2b658c08ad615cf16a68b12d8882072a45e2fe6740cd8ccbfd0a5abd91295539Field | Value |
Fact | 2b658c08ad615cf16a68b12d8882072a45e2fe6740cd8ccbfd0a5abd91295539 |
Field | prefix |
Value | archaeological-priority-area |
Entity | Summary and Definition This APA covers the Queen Elizabeth Hunting Lodge (Listed Grade II*, NHLE 1293481) and its immediate surroundings. It was commissioned by Henry VIII in 15423 and used as a royal standing for hunting until the seventeenth centur |
Earliest entry date | 2025-02-10 |
Latest entry date | 2025-02-10 |
Latest resource | 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc |
Entry Date | Resource |
2025-02-10 | 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc |