
Field Value
Fact 6aca8e290524cedb355f710d987b0d1f2d0961279ed9590c2aed0de8fc475539
Field description
Value Development consisting of a change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from a use falling within one of the following provisions of the Use Classes Order— (a)Class C1 (hotels) of Schedule 1; (b)Class C2 (residential institutions) of Schedule 1; (c)Class C2A (secure residential institutions) of Schedule 1; or (d)Class E (commercial, business or service) of Schedule 2, to use as a state-funded school falling within Class F.1(a) of Schedule 2 to that Order.]
Entity Commercial, business and service, hotels etc to state-funded schools
Earliest entry date 2024-01-19
Latest entry date 2024-01-19
Latest resource 36ed5f13e3d37cdc5808ce5fe9bcd73b7a65cf04cf2e6ecd36477d88c1a2eef6
Entry Date Resource
2024-01-19 36ed5f13e3d37cdc5808ce5fe9bcd73b7a65cf04cf2e6ecd36477d88c1a2eef6
2024-01-19 86611a73da35d11cf63230e75bf600ed8386eb1372cfbad704595a7dcc6b2694
2024-01-19 bf83c948bf1997dc4aac377c7dc32c8b3e6ff5002b5652bbf519d02e47a6fee7
2024-01-19 ff0afb2fe819469b2718da7b35db4f0cf23456d17b5fb3835baba49a68c7957e