Article 4 direction area

Article 4 for Mill Hill CA Area 3

Field Value Fact links
Reference A4D6A3 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Article 4 for Mill Hill CA Area 3 Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation London Borough of Barnet no fact link
Start date 1970-09-07 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-07-17 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.234945 51.622198, -0.234941 51.622194, -0.234955 51.622182, -0.235173 51.62205, -0.235645 51.621518, -0.234799 51.621243, -0.234459 51.621151, -0.234585 51.620905, -0.234183 51.620784, -0.233562 51.620573, -0.232811 51.62029, -0.232584 51.620227, -0.232567 51.619575, -0.23254 51.619492, -0.232489 51.619154, -0.232478 51.619104, -0.232445 51.619055, -0.232423 51.618989, -0.23231 51.618913, -0.231949 51.618705, -0.230772 51.618591, -0.230738 51.618518, -0.230621 51.617756, -0.230617 51.617679, -0.230623 51.617619, -0.230546 51.616618, -0.23054 51.616557, -0.230506 51.616524, -0.230621 51.616443, -0.230677 51.616416, -0.230764 51.61639, -0.23543 51.615271, -0.235603 51.615233, -0.235696 51.615224, -0.235605 51.616175, -0.235572 51.616443, -0.235772 51.61645, -0.23577 51.616477, -0.235825 51.616479, -0.235827 51.616452, -0.236003 51.616456, -0.236223 51.616486, -0.236541 51.616501, -0.236664 51.615483, -0.236694 51.615092, -0.236679 51.615022, -0.236689 51.614687, -0.236682 51.614535, -0.236701 51.614313, -0.235791 51.614209, -0.235746 51.614723, -0.235736 51.614729, -0.235592 51.614725, -0.235592 51.614711, -0.235063 51.614696, -0.233935 51.615006, -0.233106 51.61521, -0.232079 51.615428, -0.231837 51.615419, -0.231784 51.615401, -0.231694 51.615385, -0.23144 51.615371, -0.231377 51.615376, -0.231146 51.615429, -0.230839 51.615463, -0.23062 51.615465, -0.230485 51.616366, -0.23032 51.616491, -0.230144 51.616435, -0.229982 51.616364, -0.229241 51.616407, -0.228989 51.616448, -0.228684 51.616535, -0.228474 51.616618, -0.228432 51.616687, -0.228309 51.616724, -0.228162 51.616795, -0.228031 51.616837, -0.227659 51.616539, -0.227625 51.616487, -0.227378 51.616178, -0.227309 51.616189, -0.227215 51.616151, -0.227136 51.616083, -0.227089 51.615994, -0.227024 51.615942, -0.226965 51.615852, -0.226936 51.615857, -0.226837 51.615723, -0.226869 51.615722, -0.226785 51.615616, -0.22638 51.615156, -0.226323 51.615108, -0.226345 51.615024, -0.226322 51.614968, -0.226277 51.61494, -0.226251 51.614885, -0.226274 51.614811, -0.226269 51.614679, -0.226189 51.614393, -0.225597 51.614509, -0.224941 51.61456, -0.225093 51.614725, -0.225388 51.615176, -0.225423 51.615242, -0.225451 51.615324, -0.225457 51.615323, -0.225506 51.615479, -0.225494 51.615511, -0.225439 51.615535, -0.225528 51.615683, -0.225536 51.615734, -0.225552 51.615756, -0.225585 51.61578, -0.226062 51.616572, -0.226171 51.616786, -0.22643 51.617348, -0.226566 51.617548, -0.22653 51.617598, -0.22644 51.61765, -0.226328 51.617687, -0.226008 51.617711, -0.226007 51.617757, -0.226042 51.617786, -0.226255 51.617819, -0.226569 51.617896, -0.227396 51.618051, -0.227369 51.618165, -0.227118 51.618871, -0.227264 51.618892, -0.227484 51.618497, -0.227921 51.618608, -0.227994 51.618593, -0.228242 51.61869, -0.228641 51.618886, -0.228696 51.618857, -0.229196 51.618783, -0.229312 51.61886, -0.229655 51.619057, -0.229664 51.6191, -0.229551 51.619168, -0.229426 51.619259, -0.229326 51.619435, -0.229185 51.619572, -0.229144 51.619692, -0.229094 51.619755, -0.228971 51.619874, -0.230026 51.620453, -0.230097 51.620503, -0.230066 51.620521, -0.230318 51.62071, -0.2301 51.620832, -0.230077 51.620833, -0.229584 51.621099, -0.230263 51.621549, -0.230522 51.621385, -0.230596 51.62133, -0.230788 51.621216, -0.230904 51.621134, -0.231292 51.621347, -0.231678 51.621091, -0.231725 51.621119, -0.231873 51.621286, -0.231986 51.621375, -0.232217 51.621485, -0.233098 51.62207, -0.23332 51.622222, -0.233505 51.62236, -0.234047 51.622039, -0.234651 51.622386, -0.234945 51.622198))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.23086 51.618145) Facts
Article 4 direction A4D6 Facts
Permitted development rights 1A;1C;1D;1E;1F;2A;2B;2C Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "A4D6A3",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Article 4 for Mill Hill CA Area 3",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "48",
    "start-date": "1970-09-07",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-07-17",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.234945 51.622198, -0.234941 51.622194, -0.234955 51.622182, -0.235173 51.62205, -0.235645 51.621518, -0.234799 51.621243, -0.234459 51.621151, -0.234585 51.620905, -0.234183 51.620784, -0.233562 51.620573, -0.232811 51.62029, -0.232584 51.620227, -0.232567 51.619575, -0.23254 51.619492, -0.232489 51.619154, -0.232478 51.619104, -0.232445 51.619055, -0.232423 51.618989, -0.23231 51.618913, -0.231949 51.618705, -0.230772 51.618591, -0.230738 51.618518, -0.230621 51.617756, -0.230617 51.617679, -0.230623 51.617619, -0.230546 51.616618, -0.23054 51.616557, -0.230506 51.616524, -0.230621 51.616443, -0.230677 51.616416, -0.230764 51.61639, -0.23543 51.615271, -0.235603 51.615233, -0.235696 51.615224, -0.235605 51.616175, -0.235572 51.616443, -0.235772 51.61645, -0.23577 51.616477, -0.235825 51.616479, -0.235827 51.616452, -0.236003 51.616456, -0.236223 51.616486, -0.236541 51.616501, -0.236664 51.615483, -0.236694 51.615092, -0.236679 51.615022, -0.236689 51.614687, -0.236682 51.614535, -0.236701 51.614313, -0.235791 51.614209, -0.235746 51.614723, -0.235736 51.614729, -0.235592 51.614725, -0.235592 51.614711, -0.235063 51.614696, -0.233935 51.615006, -0.233106 51.61521, -0.232079 51.615428, -0.231837 51.615419, -0.231784 51.615401, -0.231694 51.615385, -0.23144 51.615371, -0.231377 51.615376, -0.231146 51.615429, -0.230839 51.615463, -0.23062 51.615465, -0.230485 51.616366, -0.23032 51.616491, -0.230144 51.616435, -0.229982 51.616364, -0.229241 51.616407, -0.228989 51.616448, -0.228684 51.616535, -0.228474 51.616618, -0.228432 51.616687, -0.228309 51.616724, -0.228162 51.616795, -0.228031 51.616837, -0.227659 51.616539, -0.227625 51.616487, -0.227378 51.616178, -0.227309 51.616189, -0.227215 51.616151, -0.227136 51.616083, -0.227089 51.615994, -0.227024 51.615942, -0.226965 51.615852, -0.226936 51.615857, -0.226837 51.615723, -0.226869 51.615722, -0.226785 51.615616, -0.22638 51.615156, -0.226323 51.615108, -0.226345 51.615024, -0.226322 51.614968, -0.226277 51.61494, -0.226251 51.614885, -0.226274 51.614811, -0.226269 51.614679, -0.226189 51.614393, -0.225597 51.614509, -0.224941 51.61456, -0.225093 51.614725, -0.225388 51.615176, -0.225423 51.615242, -0.225451 51.615324, -0.225457 51.615323, -0.225506 51.615479, -0.225494 51.615511, -0.225439 51.615535, -0.225528 51.615683, -0.225536 51.615734, -0.225552 51.615756, -0.225585 51.61578, -0.226062 51.616572, -0.226171 51.616786, -0.22643 51.617348, -0.226566 51.617548, -0.22653 51.617598, -0.22644 51.61765, -0.226328 51.617687, -0.226008 51.617711, -0.226007 51.617757, -0.226042 51.617786, -0.226255 51.617819, -0.226569 51.617896, -0.227396 51.618051, -0.227369 51.618165, -0.227118 51.618871, -0.227264 51.618892, -0.227484 51.618497, -0.227921 51.618608, -0.227994 51.618593, -0.228242 51.61869, -0.228641 51.618886, -0.228696 51.618857, -0.229196 51.618783, -0.229312 51.61886, -0.229655 51.619057, -0.229664 51.6191, -0.229551 51.619168, -0.229426 51.619259, -0.229326 51.619435, -0.229185 51.619572, -0.229144 51.619692, -0.229094 51.619755, -0.228971 51.619874, -0.230026 51.620453, -0.230097 51.620503, -0.230066 51.620521, -0.230318 51.62071, -0.2301 51.620832, -0.230077 51.620833, -0.229584 51.621099, -0.230263 51.621549, -0.230522 51.621385, -0.230596 51.62133, -0.230788 51.621216, -0.230904 51.621134, -0.231292 51.621347, -0.231678 51.621091, -0.231725 51.621119, -0.231873 51.621286, -0.231986 51.621375, -0.232217 51.621485, -0.233098 51.62207, -0.23332 51.622222, -0.233505 51.62236, -0.234047 51.622039, -0.234651 51.622386, -0.234945 51.622198)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.23086 51.618145)",
    "entity": 7010002569,
    "article-4-direction": "A4D6",
    "permitted-development-rights": "1A;1C;1D;1E;1F;2A;2B;2C"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area