“This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The part of the former business site that included landscaping has been excluded for the purposes of this register. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the DaSA for some 14 dwellings, of which 40% should be affordable. Access should be achieved off Hobbs Lane to the satisfaction of the Highways Authority. Screen tree and hedgerow planting employing native species should be provided on the eastern boundaries of the site. The tree belt on the northern boundary should be retained and enhanced with additional planting. A new footpath is provided to link the new development to the existing Hobbs Lane footway. A ground survey will need to be undertaken as part of any planning application. The former industrial use of part of the site could have led to ground contamination, and appropriate surveys will need to be undertaken as part of the planning application process, with the need to employ appropriate measures to mitigate any such contamination. Developer’s contributions should be made towards open space, specifically play provision for children and young people, in lieu of on-site provision. See Policy BEC1 of the DaSA (https://www.rother.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/DaSA_Adopted_December_2019_Web.pdf) - December 2020