
Field Value
Fact 06064d61097dcb8fbaa8f29c565b39766ee048934de8aa0af6cdb3abe61039b3
Field entry-date
Value 2025-02-10
Entity Tower Hamlets APA 1.5: Atlas Wharf Summary and Definition This Tier 1 APA covers the known and conjectured extent of the Bronze Age Atlas Wharf activity site, a significant discovery from the Isle of Dogs Tier 3 APA and one that is likely to be illust
Earliest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest entry date 2025-02-10
Latest resource 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc
Entry Date Resource
2025-02-10 901b21b8256fc21b9c2a8b45e4eef2cfa7cd99a5aab3474fd99fc7ebbf0b71cc