
Field Value
Fact a4eca01f52a78f064b87c2485d539ff741d316ab5ba61e7c404f49bb08341db9
Field description
Value The erection on the site of any school, college, university or hospital of any building required for use as part of, or for a purpose incidental to the use of, the school, college, university or hospital as such, as the case may be.
Entity Schools, coleges, universities and hospitals
Earliest entry date 2024-03-26
Latest entry date 2024-03-27
Latest resource 86611a73da35d11cf63230e75bf600ed8386eb1372cfbad704595a7dcc6b2694
Entry Date Resource
2024-03-27 86611a73da35d11cf63230e75bf600ed8386eb1372cfbad704595a7dcc6b2694
2024-03-26 ae2e4bbadda50a227712436158814ed60caffa22d987f24aacbd0ac2ab529b46
2024-03-27 bf83c948bf1997dc4aac377c7dc32c8b3e6ff5002b5652bbf519d02e47a6fee7