Article 4 direction area

Article 4 Agricultural Land Restriction Area 3

Field Value Fact links
Reference A4D15A3 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Article 4 Agricultural Land Restriction Area 3 Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation London Borough of Barnet no fact link
Start date 1959-04-17 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-07-17 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.244081 51.63268, -0.244089 51.632604, -0.244117 51.63258, -0.244221 51.632443, -0.244281 51.63234, -0.244343 51.632267, -0.244466 51.632144, -0.244547 51.632098, -0.244644 51.632065, -0.244738 51.631914, -0.244788 51.631687, -0.244832 51.631428, -0.244901 51.631302, -0.244953 51.631232, -0.244892 51.631201, -0.244857 51.631168, -0.244823 51.631096, -0.244872 51.630779, -0.244873 51.630753, -0.244862 51.630719, -0.244848 51.630704, -0.244757 51.630659, -0.244509 51.630565, -0.244275 51.63046, -0.243474 51.630175, -0.242883 51.629944, -0.24257 51.629852, -0.24238 51.629811, -0.242203 51.62974, -0.241363 51.629566, -0.240813 51.629405, -0.240779 51.629422, -0.240736 51.629411, -0.240731 51.62938, -0.24067 51.629361, -0.240473 51.629656, -0.240257 51.629585, -0.239602 51.630478, -0.239234 51.63025, -0.238967 51.630037, -0.238868 51.629971, -0.238638 51.629837, -0.238328 51.629685, -0.238292 51.629661, -0.237697 51.629893, -0.23633 51.630388, -0.236265 51.630431, -0.236191 51.630494, -0.236137 51.630556, -0.236123 51.630587, -0.236099 51.630806, -0.23606 51.630848, -0.236051 51.630932, -0.236065 51.631048, -0.236076 51.631287, -0.236059 51.631364, -0.236047 51.631482, -0.236055 51.631556, -0.236043 51.631696, -0.23605 51.631749, -0.235994 51.63241, -0.235976 51.632528, -0.235971 51.632694, -0.235994 51.632847, -0.236147 51.633236, -0.236199 51.633337, -0.236297 51.633484, -0.236432 51.633715, -0.236516 51.633974, -0.236558 51.634138, -0.236646 51.634323, -0.237562 51.634196, -0.238292 51.634106, -0.241313 51.633705, -0.241338 51.633684, -0.242366 51.633388, -0.243429 51.633101, -0.244011 51.633033, -0.244012 51.632959, -0.244033 51.632833, -0.244081 51.63268))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.240091 51.631834) Facts
Article 4 direction A4D15 Facts
Permitted development rights 6A;6B;6C;6E Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "A4D15A3",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Article 4 Agricultural Land Restriction Area 3",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "48",
    "start-date": "1959-04-17",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-07-17",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.244081 51.63268, -0.244089 51.632604, -0.244117 51.63258, -0.244221 51.632443, -0.244281 51.63234, -0.244343 51.632267, -0.244466 51.632144, -0.244547 51.632098, -0.244644 51.632065, -0.244738 51.631914, -0.244788 51.631687, -0.244832 51.631428, -0.244901 51.631302, -0.244953 51.631232, -0.244892 51.631201, -0.244857 51.631168, -0.244823 51.631096, -0.244872 51.630779, -0.244873 51.630753, -0.244862 51.630719, -0.244848 51.630704, -0.244757 51.630659, -0.244509 51.630565, -0.244275 51.63046, -0.243474 51.630175, -0.242883 51.629944, -0.24257 51.629852, -0.24238 51.629811, -0.242203 51.62974, -0.241363 51.629566, -0.240813 51.629405, -0.240779 51.629422, -0.240736 51.629411, -0.240731 51.62938, -0.24067 51.629361, -0.240473 51.629656, -0.240257 51.629585, -0.239602 51.630478, -0.239234 51.63025, -0.238967 51.630037, -0.238868 51.629971, -0.238638 51.629837, -0.238328 51.629685, -0.238292 51.629661, -0.237697 51.629893, -0.23633 51.630388, -0.236265 51.630431, -0.236191 51.630494, -0.236137 51.630556, -0.236123 51.630587, -0.236099 51.630806, -0.23606 51.630848, -0.236051 51.630932, -0.236065 51.631048, -0.236076 51.631287, -0.236059 51.631364, -0.236047 51.631482, -0.236055 51.631556, -0.236043 51.631696, -0.23605 51.631749, -0.235994 51.63241, -0.235976 51.632528, -0.235971 51.632694, -0.235994 51.632847, -0.236147 51.633236, -0.236199 51.633337, -0.236297 51.633484, -0.236432 51.633715, -0.236516 51.633974, -0.236558 51.634138, -0.236646 51.634323, -0.237562 51.634196, -0.238292 51.634106, -0.241313 51.633705, -0.241338 51.633684, -0.242366 51.633388, -0.243429 51.633101, -0.244011 51.633033, -0.244012 51.632959, -0.244033 51.632833, -0.244081 51.63268)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.240091 51.631834)",
    "entity": 7010002553,
    "article-4-direction": "A4D15",
    "permitted-development-rights": "6A;6B;6C;6E"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area