
Field Value
Fact a2d04d5c2701a9356c07652c4b9a73aee137857ada5a5e13b350ba4a4bbedb6f
Field notes
Value “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan for some 6 - 8 dwellings. A scheme should make provision for 1 and 2 bed houses and flats, of no more than two storeys in height, a proportion of which will be made available as affordable homes giving first preference to eligible employees or volunteers in perpetuity. It should include a viability appraisal that demonstrates the minimum number of open market dwellings required to cross-subsidise the refurbishment or replacement of the volunteers’ accommodation. It should incorporate a landscape scheme that mitigates any visual impact on the surrounding countryside. It should preserve the area of the site designated as Priority Habitat. It should comprise appropriate works to improve Ladybird Lane provided they do not include any additional lighting. It should identify and agree an alternative location for the estate management facility. It should demonstrate that any new access will have an acceptable impact on the character of the Brede Valley and demonstrated to be visually contained from public view points. See Policy 3 of the Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan (http://www.rother.gov.uk/Sedlescombe-Neighbourhood-Plan)
Entity RDCBLR0025
Earliest entry date 2018-10-01
Latest entry date 2018-10-01
Latest resource 81e0062fc9478965fce3ac9b93f5c166d916f9c88afb2bb794d48253e3ae77fe
Entry Date Resource
2018-10-01 81e0062fc9478965fce3ac9b93f5c166d916f9c88afb2bb794d48253e3ae77fe