Conservation area

South Heighton

Field Value Fact links
Reference 3220 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name South Heighton Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1976-02-10 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-13 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.054938 50.807205, 0.054891 50.807117, 0.054634 50.80643, 0.054611 50.806278, 0.05462 50.806097, 0.054661 50.805978, 0.054949 50.805925, 0.054952 50.80593, 0.055476 50.805856, 0.055664 50.805847, 0.055781 50.805842, 0.05637 50.805853, 0.057148 50.805892, 0.05719 50.805784, 0.057313 50.805816, 0.057537 50.805846, 0.057594 50.805884, 0.0576 50.805922, 0.057588 50.806035, 0.057557 50.806067, 0.057509 50.806174, 0.057607 50.806279, 0.058163 50.806344, 0.058164 50.806362, 0.058133 50.806438, 0.058274 50.806681, 0.058306 50.806755, 0.058447 50.806924, 0.058267 50.807071, 0.058321 50.807219, 0.058353 50.807257, 0.058555 50.807416, 0.058848 50.807667, 0.059012 50.80777, 0.059845 50.808102, 0.060049 50.808194, 0.059976 50.808257, 0.05858 50.808394, 0.058168 50.808453, 0.058343 50.808663, 0.057049 50.809097, 0.056684 50.809228, 0.057421 50.809985, 0.056982 50.810149, 0.057019 50.810189, 0.057239 50.81049, 0.057419 50.810754, 0.057558 50.811009, 0.057596 50.811122, 0.057616 50.811231, 0.057265 50.811155, 0.057251 50.811359, 0.057179 50.811597, 0.056782 50.811662, 0.05659 50.811336, 0.056327 50.811104, 0.055364 50.810119, 0.056219 50.809807, 0.05586 50.809474, 0.055758 50.809394, 0.055674 50.809494, 0.055479 50.809578, 0.055108 50.809716, 0.054833 50.809783, 0.05465 50.809815, 0.05438 50.809832, 0.054148 50.809823, 0.053901 50.80983, 0.053584 50.809721, 0.053622 50.809655, 0.055029 50.807843, 0.055043 50.807776, 0.054981 50.807296, 0.054962 50.80724, 0.05498 50.807274, 0.054965 50.807244, 0.054938 50.807205))) Facts
Point POINT (0.05646 50.808214) Facts
Document url Facts
Designation date 1976-02-10 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "3220",
    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "South Heighton",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1976-02-10",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-13",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.054938 50.807205, 0.054891 50.807117, 0.054634 50.80643, 0.054611 50.806278, 0.05462 50.806097, 0.054661 50.805978, 0.054949 50.805925, 0.054952 50.80593, 0.055476 50.805856, 0.055664 50.805847, 0.055781 50.805842, 0.05637 50.805853, 0.057148 50.805892, 0.05719 50.805784, 0.057313 50.805816, 0.057537 50.805846, 0.057594 50.805884, 0.0576 50.805922, 0.057588 50.806035, 0.057557 50.806067, 0.057509 50.806174, 0.057607 50.806279, 0.058163 50.806344, 0.058164 50.806362, 0.058133 50.806438, 0.058274 50.806681, 0.058306 50.806755, 0.058447 50.806924, 0.058267 50.807071, 0.058321 50.807219, 0.058353 50.807257, 0.058555 50.807416, 0.058848 50.807667, 0.059012 50.80777, 0.059845 50.808102, 0.060049 50.808194, 0.059976 50.808257, 0.05858 50.808394, 0.058168 50.808453, 0.058343 50.808663, 0.057049 50.809097, 0.056684 50.809228, 0.057421 50.809985, 0.056982 50.810149, 0.057019 50.810189, 0.057239 50.81049, 0.057419 50.810754, 0.057558 50.811009, 0.057596 50.811122, 0.057616 50.811231, 0.057265 50.811155, 0.057251 50.811359, 0.057179 50.811597, 0.056782 50.811662, 0.05659 50.811336, 0.056327 50.811104, 0.055364 50.810119, 0.056219 50.809807, 0.05586 50.809474, 0.055758 50.809394, 0.055674 50.809494, 0.055479 50.809578, 0.055108 50.809716, 0.054833 50.809783, 0.05465 50.809815, 0.05438 50.809832, 0.054148 50.809823, 0.053901 50.80983, 0.053584 50.809721, 0.053622 50.809655, 0.055029 50.807843, 0.055043 50.807776, 0.054981 50.807296, 0.054962 50.80724, 0.05498 50.807274, 0.054965 50.807244, 0.054938 50.807205)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.05646 50.808214)",
    "entity": 44000079,
    "document-url": "",
    "designation-date": "1976-02-10",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area