Conservation area


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1353 Facts
Prefix conservation-area Facts
Name Beoley Facts
Dataset Conservation area no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-11-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.890417 52.325272, -1.89062 52.325155, -1.89088 52.32504, -1.890927 52.324998, -1.891016 52.324946, -1.891059 52.324937, -1.891185 52.324955, -1.891247 52.324919, -1.891291 52.324909, -1.891493 52.324929, -1.891599 52.324931, -1.891868 52.324863, -1.891985 52.324852, -1.892025 52.324834, -1.892054 52.324793, -1.892073 52.324779, -1.892148 52.32476, -1.892282 52.324753, -1.892293 52.324791, -1.892409 52.324781, -1.89243 52.324826, -1.892454 52.324822, -1.892499 52.324811, -1.892547 52.324787, -1.892586 52.324756, -1.892632 52.324704, -1.892717 52.324654, -1.893017 52.32458, -1.893117 52.324566, -1.893115 52.324527, -1.893262 52.324517, -1.893315 52.324501, -1.893343 52.32448, -1.89338 52.324466, -1.893417 52.324466, -1.89342 52.324351, -1.893414 52.324309, -1.893354 52.324125, -1.893604 52.324101, -1.893613 52.324009, -1.893658 52.323885, -1.893709 52.32369, -1.894065 52.323751, -1.895079 52.323847, -1.895107 52.323804, -1.895112 52.323748, -1.895067 52.323673, -1.894945 52.323541, -1.894921 52.323495, -1.894875 52.323464, -1.894765 52.323454, -1.894606 52.32346, -1.894079 52.32336, -1.893884 52.323392, -1.893517 52.323423, -1.893238 52.322902, -1.892877 52.323238, -1.892802 52.323271, -1.892718 52.323086, -1.892656 52.322807, -1.892552 52.322807, -1.892138 52.322867, -1.891909 52.322932, -1.891806 52.322923, -1.891689 52.322953, -1.891375 52.323002, -1.890896 52.323102, -1.891057 52.323667, -1.890799 52.323612, -1.890619 52.323552, -1.890593 52.323558, -1.890502 52.323527, -1.890419 52.323482, -1.890195 52.323446, -1.889756 52.323317, -1.889715 52.323295, -1.889681 52.323332, -1.889669 52.323372, -1.889677 52.323429, -1.889671 52.323489, -1.889644 52.323588, -1.88965 52.323675, -1.889635 52.323951, -1.890059 52.323922, -1.890118 52.324174, -1.889245 52.324233, -1.888638 52.324254, -1.888324 52.324553, -1.888332 52.324581, -1.888232 52.32474, -1.888213 52.324775, -1.888219 52.324786, -1.888213 52.324796, -1.888006 52.324934, -1.887912 52.325066, -1.887858 52.325118, -1.887854 52.325136, -1.887863 52.325165, -1.887855 52.325185, -1.887874 52.325217, -1.887873 52.325229, -1.887829 52.325328, -1.887777 52.325415, -1.887742 52.325458, -1.887658 52.325527, -1.887523 52.325609, -1.887446 52.325646, -1.88736 52.325712, -1.887218 52.325755, -1.887167 52.325789, -1.887104 52.3259, -1.887031 52.326164, -1.887019 52.326299, -1.886972 52.326509, -1.886958 52.326696, -1.88695 52.326725, -1.88679 52.326705, -1.886774 52.326755, -1.886537 52.326848, -1.886349 52.326853, -1.886229 52.326836, -1.88609 52.327033, -1.88597 52.327244, -1.885947 52.327266, -1.886591 52.327388, -1.886701 52.327503, -1.887061 52.327362, -1.887077 52.327433, -1.887105 52.327489, -1.887222 52.32765, -1.88754 52.327588, -1.887572 52.327591, -1.887644 52.327625, -1.887688 52.32763, -1.887678 52.327602, -1.887636 52.327573, -1.887585 52.327509, -1.887414 52.327213, -1.887743 52.327078, -1.887994 52.326963, -1.8882 52.326844, -1.888305 52.326763, -1.888169 52.326606, -1.888008 52.326465, -1.887806 52.326329, -1.887693 52.326281, -1.887679 52.326252, -1.887656 52.326234, -1.887588 52.326273, -1.887454 52.326192, -1.887429 52.326206, -1.887333 52.326148, -1.887244 52.326112, -1.887382 52.325957, -1.887433 52.32591, -1.8875 52.325873, -1.887932 52.325739, -1.887986 52.325741, -1.888111 52.325782, -1.888143 52.32575, -1.888169 52.3257, -1.888178 52.325654, -1.888151 52.325603, -1.888097 52.32557, -1.887879 52.325488, -1.887965 52.325235, -1.888018 52.325107, -1.888085 52.325019, -1.888191 52.324931, -1.88824 52.324905, -1.888282 52.324889, -1.888332 52.324882, -1.888393 52.324892, -1.888667 52.325027, -1.888883 52.325062, -1.888947 52.325069, -1.889006 52.325065, -1.889141 52.325024, -1.889194 52.325036, -1.889296 52.325097, -1.889286 52.325154, -1.889348 52.325199, -1.889474 52.325242, -1.889487 52.325256, -1.889514 52.325301, -1.88961 52.325412, -1.889661 52.325488, -1.889702 52.325576, -1.889728 52.325663, -1.889816 52.325609, -1.890094 52.325506, -1.890152 52.325476, -1.890274 52.325403, -1.890345 52.325314, -1.890417 52.325272))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.890558 52.324624) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "conservation-area",
    "name": "Beoley",
    "dataset": "conservation-area",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-11-12",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.890417 52.325272, -1.89062 52.325155, -1.89088 52.32504, -1.890927 52.324998, -1.891016 52.324946, -1.891059 52.324937, -1.891185 52.324955, -1.891247 52.324919, -1.891291 52.324909, -1.891493 52.324929, -1.891599 52.324931, -1.891868 52.324863, -1.891985 52.324852, -1.892025 52.324834, -1.892054 52.324793, -1.892073 52.324779, -1.892148 52.32476, -1.892282 52.324753, -1.892293 52.324791, -1.892409 52.324781, -1.89243 52.324826, -1.892454 52.324822, -1.892499 52.324811, -1.892547 52.324787, -1.892586 52.324756, -1.892632 52.324704, -1.892717 52.324654, -1.893017 52.32458, -1.893117 52.324566, -1.893115 52.324527, -1.893262 52.324517, -1.893315 52.324501, -1.893343 52.32448, -1.89338 52.324466, -1.893417 52.324466, -1.89342 52.324351, -1.893414 52.324309, -1.893354 52.324125, -1.893604 52.324101, -1.893613 52.324009, -1.893658 52.323885, -1.893709 52.32369, -1.894065 52.323751, -1.895079 52.323847, -1.895107 52.323804, -1.895112 52.323748, -1.895067 52.323673, -1.894945 52.323541, -1.894921 52.323495, -1.894875 52.323464, -1.894765 52.323454, -1.894606 52.32346, -1.894079 52.32336, -1.893884 52.323392, -1.893517 52.323423, -1.893238 52.322902, -1.892877 52.323238, -1.892802 52.323271, -1.892718 52.323086, -1.892656 52.322807, -1.892552 52.322807, -1.892138 52.322867, -1.891909 52.322932, -1.891806 52.322923, -1.891689 52.322953, -1.891375 52.323002, -1.890896 52.323102, -1.891057 52.323667, -1.890799 52.323612, -1.890619 52.323552, -1.890593 52.323558, -1.890502 52.323527, -1.890419 52.323482, -1.890195 52.323446, -1.889756 52.323317, -1.889715 52.323295, -1.889681 52.323332, -1.889669 52.323372, -1.889677 52.323429, -1.889671 52.323489, -1.889644 52.323588, -1.88965 52.323675, -1.889635 52.323951, -1.890059 52.323922, -1.890118 52.324174, -1.889245 52.324233, -1.888638 52.324254, -1.888324 52.324553, -1.888332 52.324581, -1.888232 52.32474, -1.888213 52.324775, -1.888219 52.324786, -1.888213 52.324796, -1.888006 52.324934, -1.887912 52.325066, -1.887858 52.325118, -1.887854 52.325136, -1.887863 52.325165, -1.887855 52.325185, -1.887874 52.325217, -1.887873 52.325229, -1.887829 52.325328, -1.887777 52.325415, -1.887742 52.325458, -1.887658 52.325527, -1.887523 52.325609, -1.887446 52.325646, -1.88736 52.325712, -1.887218 52.325755, -1.887167 52.325789, -1.887104 52.3259, -1.887031 52.326164, -1.887019 52.326299, -1.886972 52.326509, -1.886958 52.326696, -1.88695 52.326725, -1.88679 52.326705, -1.886774 52.326755, -1.886537 52.326848, -1.886349 52.326853, -1.886229 52.326836, -1.88609 52.327033, -1.88597 52.327244, -1.885947 52.327266, -1.886591 52.327388, -1.886701 52.327503, -1.887061 52.327362, -1.887077 52.327433, -1.887105 52.327489, -1.887222 52.32765, -1.88754 52.327588, -1.887572 52.327591, -1.887644 52.327625, -1.887688 52.32763, -1.887678 52.327602, -1.887636 52.327573, -1.887585 52.327509, -1.887414 52.327213, -1.887743 52.327078, -1.887994 52.326963, -1.8882 52.326844, -1.888305 52.326763, -1.888169 52.326606, -1.888008 52.326465, -1.887806 52.326329, -1.887693 52.326281, -1.887679 52.326252, -1.887656 52.326234, -1.887588 52.326273, -1.887454 52.326192, -1.887429 52.326206, -1.887333 52.326148, -1.887244 52.326112, -1.887382 52.325957, -1.887433 52.32591, -1.8875 52.325873, -1.887932 52.325739, -1.887986 52.325741, -1.888111 52.325782, -1.888143 52.32575, -1.888169 52.3257, -1.888178 52.325654, -1.888151 52.325603, -1.888097 52.32557, -1.887879 52.325488, -1.887965 52.325235, -1.888018 52.325107, -1.888085 52.325019, -1.888191 52.324931, -1.88824 52.324905, -1.888282 52.324889, -1.888332 52.324882, -1.888393 52.324892, -1.888667 52.325027, -1.888883 52.325062, -1.888947 52.325069, -1.889006 52.325065, -1.889141 52.325024, -1.889194 52.325036, -1.889296 52.325097, -1.889286 52.325154, -1.889348 52.325199, -1.889474 52.325242, -1.889487 52.325256, -1.889514 52.325301, -1.88961 52.325412, -1.889661 52.325488, -1.889702 52.325576, -1.889728 52.325663, -1.889816 52.325609, -1.890094 52.325506, -1.890152 52.325476, -1.890274 52.325403, -1.890345 52.325314, -1.890417 52.325272)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.890558 52.324624)",
    "entity": 44000052

© Historic England 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area