Article 4 direction area

New Frodingham

Field Value Fact links
Reference DLS3920 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name New Frodingham Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation North Lincolnshire Council no fact link
Start date 1991-03-14 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 1991-08-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.641998 53.585673, -0.641913 53.584902, -0.641686 53.584911, -0.641664 53.584928, -0.641753 53.585683, -0.641998 53.585673)), ((-0.641667 53.585688, -0.64158 53.584932, -0.641556 53.584917, -0.641336 53.584926, -0.641426 53.585698, -0.641667 53.585688)), ((-0.64218 53.585664, -0.642346 53.585657, -0.642259 53.584885, -0.642097 53.58489, -0.64218 53.585664)), ((-0.641151 53.584936, -0.640989 53.584942, -0.641078 53.585712, -0.641241 53.585705, -0.641151 53.584936)), ((-0.640505 53.587017, -0.640612 53.587013, -0.64053 53.586259, -0.640364 53.586266, -0.640449 53.58702, -0.640505 53.587017)), ((-0.640957 53.586957, -0.640878 53.586245, -0.640714 53.586251, -0.640792 53.586964, -0.640957 53.586957)), ((-0.641374 53.586898, -0.641298 53.586228, -0.641126 53.586235, -0.641203 53.586906, -0.641374 53.586898)), ((-0.641727 53.586884, -0.641651 53.586214, -0.64148 53.586221, -0.641559 53.58689, -0.641727 53.586884)), ((-0.64213 53.586828, -0.642054 53.586194, -0.641887 53.586201, -0.641963 53.586835, -0.64213 53.586828)), ((-0.642476 53.586774, -0.642406 53.58618, -0.642241 53.586186, -0.642312 53.586779, -0.642476 53.586774)), ((-0.642818 53.58616, -0.642657 53.586167, -0.642724 53.586739, -0.642882 53.586726, -0.642818 53.58616)), ((-0.643219 53.58657, -0.643167 53.586149, -0.642998 53.586156, -0.643062 53.58666, -0.643228 53.586653, -0.643219 53.58657))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.641687 53.586009) Facts
Article 4 direction DLS3920 Facts
Permitted development rights 1A;1B;1C;1D;1H;2A;2C Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "DLS3920",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "New Frodingham",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "234",
    "start-date": "1991-03-14",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "1991-08-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.641998 53.585673, -0.641913 53.584902, -0.641686 53.584911, -0.641664 53.584928, -0.641753 53.585683, -0.641998 53.585673)), ((-0.641667 53.585688, -0.64158 53.584932, -0.641556 53.584917, -0.641336 53.584926, -0.641426 53.585698, -0.641667 53.585688)), ((-0.64218 53.585664, -0.642346 53.585657, -0.642259 53.584885, -0.642097 53.58489, -0.64218 53.585664)), ((-0.641151 53.584936, -0.640989 53.584942, -0.641078 53.585712, -0.641241 53.585705, -0.641151 53.584936)), ((-0.640505 53.587017, -0.640612 53.587013, -0.64053 53.586259, -0.640364 53.586266, -0.640449 53.58702, -0.640505 53.587017)), ((-0.640957 53.586957, -0.640878 53.586245, -0.640714 53.586251, -0.640792 53.586964, -0.640957 53.586957)), ((-0.641374 53.586898, -0.641298 53.586228, -0.641126 53.586235, -0.641203 53.586906, -0.641374 53.586898)), ((-0.641727 53.586884, -0.641651 53.586214, -0.64148 53.586221, -0.641559 53.58689, -0.641727 53.586884)), ((-0.64213 53.586828, -0.642054 53.586194, -0.641887 53.586201, -0.641963 53.586835, -0.64213 53.586828)), ((-0.642476 53.586774, -0.642406 53.58618, -0.642241 53.586186, -0.642312 53.586779, -0.642476 53.586774)), ((-0.642818 53.58616, -0.642657 53.586167, -0.642724 53.586739, -0.642882 53.586726, -0.642818 53.58616)), ((-0.643219 53.58657, -0.643167 53.586149, -0.642998 53.586156, -0.643062 53.58666, -0.643228 53.586653, -0.643219 53.58657)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.641687 53.586009)",
    "entity": 7010002781,
    "article-4-direction": "DLS3920",
    "permitted-development-rights": "1A;1B;1C;1D;1H;2A;2C"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area