2 results
Fact | Field | Value | Latest Entry Date | |
11603bd7af72d20d9c85712fe57b991a7e614f0f6dbd76600c2b3f95139b314d | description | The use of any land for the purposes of holding a market by or on behalf of a local authority and the provision on the land of any moveable structure for the permitted use | 2024-01-19 | |
646cde711bf85b64c7192ab274e0ff058013153701aeaa8604fd10db93ab542f | description | The use of any land for the purposes of holding a market by or on behalf of a local authority and the provision on the land of any moveable structure for the permitted use at any time during the period beginning with 25th June 2020 and ending with 23rd March 2021. | 2024-01-24 |