.067121 50.861534, 0.06699 50.861549, 0.066205 50.861721, 0.06618 50.861959, 0.066143 50.862038, 0.066157 50.862077, 0.066098 50.862108, 0.066073 50.862136, 0.063817 50.86209, 0.063691 50.861798, 0.063858 50.86165, 0.063993 50.861276, 0.063883 50.861271, 0.063953 50.861144, 0.064221 50.861255, 0.064342 50.861316, 0.064575 50.861377, 0.064777 50.861444, 0.064889 50.86147, 0.06503 50.861475, 0.065317 50.861531, 0.065727 50.86128, 0.065723 50.861254, 0.065834 50.861177, 0.065886 50.861222, 0.065916 50.86121, 0.066545 50.861112, 0.066989 50.861245, 0.067048 50.861228, 0.067107 50.861234, 0.06734 50.861313, 0.067491 50.861328, 0.067535 50.861362, 0.067601 50.861466, 0.067658 50.86147, 0.067603 50.861338, 0.067523 50.861259, 0.067477 50.861187, 0.067468 50.861159, 0.067434 50.860754, 0.067366 50.860316, 0.067336 50.860149, 0.06731 50.860055, 0.067321 50.859938, 0.067424 50.85978, 0.067936 50.859855, 0.06834 50.859228, 0.068454 50.859067, 0.06846 50.859069, 0.068537 50.858905, 0.0687 50.858676, 0.068861 50.858491, 0.069088 50.858204, 0.068485 50.858057, 0.068703 50.857831, 0.069075 50.857477, 0.069112 50.857438, 0.069126 50.85741, 0.069128 50.857317, 0.069142 50.857281, 0.069145 50.857197, 0.069112 50.857115, 0.069032 50.856971, 0.069015 50.856873, 0.069006 50.856653, 0.069259 50.856667, 0.069267 50.856757, 0.069304 50.85696, 0.069403 50.857354, 0.069433 50.857497, 0.069454 50.85765, 0.070021 50.857615, 0.070019 50.857437, 0.070676 50.857514, 0.070891 50.857344, 0.071059 50.857266, 0.071766 50.856842, 0.071985 50.857011, 0.071704 50.85717, 0.071592 50.857213, 0.071358 50.857359, 0.071347 50.857352, 0.071019 50.857531, 0.070857 50.857671, 0.070748 50.857807, 0.070714 50.857907, 0.070747 50.858088, 0.07079 50.85817, 0.07088 50.85838, 0.07089 50.858442, 0.070904 50.858472, 0.070934 50.858503, 0.070954 50.858559, 0.070903 50.85861, 0.070825 50.858651, 0.070694 50.858698, 0.070548 50.858747, 0.070347 50.858763, 0.070659 50.858924, 0.070682 50.858945, 0.070703 50.85898, 0.070708 50.859022, 0.070682 50.859087, 0.070566 50.859246, 0.07068 50.859265, 0.072988 50.859502, 0.072988 50.85998, 0.073007 50.860385, 0.072999 50.860725, 0.073025 50.860882, 0.072453 50.860687, 0.07198 50.860554, 0.071179 50.860366, 0.070234 50.860185, 0.070071 50.860568, 0.069955 50.860785, 0.069983 50.860786, 0.069991 50.860855, 0.069982 50.860912, 0.069853 50.861137, 0.069839 50.861132, 0.069783 50.861213, 0.06974 50.861395, 0.069918 50.86141, 0.069751 50.861774, 0.069715 50.861812, 0.069598 50.861781, 0.069388 50.862194, 0.069399 50.862589, 0.069394 50.862729, 0.069291 50.863613, 0.069364 50.863613, 0.069302 50.864164, 0.069225 50.864192, 0.069098 50.864224, 0.069145 50.864544, 0.069141 50.864644, 0.068967 50.865006)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.068504 50.862011)",
    "entity": 44000073,
    "designation-date": "1996-03-13"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area