Article 4 direction area


Field Value Fact links
Reference 317 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Article_4_Direction_s__Aylesbury_Vale_.24 Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-10-03 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.711623 51.776112, -0.711514 51.775828, -0.711465 51.775763, -0.711333 51.775646, -0.711239 51.775465, -0.711126 51.775303, -0.711093 51.775217, -0.711081 51.77509, -0.711039 51.775041, -0.710908 51.774918, -0.710779 51.77448, -0.710375 51.773743, -0.710269 51.773437, -0.710018 51.772963, -0.709822 51.772746, -0.709775 51.772592, -0.709492 51.772209, -0.709449 51.772108, -0.709329 51.772025, -0.708385 51.772557, -0.708198 51.772723, -0.708128 51.772807, -0.707872 51.773015, -0.707537 51.773308, -0.707376 51.773492, -0.707615 51.773696, -0.707741 51.773793, -0.708126 51.774069, -0.708221 51.774128, -0.70837 51.774201, -0.708544 51.774309, -0.70859 51.774362, -0.708626 51.774425, -0.708682 51.774536, -0.708716 51.774632, -0.708713 51.774837, -0.708672 51.775187, -0.708647 51.775508, -0.708642 51.775735, -0.708656 51.775902, -0.708769 51.77626, -0.708907 51.776577, -0.708978 51.776872, -0.709014 51.777236, -0.708998 51.777476, -0.709022 51.777895, -0.709113 51.77813, -0.709275 51.778498, -0.709376 51.778751, -0.709398 51.778861, -0.709429 51.778965, -0.70943 51.779079, -0.709417 51.77926, -0.709475 51.779319, -0.709469 51.779348, -0.709445 51.77939, -0.70948 51.779576, -0.709496 51.779712, -0.709489 51.779905, -0.709475 51.779987, -0.709423 51.78014, -0.709334 51.780351, -0.709187 51.780568, -0.709135 51.780662, -0.709085 51.780837, -0.709064 51.780954, -0.709064 51.78141, -0.709032 51.781683, -0.709046 51.781865, -0.709275 51.78224, -0.709505 51.782258, -0.710287 51.782283, -0.710303 51.78246, -0.710707 51.782457, -0.71079 51.782445, -0.710971 51.782399, -0.711167 51.782336, -0.711415 51.782199, -0.71167 51.782008, -0.711737 51.781947, -0.711845 51.781823, -0.711914 51.781711, -0.711991 51.781359, -0.711999 51.781144, -0.712132 51.780245, -0.71212 51.780036, -0.712133 51.779811, -0.712186 51.779278, -0.71219 51.779177, -0.712174 51.779072, -0.712145 51.778986, -0.712131 51.778912, -0.712139 51.778516, -0.712019 51.778041, -0.711914 51.777702, -0.71185 51.777431, -0.711779 51.777068, -0.711766 51.776848, -0.711734 51.776794, -0.711708 51.776676, -0.711641 51.776187, -0.711623 51.776112))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.710196 51.777543) Facts
Description Direction Under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1973-1976 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "317",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Article_4_Direction_s__Aylesbury_Vale_.24",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-10-03",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.711623 51.776112, -0.711514 51.775828, -0.711465 51.775763, -0.711333 51.775646, -0.711239 51.775465, -0.711126 51.775303, -0.711093 51.775217, -0.711081 51.77509, -0.711039 51.775041, -0.710908 51.774918, -0.710779 51.77448, -0.710375 51.773743, -0.710269 51.773437, -0.710018 51.772963, -0.709822 51.772746, -0.709775 51.772592, -0.709492 51.772209, -0.709449 51.772108, -0.709329 51.772025, -0.708385 51.772557, -0.708198 51.772723, -0.708128 51.772807, -0.707872 51.773015, -0.707537 51.773308, -0.707376 51.773492, -0.707615 51.773696, -0.707741 51.773793, -0.708126 51.774069, -0.708221 51.774128, -0.70837 51.774201, -0.708544 51.774309, -0.70859 51.774362, -0.708626 51.774425, -0.708682 51.774536, -0.708716 51.774632, -0.708713 51.774837, -0.708672 51.775187, -0.708647 51.775508, -0.708642 51.775735, -0.708656 51.775902, -0.708769 51.77626, -0.708907 51.776577, -0.708978 51.776872, -0.709014 51.777236, -0.708998 51.777476, -0.709022 51.777895, -0.709113 51.77813, -0.709275 51.778498, -0.709376 51.778751, -0.709398 51.778861, -0.709429 51.778965, -0.70943 51.779079, -0.709417 51.77926, -0.709475 51.779319, -0.709469 51.779348, -0.709445 51.77939, -0.70948 51.779576, -0.709496 51.779712, -0.709489 51.779905, -0.709475 51.779987, -0.709423 51.78014, -0.709334 51.780351, -0.709187 51.780568, -0.709135 51.780662, -0.709085 51.780837, -0.709064 51.780954, -0.709064 51.78141, -0.709032 51.781683, -0.709046 51.781865, -0.709275 51.78224, -0.709505 51.782258, -0.710287 51.782283, -0.710303 51.78246, -0.710707 51.782457, -0.71079 51.782445, -0.710971 51.782399, -0.711167 51.782336, -0.711415 51.782199, -0.71167 51.782008, -0.711737 51.781947, -0.711845 51.781823, -0.711914 51.781711, -0.711991 51.781359, -0.711999 51.781144, -0.712132 51.780245, -0.71212 51.780036, -0.712133 51.779811, -0.712186 51.779278, -0.71219 51.779177, -0.712174 51.779072, -0.712145 51.778986, -0.712131 51.778912, -0.712139 51.778516, -0.712019 51.778041, -0.711914 51.777702, -0.71185 51.777431, -0.711779 51.777068, -0.711766 51.776848, -0.711734 51.776794, -0.711708 51.776676, -0.711641 51.776187, -0.711623 51.776112)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.710196 51.777543)",
    "entity": 7010002083,
    "description": "Direction Under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1973-1976"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area