6 results
Fact | Field | Value | Latest Entry Date | |
281539b15e14f989c64016ba8557e70ce09e00089b456a8175c53ccc206d17d2 | notes | Enlargements and alterations of properties at Merchant's Wharf are restricted in order to protect the character of the Saint Peter's Basin. | 2023-02-17 | |
4732cdbfac9a1cbec40b7cb5eedf999beeebc8281b9b0c56f6ac79872d227401 | notes | Enlargements and alterations to properties at Trinity Courtyard are restricted in order to protect the character of the Saint Peter's Basin. | 2023-02-17 | |
a0b4a1e0a5f3da0e132e069a68087a7e2308b4c9cfbee1cf1e4a84c352aec3d6 | notes | The erection, construction, maintenance or improvement of a gate, fence or wall and external painting at properties on Rowes Mews are restricted in order to protect the character of the Saint Peter's Basin. | 2023-02-17 | |
c44122108cc89f30d7e1f19b4a12bb794841540e8d425c32794d7d35be9b908c | notes | The erection, construction, maintenance or improvement of a gate, fence or wall at properties on The Ropery are restricted in order to protect the character of the Saint Peter's Basin. | 2023-02-17 | |
de21ac0100893e3c4b3c470f8d5fd11d2986abe0f8c14a71af1f1a46412b6341 | notes | Saint Peter's Basin | 2023-01-30 | |
f52fe472f99c7cbe97d1e751795d7d6043392822ca02f8ca642d49a594817e65 | notes | Enlargements and alterations of properties at Dobson Crescent are restricted in order to protect the character of the Saint Peter's Basin. | 2023-02-17 |