Article 4 direction area
Article 4(2) for Monken Hadley CA Area 1
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | A4D9A1 | Facts |
Prefix | article-4-direction-area | Facts |
Name | Article 4(2) for Monken Hadley CA Area 1 | Facts |
Dataset | Article 4 direction area | no fact link |
Organisation | London Borough of Barnet | no fact link |
Start date | 2007-01-15 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-07-17 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.190371 51.662402, -0.190045 51.662409, -0.189787 51.662404, -0.189183 51.662424, -0.188894 51.662446, -0.188582 51.662483, -0.188387 51.662543, -0.187074 51.663018, -0.186322 51.663258, -0.185436 51.663503, -0.185133 51.663998, -0.18468 51.664644, -0.184489 51.664946, -0.185359 51.664844, -0.185427 51.664825, -0.185792 51.664823, -0.185954 51.66479, -0.186235 51.664789, -0.186332 51.66461, -0.186227 51.664424, -0.186143 51.664209, -0.186089 51.66416, -0.186426 51.664103, -0.186448 51.664155, -0.186939 51.664149, -0.18695 51.664024, -0.186825 51.66369, -0.186899 51.663686, -0.186893 51.663638, -0.187263 51.663618, -0.187457 51.663597, -0.187381 51.66387, -0.187537 51.663882, -0.187575 51.663733, -0.187534 51.663624, -0.187923 51.663695, -0.187903 51.663804, -0.18792 51.663808, -0.188269 51.663739, -0.18841 51.663725, -0.188485 51.663736, -0.188953 51.663733, -0.189096 51.663747, -0.189214 51.663737, -0.189758 51.663756, -0.189985 51.663751, -0.190183 51.663717, -0.190264 51.66332, -0.190285 51.66319, -0.190311 51.66287, -0.190374 51.662568, -0.190371 51.662402)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.18766 51.663496)
Facts |
Notes | the data in permitted_development_right field applies where the works front a relevant location (in accordance with the Historical Article 4 this is defined as highway, waterway or open space) | Facts |
Article 4 direction | A4D9 | Facts |
Permitted development rights | 1A;1C;1D;1E;1F;1H;2A;2C;11C | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "A4D9A1",
"prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
"name": "Article 4(2) for Monken Hadley CA Area 1",
"dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
"organisation-entity": "48",
"start-date": "2007-01-15",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-07-17",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.190371 51.662402, -0.190045 51.662409, -0.189787 51.662404, -0.189183 51.662424, -0.188894 51.662446, -0.188582 51.662483, -0.188387 51.662543, -0.187074 51.663018, -0.186322 51.663258, -0.185436 51.663503, -0.185133 51.663998, -0.18468 51.664644, -0.184489 51.664946, -0.185359 51.664844, -0.185427 51.664825, -0.185792 51.664823, -0.185954 51.66479, -0.186235 51.664789, -0.186332 51.66461, -0.186227 51.664424, -0.186143 51.664209, -0.186089 51.66416, -0.186426 51.664103, -0.186448 51.664155, -0.186939 51.664149, -0.18695 51.664024, -0.186825 51.66369, -0.186899 51.663686, -0.186893 51.663638, -0.187263 51.663618, -0.187457 51.663597, -0.187381 51.66387, -0.187537 51.663882, -0.187575 51.663733, -0.187534 51.663624, -0.187923 51.663695, -0.187903 51.663804, -0.18792 51.663808, -0.188269 51.663739, -0.18841 51.663725, -0.188485 51.663736, -0.188953 51.663733, -0.189096 51.663747, -0.189214 51.663737, -0.189758 51.663756, -0.189985 51.663751, -0.190183 51.663717, -0.190264 51.66332, -0.190285 51.66319, -0.190311 51.66287, -0.190374 51.662568, -0.190371 51.662402)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.18766 51.663496)",
"entity": 7010002574,
"notes": "the data in permitted_development_right field applies where the works front a relevant location (in accordance with the Historical Article 4 this is defined as highway, waterway or open space)",
"article-4-direction": "A4D9",
"permitted-development-rights": "1A;1C;1D;1E;1F;1H;2A;2C;11C"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.