

Field Value Fact links
Reference E05000996 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Worsbrough Facts
Dataset Ward no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-03-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.464162 53.539489, -1.465918 53.539595, -1.466572 53.540641, -1.467136 53.540565, -1.468217 53.541365, -1.468949 53.541065, -1.470056 53.541974, -1.471692 53.541977, -1.472501 53.541734, -1.472604 53.540576, -1.473839 53.540463, -1.474103 53.5391, -1.475111 53.539102, -1.475713 53.538685, -1.47564 53.538307, -1.477677 53.538801, -1.477425 53.539349, -1.478406 53.539865, -1.479546 53.539796, -1.481143 53.539096, -1.483132 53.539835, -1.483968 53.538018, -1.484891 53.538793, -1.487141 53.539646, -1.488971 53.539886, -1.491104 53.539204, -1.491697 53.540176, -1.492975 53.539724, -1.495493 53.537947, -1.496375 53.536608, -1.496051 53.535963, -1.498153 53.533866, -1.497617 53.533063, -1.499294 53.531851, -1.495312 53.528834, -1.494672 53.529064, -1.493338 53.528482, -1.489856 53.528288, -1.487441 53.527495, -1.486725 53.527606, -1.486089 53.527054, -1.484528 53.527478, -1.483538 53.527286, -1.483341 53.526654, -1.482351 53.52675, -1.482376 53.526488, -1.483559 53.526073, -1.481553 53.525582, -1.481639 53.524831, -1.482667 53.523782, -1.481088 53.523386, -1.482137 53.523545, -1.482277 53.521107, -1.4847 53.519789, -1.482995 53.519587, -1.482268 53.518751, -1.482627 53.518344, -1.481703 53.517823, -1.481919 53.51744, -1.48139 53.51764, -1.480308 53.516173, -1.479677 53.515966, -1.474887 53.517866, -1.472606 53.516334, -1.471644 53.51451, -1.467353 53.514787, -1.464594 53.515445, -1.463104 53.514388, -1.463451 53.513804, -1.461475 53.511442, -1.456842 53.512933, -1.455496 53.513454, -1.453593 53.514821, -1.451616 53.517028, -1.449733 53.520011, -1.447912 53.522412, -1.443609 53.525321, -1.441393 53.526352, -1.437658 53.52722, -1.428795 53.527196, -1.425504 53.528039, -1.423414 53.529228, -1.423694 53.529371, -1.422099 53.531099, -1.422228 53.532919, -1.423549 53.534526, -1.426091 53.534717, -1.427937 53.535722, -1.428798 53.537069, -1.430556 53.53815, -1.430955 53.538772, -1.431429 53.538694, -1.43223 53.539124, -1.432136 53.539503, -1.434318 53.539774, -1.435106 53.540295, -1.438097 53.539691, -1.439314 53.539193, -1.440742 53.53784, -1.442263 53.538055, -1.443033 53.534979, -1.445994 53.5344, -1.44708 53.534423, -1.447106 53.534759, -1.447939 53.534983, -1.448187 53.534688, -1.448989 53.5349, -1.449693 53.534578, -1.45144 53.53572, -1.452326 53.535584, -1.453402 53.536867, -1.45352 53.538408, -1.459119 53.539018, -1.45927 53.538019, -1.459864 53.538081, -1.460059 53.537493, -1.464162 53.539489))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.462553 53.52903) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E05000996",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Worsbrough",
    "dataset": "ward",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-03-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.464162 53.539489, -1.465918 53.539595, -1.466572 53.540641, -1.467136 53.540565, -1.468217 53.541365, -1.468949 53.541065, -1.470056 53.541974, -1.471692 53.541977, -1.472501 53.541734, -1.472604 53.540576, -1.473839 53.540463, -1.474103 53.5391, -1.475111 53.539102, -1.475713 53.538685, -1.47564 53.538307, -1.477677 53.538801, -1.477425 53.539349, -1.478406 53.539865, -1.479546 53.539796, -1.481143 53.539096, -1.483132 53.539835, -1.483968 53.538018, -1.484891 53.538793, -1.487141 53.539646, -1.488971 53.539886, -1.491104 53.539204, -1.491697 53.540176, -1.492975 53.539724, -1.495493 53.537947, -1.496375 53.536608, -1.496051 53.535963, -1.498153 53.533866, -1.497617 53.533063, -1.499294 53.531851, -1.495312 53.528834, -1.494672 53.529064, -1.493338 53.528482, -1.489856 53.528288, -1.487441 53.527495, -1.486725 53.527606, -1.486089 53.527054, -1.484528 53.527478, -1.483538 53.527286, -1.483341 53.526654, -1.482351 53.52675, -1.482376 53.526488, -1.483559 53.526073, -1.481553 53.525582, -1.481639 53.524831, -1.482667 53.523782, -1.481088 53.523386, -1.482137 53.523545, -1.482277 53.521107, -1.4847 53.519789, -1.482995 53.519587, -1.482268 53.518751, -1.482627 53.518344, -1.481703 53.517823, -1.481919 53.51744, -1.48139 53.51764, -1.480308 53.516173, -1.479677 53.515966, -1.474887 53.517866, -1.472606 53.516334, -1.471644 53.51451, -1.467353 53.514787, -1.464594 53.515445, -1.463104 53.514388, -1.463451 53.513804, -1.461475 53.511442, -1.456842 53.512933, -1.455496 53.513454, -1.453593 53.514821, -1.451616 53.517028, -1.449733 53.520011, -1.447912 53.522412, -1.443609 53.525321, -1.441393 53.526352, -1.437658 53.52722, -1.428795 53.527196, -1.425504 53.528039, -1.423414 53.529228, -1.423694 53.529371, -1.422099 53.531099, -1.422228 53.532919, -1.423549 53.534526, -1.426091 53.534717, -1.427937 53.535722, -1.428798 53.537069, -1.430556 53.53815, -1.430955 53.538772, -1.431429 53.538694, -1.43223 53.539124, -1.432136 53.539503, -1.434318 53.539774, -1.435106 53.540295, -1.438097 53.539691, -1.439314 53.539193, -1.440742 53.53784, -1.442263 53.538055, -1.443033 53.534979, -1.445994 53.5344, -1.44708 53.534423, -1.447106 53.534759, -1.447939 53.534983, -1.448187 53.534688, -1.448989 53.5349, -1.449693 53.534578, -1.45144 53.53572, -1.452326 53.535584, -1.453402 53.536867, -1.45352 53.538408, -1.459119 53.539018, -1.45927 53.538019, -1.459864 53.538081, -1.460059 53.537493, -1.464162 53.539489)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.462553 53.52903)",
    "entity": 800064

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area