
Field Value
Fact 635a0288c568bd4c9dede8d81c9d63529212e5923c6daa567382f3ed376f2565
Field notes
Value The only thing that links to the LPA it is the download address titled southwark, no documentation URL to be found. This will also download a file to your computer
Entity Local Validation Requirements
Earliest entry date 2024-07-11
Latest entry date 2024-07-11
Latest resource 8c007bf958fd3b0cb9bbfce2bf7c0ad6307aab979bda90358a2c7facaffaf065
Entry Date Resource
2024-07-11 8c007bf958fd3b0cb9bbfce2bf7c0ad6307aab979bda90358a2c7facaffaf065