
Horbury and South Ossett

Field Value Fact links
Reference E05001451 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Horbury and South Ossett Facts
Dataset Ward no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-03-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.528726 53.656179, -1.530126 53.657945, -1.53825 53.665134, -1.54148 53.667349, -1.546645 53.670176, -1.550063 53.672858, -1.552763 53.676353, -1.554145 53.679924, -1.557208 53.678956, -1.567483 53.676567, -1.572397 53.674764, -1.569754 53.673157, -1.569306 53.671514, -1.573116 53.671617, -1.575197 53.671368, -1.574693 53.670791, -1.57658 53.667456, -1.574678 53.665449, -1.57612 53.663571, -1.574735 53.661755, -1.575281 53.661151, -1.581209 53.661932, -1.581389 53.661555, -1.582146 53.661849, -1.583199 53.661693, -1.582843 53.661029, -1.583309 53.660762, -1.579445 53.658356, -1.580459 53.657665, -1.579564 53.657207, -1.57772 53.657256, -1.575552 53.656818, -1.568506 53.656945, -1.566294 53.656608, -1.561808 53.654917, -1.561329 53.654468, -1.561254 53.653177, -1.559973 53.652434, -1.556383 53.652123, -1.553418 53.652757, -1.549615 53.652454, -1.548879 53.651949, -1.548815 53.651425, -1.55014 53.650275, -1.550021 53.649439, -1.547627 53.649146, -1.545172 53.649961, -1.542153 53.650303, -1.541452 53.648607, -1.540637 53.64802, -1.538729 53.648424, -1.538009 53.649118, -1.537203 53.649181, -1.534428 53.650447, -1.528726 53.656179))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.555064 53.662859) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E05001451",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Horbury and South Ossett",
    "dataset": "ward",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-03-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.528726 53.656179, -1.530126 53.657945, -1.53825 53.665134, -1.54148 53.667349, -1.546645 53.670176, -1.550063 53.672858, -1.552763 53.676353, -1.554145 53.679924, -1.557208 53.678956, -1.567483 53.676567, -1.572397 53.674764, -1.569754 53.673157, -1.569306 53.671514, -1.573116 53.671617, -1.575197 53.671368, -1.574693 53.670791, -1.57658 53.667456, -1.574678 53.665449, -1.57612 53.663571, -1.574735 53.661755, -1.575281 53.661151, -1.581209 53.661932, -1.581389 53.661555, -1.582146 53.661849, -1.583199 53.661693, -1.582843 53.661029, -1.583309 53.660762, -1.579445 53.658356, -1.580459 53.657665, -1.579564 53.657207, -1.57772 53.657256, -1.575552 53.656818, -1.568506 53.656945, -1.566294 53.656608, -1.561808 53.654917, -1.561329 53.654468, -1.561254 53.653177, -1.559973 53.652434, -1.556383 53.652123, -1.553418 53.652757, -1.549615 53.652454, -1.548879 53.651949, -1.548815 53.651425, -1.55014 53.650275, -1.550021 53.649439, -1.547627 53.649146, -1.545172 53.649961, -1.542153 53.650303, -1.541452 53.648607, -1.540637 53.64802, -1.538729 53.648424, -1.538009 53.649118, -1.537203 53.649181, -1.534428 53.650447, -1.528726 53.656179)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.555064 53.662859)",
    "entity": 800280

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area