
Field Value
Fact e62a4662fc2f63eafb337a3845614ecb1f0029badea115159836400be7c3a801
Field prefix
Value archaeological-priority-area
Entity Summary and Definition This Archaeological Priority Area comprises the complex of Pimp Hall and Friday Hill; this includes the site of the medieval manor house, farmyard, barn, dovecote and park of Pimp Hall and the site of the former moat and formal
Earliest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest resource 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc
Entry Date Resource
2025-02-10 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc