Article 4 direction area

Kirton in Lindsey

Field Value Fact links
Reference DLS3913 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Kirton in Lindsey Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation North Lincolnshire Council no fact link
Start date 2011-11-08 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-01-26 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.590663 53.475224, -0.590185 53.475134, -0.590004 53.475065, -0.58993 53.475141, -0.589861 53.475128, -0.589753 53.475061, -0.589671 53.474997, -0.5898 53.474946, -0.589581 53.474755, -0.589546 53.474705, -0.589409 53.474569, -0.589128 53.47466, -0.589109 53.47464, -0.589057 53.474619, -0.588905 53.474412, -0.588476 53.474361, -0.588015 53.474253, -0.587894 53.474242, -0.58679 53.474315, -0.586948 53.47472, -0.587094 53.474699, -0.587155 53.474842, -0.586525 53.474872, -0.586587 53.475565, -0.586608 53.47603, -0.586407 53.476041, -0.586414 53.476087, -0.58632 53.476093, -0.58634 53.476317, -0.586523 53.476306, -0.586534 53.476365, -0.58656 53.477419, -0.586762 53.477416, -0.586877 53.477444, -0.586956 53.477484, -0.586985 53.477513, -0.587005 53.477557, -0.587027 53.47777, -0.587427 53.477765, -0.587894 53.477548, -0.588054 53.477753, -0.588056 53.477834, -0.589164 53.477824, -0.589164 53.477814, -0.589381 53.477815, -0.589381 53.477823, -0.589587 53.477826, -0.589633 53.477752, -0.589649 53.477694, -0.589758 53.47751, -0.589841 53.477534, -0.589888 53.477493, -0.590337 53.477492, -0.590237 53.477386, -0.590388 53.477339, -0.590947 53.477192, -0.591036 53.477331, -0.591189 53.477544, -0.591226 53.477583, -0.591549 53.477511, -0.591563 53.477532, -0.591991 53.477431, -0.592126 53.477667, -0.592173 53.477724, -0.592248 53.477771, -0.592443 53.477786, -0.59276 53.477785, -0.593295 53.477766, -0.593429 53.477722, -0.593518 53.477671, -0.593534 53.477586, -0.593519 53.477434, -0.593475 53.47729, -0.59357 53.477154, -0.59369 53.476646, -0.593985 53.476602, -0.594209 53.476581, -0.594201 53.476509, -0.594218 53.476507, -0.5942 53.476469, -0.594165 53.47644, -0.594322 53.476434, -0.594534 53.476411, -0.594562 53.476504, -0.59458 53.476501, -0.59465 53.476677, -0.594711 53.476738, -0.595111 53.476668, -0.595269 53.476627, -0.595229 53.476578, -0.595045 53.476215, -0.595209 53.476167, -0.595095 53.476009, -0.595183 53.475984, -0.595051 53.475788, -0.594836 53.475827, -0.594828 53.475797, -0.59481 53.475691, -0.594809 53.475633, -0.59484 53.475506, -0.594946 53.475437, -0.594961 53.475393, -0.594951 53.475252, -0.59493 53.475173, -0.594533 53.475216, -0.594379 53.475245, -0.594345 53.475177, -0.594323 53.475104, -0.594315 53.475064, -0.594324 53.474987, -0.594382 53.474801, -0.594429 53.474673, -0.594584 53.474364, -0.594663 53.474145, -0.594703 53.473998, -0.5947 53.473911, -0.594663 53.47379, -0.594614 53.473727, -0.594581 53.473701, -0.594515 53.47367, -0.594408 53.47366, -0.59437 53.473665, -0.594326 53.473682, -0.594299 53.473704, -0.594318 53.473717, -0.593847 53.47398, -0.593373 53.474189, -0.593315 53.474229, -0.593302 53.474256, -0.593306 53.474303, -0.593341 53.474353, -0.593568 53.474496, -0.593682 53.47459, -0.593711 53.47467, -0.59306 53.47477, -0.593003 53.474787, -0.592933 53.474823, -0.592849 53.47475, -0.592626 53.474597, -0.592313 53.474729, -0.592341 53.474754, -0.592238 53.474796, -0.592294 53.474853, -0.592305 53.474874, -0.592307 53.474908, -0.592141 53.474972, -0.592042 53.475044, -0.591966 53.475074, -0.591879 53.4751, -0.591682 53.475142, -0.591595 53.475172, -0.590663 53.475224))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.590529 53.47606) Facts
Article 4 direction DLS3913 Facts
Permitted development rights 1A;1C;1D;1F;2A;2C Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "DLS3913",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Kirton in Lindsey",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "234",
    "start-date": "2011-11-08",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-01-26",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.590663 53.475224, -0.590185 53.475134, -0.590004 53.475065, -0.58993 53.475141, -0.589861 53.475128, -0.589753 53.475061, -0.589671 53.474997, -0.5898 53.474946, -0.589581 53.474755, -0.589546 53.474705, -0.589409 53.474569, -0.589128 53.47466, -0.589109 53.47464, -0.589057 53.474619, -0.588905 53.474412, -0.588476 53.474361, -0.588015 53.474253, -0.587894 53.474242, -0.58679 53.474315, -0.586948 53.47472, -0.587094 53.474699, -0.587155 53.474842, -0.586525 53.474872, -0.586587 53.475565, -0.586608 53.47603, -0.586407 53.476041, -0.586414 53.476087, -0.58632 53.476093, -0.58634 53.476317, -0.586523 53.476306, -0.586534 53.476365, -0.58656 53.477419, -0.586762 53.477416, -0.586877 53.477444, -0.586956 53.477484, -0.586985 53.477513, -0.587005 53.477557, -0.587027 53.47777, -0.587427 53.477765, -0.587894 53.477548, -0.588054 53.477753, -0.588056 53.477834, -0.589164 53.477824, -0.589164 53.477814, -0.589381 53.477815, -0.589381 53.477823, -0.589587 53.477826, -0.589633 53.477752, -0.589649 53.477694, -0.589758 53.47751, -0.589841 53.477534, -0.589888 53.477493, -0.590337 53.477492, -0.590237 53.477386, -0.590388 53.477339, -0.590947 53.477192, -0.591036 53.477331, -0.591189 53.477544, -0.591226 53.477583, -0.591549 53.477511, -0.591563 53.477532, -0.591991 53.477431, -0.592126 53.477667, -0.592173 53.477724, -0.592248 53.477771, -0.592443 53.477786, -0.59276 53.477785, -0.593295 53.477766, -0.593429 53.477722, -0.593518 53.477671, -0.593534 53.477586, -0.593519 53.477434, -0.593475 53.47729, -0.59357 53.477154, -0.59369 53.476646, -0.593985 53.476602, -0.594209 53.476581, -0.594201 53.476509, -0.594218 53.476507, -0.5942 53.476469, -0.594165 53.47644, -0.594322 53.476434, -0.594534 53.476411, -0.594562 53.476504, -0.59458 53.476501, -0.59465 53.476677, -0.594711 53.476738, -0.595111 53.476668, -0.595269 53.476627, -0.595229 53.476578, -0.595045 53.476215, -0.595209 53.476167, -0.595095 53.476009, -0.595183 53.475984, -0.595051 53.475788, -0.594836 53.475827, -0.594828 53.475797, -0.59481 53.475691, -0.594809 53.475633, -0.59484 53.475506, -0.594946 53.475437, -0.594961 53.475393, -0.594951 53.475252, -0.59493 53.475173, -0.594533 53.475216, -0.594379 53.475245, -0.594345 53.475177, -0.594323 53.475104, -0.594315 53.475064, -0.594324 53.474987, -0.594382 53.474801, -0.594429 53.474673, -0.594584 53.474364, -0.594663 53.474145, -0.594703 53.473998, -0.5947 53.473911, -0.594663 53.47379, -0.594614 53.473727, -0.594581 53.473701, -0.594515 53.47367, -0.594408 53.47366, -0.59437 53.473665, -0.594326 53.473682, -0.594299 53.473704, -0.594318 53.473717, -0.593847 53.47398, -0.593373 53.474189, -0.593315 53.474229, -0.593302 53.474256, -0.593306 53.474303, -0.593341 53.474353, -0.593568 53.474496, -0.593682 53.47459, -0.593711 53.47467, -0.59306 53.47477, -0.593003 53.474787, -0.592933 53.474823, -0.592849 53.47475, -0.592626 53.474597, -0.592313 53.474729, -0.592341 53.474754, -0.592238 53.474796, -0.592294 53.474853, -0.592305 53.474874, -0.592307 53.474908, -0.592141 53.474972, -0.592042 53.475044, -0.591966 53.475074, -0.591879 53.4751, -0.591682 53.475142, -0.591595 53.475172, -0.590663 53.475224)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.590529 53.47606)",
    "entity": 7010002783,
    "article-4-direction": "DLS3913",
    "permitted-development-rights": "1A;1C;1D;1F;2A;2C"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area