
Little Hulton

Field Value Fact links
Reference E05013027 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Little Hulton Facts
Dataset Ward no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-03-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.435663 53.541967, -2.437147 53.542254, -2.438101 53.540038, -2.440981 53.538698, -2.441963 53.53614, -2.441249 53.535162, -2.441476 53.534355, -2.442009 53.533655, -2.442467 53.53367, -2.443109 53.532351, -2.444359 53.531541, -2.444607 53.530925, -2.447808 53.52937, -2.448128 53.528107, -2.451097 53.528605, -2.454113 53.526222, -2.446429 53.5247, -2.427197 53.52156, -2.421637 53.519928, -2.421494 53.521023, -2.410773 53.519735, -2.412972 53.521366, -2.41242 53.522825, -2.410888 53.524558, -2.413856 53.526044, -2.413011 53.527445, -2.415789 53.528111, -2.423824 53.5311, -2.421401 53.533761, -2.41029 53.538517, -2.412896 53.538854, -2.421441 53.540997, -2.421438 53.540733, -2.425436 53.541212, -2.42965 53.541291, -2.435663 53.541967))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.429845 53.530649) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E05013027",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Little Hulton",
    "dataset": "ward",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-03-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.435663 53.541967, -2.437147 53.542254, -2.438101 53.540038, -2.440981 53.538698, -2.441963 53.53614, -2.441249 53.535162, -2.441476 53.534355, -2.442009 53.533655, -2.442467 53.53367, -2.443109 53.532351, -2.444359 53.531541, -2.444607 53.530925, -2.447808 53.52937, -2.448128 53.528107, -2.451097 53.528605, -2.454113 53.526222, -2.446429 53.5247, -2.427197 53.52156, -2.421637 53.519928, -2.421494 53.521023, -2.410773 53.519735, -2.412972 53.521366, -2.41242 53.522825, -2.410888 53.524558, -2.413856 53.526044, -2.413011 53.527445, -2.415789 53.528111, -2.423824 53.5311, -2.421401 53.533761, -2.41029 53.538517, -2.412896 53.538854, -2.421441 53.540997, -2.421438 53.540733, -2.425436 53.541212, -2.42965 53.541291, -2.435663 53.541967)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.429845 53.530649)",
    "entity": 803960

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area