
Field Value
Fact 5fd830f0e91efabd6df0817af10a3eb891492c670be08cf9332793be24ef52f3
Field notes
Value The site is proposed to be allocated in the DaSA - proposed submission October 2018 - for some 40 dwellings, of which 30% are affordable. Access should be achieved off Harbour Road. Screening employing native species should be provided on the boundaries of the site. Appropriate fencing should be erected to maintain an effective barrier between the site and the adjacent Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay SSSI, SPA and Ramsar Site. Development should not adversely impact upon the neighbouring Rye Harbour SSSI. The site lies within Flood Zone 3a so any scheme will be subject to both the sequential and exception tests. Habitable rooms should not be provided on the ground floor. Dwellings should be flood resilient/resistant. Furthermore, essential infrastructure should be designed and constructed to remain operational and safe in times of flood. Given the commercial history of the site there may be contamination in the ground. The water table is particularly shallow beneath the surface of the site (within 1-2 metres) and could be leeching of contaminants from other areas of the estate. A proposal would have to undertake a land contamination assessment with any planning application that demonstrated any risks could be managed appropriately through the re-development process. The development would need to respect the setting of the Grade II listed School House and Grade II Church of the Holy Spirits located west of the site. See Policy RHA1 in the DaSA (http://www.rother.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=30793&p=0).
Entity RDCBLR0023
Earliest entry date 2018-10-01
Latest entry date 2018-10-01
Latest resource 81e0062fc9478965fce3ac9b93f5c166d916f9c88afb2bb794d48253e3ae77fe
Entry Date Resource
2018-10-01 81e0062fc9478965fce3ac9b93f5c166d916f9c88afb2bb794d48253e3ae77fe