
Field Value
Fact 5a1b595991bf3627090615c109df3753ca2daf4dfc3db51015650295b231ee48
Field prefix
Value archaeological-priority-area
Entity p strong Summary and Definition /strong /p p Kneller Hall is the site of an extant 18th century mansion and estate and the site of an earlier 17th century house and grounds. The APA covers the site of the mansion and its grounds within which are t
Earliest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest resource 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc
Entry Date Resource
2025-02-10 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc