
Field Value
Fact 32811c80fb13fecb3346b6239e449aeb342d6ef3e4e2ef74a4bc1a6a44258bfe
Field description
Value The vision is for green, inclusive and distinctive places, which connect landscape, people, place and nature. New development in the East Riding will celebrate the diversity of the built and natural environment and its heritage to create healthy and sustainable places for the communities of today and tomorrow.
Entity East Riding Design Code
Earliest entry date 2024-06-11
Latest entry date 2024-06-11
Latest resource af1c53685f317abe833f56a520a746f6d6dc761c2a16dead79ae3930493e4635
Entry Date Resource
2024-06-11 af1c53685f317abe833f56a520a746f6d6dc761c2a16dead79ae3930493e4635