
Field Value
Fact 0f71b5c302f6a0ccad8c0e1fab930e66b11a0a350994c60e681468e1dac44f7e
Field reference
Value 77714
Entity Summary and Definition The APA covers the site of RAF Kenley which was an aerodrome between 1917 and 1978 and is still used by gliders. It was active during the Second World War particularly during the Battle of Britain. The majority of the airfield
Earliest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest resource 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc
Entry Date Resource
2025-02-10 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc