
Field Value
Fact 1a8192f50d4584ff2bb776b278c98f340829c0ca4782990b48e5e429f2ea60e8
Field notes
Value The document in the document-url may include historical information on permitted development classes removed under the relevant legislation at that time. They may include historic maps which may now be superseded. However, in order to fulfil the Open Digital Planning Program specifications, we have translated the old A4 direction classes into their modern counterparts, details of which can be found in the individual Article 4 direction pages in Barnet.gov.uk (documentation-url link)
Entity Article 4(2) for Mill Hill CA
Earliest entry date 2024-02-09
Latest entry date 2024-02-09
Latest resource 9656b52800fc3bec4c9baaacddbb9e27b801867439cab1efc9f43a8fc1e0790a
Entry Date Resource
2024-02-09 9656b52800fc3bec4c9baaacddbb9e27b801867439cab1efc9f43a8fc1e0790a