Conservation area
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 26 | Facts |
Prefix | conservation-area | Facts |
Name | GREAT TEW | Facts |
Dataset | Conservation area | no fact link |
Organisation | West Oxfordshire District Council | no fact link |
Start date | 1978-09-04 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2020-09-05 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.421082 51.963204, -1.421052 51.963216, -1.421011 51.963328, -1.420994 51.963443, -1.420749 51.964061, -1.420532 51.964641, -1.420547 51.964638, -1.420443 51.964923, -1.420873 51.964819, -1.421055 51.964793, -1.421292 51.96479, -1.421504 51.964811, -1.421589 51.964827, -1.422257 51.963555, -1.422461 51.963216, -1.423105 51.963197, -1.423379 51.963206, -1.423399 51.963178, -1.423406 51.963151, -1.4234 51.963095, -1.423261 51.962881, -1.423315 51.962842, -1.423414 51.962718, -1.423478 51.962616, -1.423431 51.962605, -1.423574 51.9624, -1.423607 51.962364, -1.423744 51.962248, -1.42405 51.962039, -1.424462 51.962143, -1.424466 51.962118, -1.424493 51.96208, -1.424555 51.962093, -1.424586 51.962036, -1.424733 51.962045, -1.424739 51.962031, -1.424835 51.962018, -1.424828 51.961927, -1.424872 51.961823, -1.425325 51.96177, -1.425368 51.961894, -1.425382 51.961996, -1.425363 51.962192, -1.425327 51.962386, -1.425262 51.962556, -1.424988 51.963033, -1.424982 51.963057, -1.424995 51.963088, -1.425008 51.963097, -1.425423 51.963206, -1.425475 51.963132, -1.425581 51.962943, -1.425625 51.962688, -1.425659 51.962611, -1.425715 51.96252, -1.426268 51.962582, -1.426226 51.962813, -1.426385 51.962833, -1.426389 51.962814, -1.426619 51.962835, -1.426681 51.962823, -1.427026 51.96283, -1.427098 51.962819, -1.427172 51.96279, -1.427237 51.96273, -1.427255 51.962704, -1.427256 51.962645, -1.42723 51.962592, -1.427207 51.962572, -1.427132 51.962543, -1.427162 51.962476, -1.428162 51.962562, -1.428226 51.962503, -1.428259 51.962442, -1.428289 51.962358, -1.428352 51.962015, -1.428414 51.961907, -1.427974 51.961583, -1.427776 51.961471, -1.427663 51.961419, -1.427472 51.961356, -1.426433 51.961077, -1.426359 51.961046, -1.426275 51.960994, -1.42621 51.960945, -1.426165 51.960894, -1.426077 51.960756, -1.426011 51.960577, -1.425916 51.960134, -1.42587 51.959866, -1.425683 51.959281, -1.425565 51.959012, -1.425479 51.958874, -1.425392 51.958766, -1.425155 51.95858, -1.425109 51.958534, -1.425108 51.95843, -1.424973 51.958303, -1.424802 51.958199, -1.424763 51.958159, -1.424754 51.958137, -1.424759 51.957992, -1.424876 51.957867, -1.424907 51.957792, -1.424908 51.957729, -1.424894 51.957683, -1.424848 51.957605, -1.424813 51.957568, -1.424789 51.957509, -1.424369 51.957583, -1.423851 51.957722, -1.423683 51.957778, -1.423427 51.957606, -1.423421 51.957531, -1.423439 51.957446, -1.423515 51.957435, -1.42358 51.957401, -1.423578 51.957379, -1.423522 51.957376, -1.423553 51.957115, -1.423451 51.957081, -1.423441 51.95699, -1.423459 51.95694, -1.42345 51.956868, -1.423475 51.956825, -1.42348 51.956601, -1.423544 51.956598, -1.423544 51.956591, -1.423663 51.956596, -1.423669 51.956542, -1.423654 51.956385, -1.423555 51.956289, -1.423572 51.955971, -1.423486 51.955954, -1.42347 51.955942, -1.423461 51.955912, -1.422553 51.95592, -1.42251 51.955685, -1.422484 51.955605, -1.422436 51.955508, -1.422336 51.955361, -1.422254 51.955276, -1.422185 51.955226, -1.42208 51.955182, -1.421943 51.955149, -1.421772 51.955132, -1.421633 51.955132, -1.41977 51.955235, -1.419051 51.955197, -1.419077 51.955225, -1.419087 51.955825, -1.419054 51.955855, -1.419059 51.956028, -1.419097 51.956047, -1.419091 51.956288, -1.419105 51.956625, -1.419145 51.956706, -1.419177 51.956743, -1.419378 51.956914, -1.419475 51.957221, -1.419515 51.957293, -1.419613 51.957411, -1.419659 51.957446, -1.419934 51.957531, -1.420114 51.95757, -1.420259 51.957589, -1.420556 51.957615, -1.420705 51.957606, -1.420796 51.957998, -1.420592 51.958357, -1.420503 51.958436, -1.420296 51.958572, -1.420077 51.958736, -1.419975 51.958852, -1.419916 51.958961, -1.419886 51.959159, -1.419888 51.959438, -1.419868 51.959524, -1.419766 51.959822, -1.419743 51.960009, -1.419746 51.960107, -1.419765 51.960276, -1.419845 51.960693, -1.420558 51.960587, -1.420613 51.960772, -1.420728 51.960866, -1.420982 51.960915, -1.421129 51.960982, -1.421091 51.961038, -1.421079 51.961072, -1.421077 51.961151, -1.421087 51.961268, -1.421118 51.961356, -1.421123 51.9615, -1.421176 51.961581, -1.421182 51.961614, -1.421111 51.961773, -1.421093 51.962013, -1.421131 51.962157, -1.421152 51.962197, -1.421192 51.962234, -1.42109 51.962288, -1.421032 51.962294, -1.42102 51.962315, -1.421079 51.962424, -1.421206 51.962471, -1.421293 51.962528, -1.421365 51.9626, -1.421459 51.962643, -1.421414 51.962677, -1.421312 51.962807, -1.421095 51.963039, -1.421141 51.963046, -1.421121 51.963133, -1.421082 51.963204)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.422821 51.959653)
Facts |
Notes | Polygons on interactive map. No appraisal document | Facts |
Designation date | 1978-09-04 | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"name": "GREAT TEW",
"dataset": "conservation-area",
"organisation-entity": "383",
"start-date": "1978-09-04",
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"entry-date": "2020-09-05",
"typology": "geography",
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"point": "POINT (-1.422821 51.959653)",
"entity": 44001950,
"notes": "Polygons on interactive map. No appraisal document",
"designation-date": "1978-09-04",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.