Article 4 direction area

Article 4 Direction - Winterton and Hemsby

Field Value Fact links
Reference A4Da012 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Article 4 Direction - Winterton and Hemsby Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation Great Yarmouth Borough Council no fact link
Start date 1978-04-14 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2023-05-19 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.696217 52.722254, 1.688508 52.721602, 1.691344 52.71824, 1.6915 52.717959, 1.692248 52.718112, 1.692318 52.717983, 1.692444 52.718008, 1.692626 52.717661, 1.693259 52.717801, 1.693386 52.71766, 1.694156 52.716737, 1.694571 52.716204, 1.694655 52.716109, 1.694952 52.716227, 1.695103 52.715764, 1.695202 52.715492, 1.695297 52.71545, 1.69538 52.71538, 1.695495 52.715265, 1.695578 52.715145, 1.695566 52.715142, 1.695555 52.714932, 1.695564 52.71479, 1.695582 52.714708, 1.695723 52.714339, 1.695757 52.71428, 1.695815 52.714209, 1.69587 52.714154, 1.696043 52.714018, 1.69607 52.713982, 1.696092 52.713898, 1.696075 52.713847, 1.695976 52.713762, 1.695957 52.713711, 1.695958 52.713602, 1.695976 52.713438, 1.696056 52.71323, 1.696075 52.713144, 1.696073 52.71311, 1.696208 52.712859, 1.696229 52.712837, 1.696283 52.712573, 1.696578 52.711945, 1.696785 52.711454, 1.696941 52.711155, 1.69702 52.711049, 1.697105 52.710857, 1.697291 52.710565, 1.697373 52.710443, 1.697992 52.709651, 1.697999 52.709478, 1.698131 52.709175, 1.698253 52.70904, 1.6984 52.708911, 1.698593 52.708693, 1.698748 52.708558, 1.69902 52.708206, 1.699186 52.707912, 1.699314 52.707711, 1.699314 52.707685, 1.699404 52.707537, 1.699535 52.707286, 1.699567 52.707202, 1.699719 52.706932, 1.699895 52.706694, 1.699926 52.706674, 1.699957 52.706636, 1.700283 52.706148, 1.700374 52.706047, 1.700437 52.705949, 1.700664 52.705652, 1.700721 52.70563, 1.700827 52.705561, 1.70095 52.705454, 1.70103 52.705307, 1.701061 52.705163, 1.701133 52.705023, 1.701184 52.704897, 1.701268 52.70477, 1.701522 52.704447, 1.701728 52.704162, 1.701746 52.704167, 1.701852 52.704011, 1.701977 52.703802, 1.702228 52.703429, 1.702483 52.703229, 1.702467 52.703216, 1.702587 52.703133, 1.702705 52.703021, 1.702947 52.702699, 1.703103 52.702354, 1.703214 52.702136, 1.703324 52.701948, 1.703452 52.701536, 1.703457 52.701463, 1.703469 52.701459, 1.703476 52.701413, 1.703462 52.701408, 1.703465 52.701366, 1.703444 52.701337, 1.703611 52.701149, 1.703665 52.701037, 1.703694 52.700949, 1.703783 52.700749, 1.703923 52.700544, 1.703994 52.700454, 1.704014 52.700391, 1.704018 52.700352, 1.70404 52.700351, 1.704048 52.700308, 1.704155 52.700138, 1.704198 52.699973, 1.704241 52.699902, 1.704286 52.699848, 1.704533 52.699624, 1.704579 52.699615, 1.70472 52.699438, 1.704894 52.699267, 1.705079 52.698973, 1.705168 52.698708, 1.705327 52.698432, 1.70544 52.698267, 1.705659 52.69799, 1.705786 52.697813, 1.705905 52.697639, 1.70593 52.697589, 1.706176 52.697238, 1.70638 52.69692, 1.706941 52.69701, 1.706812 52.697267, 1.706749 52.697427, 1.706711 52.69749, 1.706629 52.697662, 1.706581 52.697728, 1.706558 52.697823, 1.706509 52.697926, 1.706397 52.697989, 1.706352 52.698029, 1.706306 52.698099, 1.706272 52.698135, 1.706161 52.698218, 1.706126 52.698277, 1.706116 52.69837, 1.706156 52.698476, 1.706168 52.698551, 1.70614 52.698652, 1.706067 52.69879, 1.705986 52.698893, 1.705855 52.699098, 1.705742 52.699314, 1.705571 52.699554, 1.705476 52.699748, 1.705461 52.699831, 1.705427 52.699911, 1.705302 52.700111, 1.705275 52.700192, 1.705261 52.700266, 1.705248 52.700449, 1.705002 52.701044, 1.706554 52.701229, 1.707756 52.701397, 1.707689 52.701786, 1.70764 52.701945, 1.707485 52.702298, 1.7074 52.702585, 1.70731 52.702822, 1.707086 52.70332, 1.707 52.703486, 1.70686 52.703721, 1.706684 52.703972, 1.706569 52.704206, 1.706304 52.704814, 1.706173 52.705089, 1.706061 52.705385, 1.705912 52.705744, 1.705786 52.705952, 1.705363 52.706696, 1.705183 52.707018, 1.705016 52.707339, 1.704921 52.707544, 1.704852 52.707725, 1.70445 52.708495, 1.704243 52.708861, 1.70414 52.709133, 1.704018 52.709423, 1.703675 52.710478, 1.703405 52.711408, 1.703341 52.711947, 1.703307 52.712173, 1.703263 52.712386, 1.703199 52.712595, 1.703178 52.712828, 1.703092 52.713337, 1.70307 52.71366, 1.703073 52.71448, 1.703066 52.714804, 1.703048 52.715176, 1.703016 52.71554, 1.702977 52.71578, 1.702835 52.716216, 1.702597 52.716631, 1.702454 52.716822, 1.702334 52.716965, 1.702105 52.717183, 1.700693 52.718435, 1.699832 52.719071, 1.69882 52.719862, 1.698267 52.720252, 1.697645 52.720761, 1.697407 52.720944, 1.697114 52.721147, 1.696916 52.721334, 1.696747 52.721522, 1.696217 52.722254))) Facts
Point POINT (1.699494 52.712523) Facts
Notes An interpretation of the paper copy Article 4 direction map kept in the Register of Local Land Charges Facts
Article 4 direction A4D012 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "A4Da012",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Article 4 Direction - Winterton and Hemsby",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "152",
    "start-date": "1978-04-14",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2023-05-19",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.696217 52.722254, 1.688508 52.721602, 1.691344 52.71824, 1.6915 52.717959, 1.692248 52.718112, 1.692318 52.717983, 1.692444 52.718008, 1.692626 52.717661, 1.693259 52.717801, 1.693386 52.71766, 1.694156 52.716737, 1.694571 52.716204, 1.694655 52.716109, 1.694952 52.716227, 1.695103 52.715764, 1.695202 52.715492, 1.695297 52.71545, 1.69538 52.71538, 1.695495 52.715265, 1.695578 52.715145, 1.695566 52.715142, 1.695555 52.714932, 1.695564 52.71479, 1.695582 52.714708, 1.695723 52.714339, 1.695757 52.71428, 1.695815 52.714209, 1.69587 52.714154, 1.696043 52.714018, 1.69607 52.713982, 1.696092 52.713898, 1.696075 52.713847, 1.695976 52.713762, 1.695957 52.713711, 1.695958 52.713602, 1.695976 52.713438, 1.696056 52.71323, 1.696075 52.713144, 1.696073 52.71311, 1.696208 52.712859, 1.696229 52.712837, 1.696283 52.712573, 1.696578 52.711945, 1.696785 52.711454, 1.696941 52.711155, 1.69702 52.711049, 1.697105 52.710857, 1.697291 52.710565, 1.697373 52.710443, 1.697992 52.709651, 1.697999 52.709478, 1.698131 52.709175, 1.698253 52.70904, 1.6984 52.708911, 1.698593 52.708693, 1.698748 52.708558, 1.69902 52.708206, 1.699186 52.707912, 1.699314 52.707711, 1.699314 52.707685, 1.699404 52.707537, 1.699535 52.707286, 1.699567 52.707202, 1.699719 52.706932, 1.699895 52.706694, 1.699926 52.706674, 1.699957 52.706636, 1.700283 52.706148, 1.700374 52.706047, 1.700437 52.705949, 1.700664 52.705652, 1.700721 52.70563, 1.700827 52.705561, 1.70095 52.705454, 1.70103 52.705307, 1.701061 52.705163, 1.701133 52.705023, 1.701184 52.704897, 1.701268 52.70477, 1.701522 52.704447, 1.701728 52.704162, 1.701746 52.704167, 1.701852 52.704011, 1.701977 52.703802, 1.702228 52.703429, 1.702483 52.703229, 1.702467 52.703216, 1.702587 52.703133, 1.702705 52.703021, 1.702947 52.702699, 1.703103 52.702354, 1.703214 52.702136, 1.703324 52.701948, 1.703452 52.701536, 1.703457 52.701463, 1.703469 52.701459, 1.703476 52.701413, 1.703462 52.701408, 1.703465 52.701366, 1.703444 52.701337, 1.703611 52.701149, 1.703665 52.701037, 1.703694 52.700949, 1.703783 52.700749, 1.703923 52.700544, 1.703994 52.700454, 1.704014 52.700391, 1.704018 52.700352, 1.70404 52.700351, 1.704048 52.700308, 1.704155 52.700138, 1.704198 52.699973, 1.704241 52.699902, 1.704286 52.699848, 1.704533 52.699624, 1.704579 52.699615, 1.70472 52.699438, 1.704894 52.699267, 1.705079 52.698973, 1.705168 52.698708, 1.705327 52.698432, 1.70544 52.698267, 1.705659 52.69799, 1.705786 52.697813, 1.705905 52.697639, 1.70593 52.697589, 1.706176 52.697238, 1.70638 52.69692, 1.706941 52.69701, 1.706812 52.697267, 1.706749 52.697427, 1.706711 52.69749, 1.706629 52.697662, 1.706581 52.697728, 1.706558 52.697823, 1.706509 52.697926, 1.706397 52.697989, 1.706352 52.698029, 1.706306 52.698099, 1.706272 52.698135, 1.706161 52.698218, 1.706126 52.698277, 1.706116 52.69837, 1.706156 52.698476, 1.706168 52.698551, 1.70614 52.698652, 1.706067 52.69879, 1.705986 52.698893, 1.705855 52.699098, 1.705742 52.699314, 1.705571 52.699554, 1.705476 52.699748, 1.705461 52.699831, 1.705427 52.699911, 1.705302 52.700111, 1.705275 52.700192, 1.705261 52.700266, 1.705248 52.700449, 1.705002 52.701044, 1.706554 52.701229, 1.707756 52.701397, 1.707689 52.701786, 1.70764 52.701945, 1.707485 52.702298, 1.7074 52.702585, 1.70731 52.702822, 1.707086 52.70332, 1.707 52.703486, 1.70686 52.703721, 1.706684 52.703972, 1.706569 52.704206, 1.706304 52.704814, 1.706173 52.705089, 1.706061 52.705385, 1.705912 52.705744, 1.705786 52.705952, 1.705363 52.706696, 1.705183 52.707018, 1.705016 52.707339, 1.704921 52.707544, 1.704852 52.707725, 1.70445 52.708495, 1.704243 52.708861, 1.70414 52.709133, 1.704018 52.709423, 1.703675 52.710478, 1.703405 52.711408, 1.703341 52.711947, 1.703307 52.712173, 1.703263 52.712386, 1.703199 52.712595, 1.703178 52.712828, 1.703092 52.713337, 1.70307 52.71366, 1.703073 52.71448, 1.703066 52.714804, 1.703048 52.715176, 1.703016 52.71554, 1.702977 52.71578, 1.702835 52.716216, 1.702597 52.716631, 1.702454 52.716822, 1.702334 52.716965, 1.702105 52.717183, 1.700693 52.718435, 1.699832 52.719071, 1.69882 52.719862, 1.698267 52.720252, 1.697645 52.720761, 1.697407 52.720944, 1.697114 52.721147, 1.696916 52.721334, 1.696747 52.721522, 1.696217 52.722254)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.699494 52.712523)",
    "entity": 7010002631,
    "notes": "An interpretation of the paper copy Article 4 direction map kept in the Register of Local Land Charges",
    "article-4-direction": "A4D012"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area