Water Meadows, Ferry Lane, Medmenham (b) - Agricultural & Fish Farming
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 4W44SCZX0191 | Facts |
Prefix | article-4-direction-area | Facts |
Name | Water Meadows, Ferry Lane, Medmenham (b) - Agricultural & Fish Farming | Facts |
Dataset | Article 4 direction area | no fact link |
Organisation | Buckinghamshire Council | no fact link |
Start date | 1991-10-10 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-01-08 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.827714 51.548447, -0.827721 51.54851, -0.827783 51.548547, -0.829467 51.549059, -0.830185 51.549317, -0.83032 51.549358, -0.830473 51.549063, -0.831004 51.548121, -0.832211 51.548255, -0.832221 51.548204, -0.832257 51.548112, -0.83233 51.548068, -0.832395 51.548053, -0.832535 51.548043, -0.833953 51.548048, -0.833964 51.547979, -0.835898 51.548206, -0.835899 51.548185, -0.836001 51.548175, -0.836003 51.548164, -0.835911 51.548009, -0.835895 51.547972, -0.835894 51.547878, -0.835863 51.547872, -0.835856 51.547839, -0.835866 51.547834, -0.835958 51.547488, -0.835984 51.547344, -0.835893 51.547192, -0.83591 51.547069, -0.835452 51.546986, -0.835172 51.54689, -0.835136 51.546864, -0.834925 51.546614, -0.834878 51.546575, -0.834752 51.546437, -0.834662 51.546359, -0.8346 51.546341, -0.834562 51.546301, -0.834317 51.546103, -0.834178 51.546015, -0.833986 51.545912, -0.833833 51.54589, -0.833607 51.545801, -0.83345 51.545752, -0.833307 51.545751, -0.833095 51.545674, -0.832938 51.545631, -0.832796 51.545608, -0.832413 51.545615, -0.832392 51.545646, -0.832414 51.54577, -0.832345 51.545769, -0.832334 51.545685, -0.832308 51.54567, -0.832269 51.545691, -0.83223 51.545739, -0.832185 51.545952, -0.832175 51.546066, -0.832162 51.546098, -0.832138 51.546125, -0.831958 51.546174, -0.831693 51.54622, -0.831546 51.546254, -0.831333 51.546288, -0.831199 51.546301, -0.831095 51.546295, -0.830603 51.546156, -0.830156 51.54602, -0.82989 51.545921, -0.829629 51.545846, -0.829428 51.545807, -0.829304 51.545806, -0.829243 51.545818, -0.829108 51.54587, -0.828846 51.546003, -0.82861 51.546147, -0.828445 51.546296, -0.828231 51.546535, -0.827864 51.547178, -0.827823 51.547264, -0.827793 51.54739, -0.827785 51.547574, -0.827773 51.547607, -0.827666 51.547782, -0.827627 51.547868, -0.82761 51.547973, -0.827611 51.548009, -0.827659 51.54804, -0.82767 51.548057, -0.827658 51.548073, -0.827614 51.548095, -0.827649 51.548147, -0.827534 51.548387, -0.827714 51.548447)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.83141 51.547305)
Facts |
Description | Building or engineering operations for agricultural use or fish farming - refer to Order & GDO 1988 | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "4W44SCZX0191",
"prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
"name": "Water Meadows, Ferry Lane, Medmenham (b) - Agricultural & Fish Farming",
"dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
"organisation-entity": "67",
"start-date": "1991-10-10",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-01-08",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.827714 51.548447, -0.827721 51.54851, -0.827783 51.548547, -0.829467 51.549059, -0.830185 51.549317, -0.83032 51.549358, -0.830473 51.549063, -0.831004 51.548121, -0.832211 51.548255, -0.832221 51.548204, -0.832257 51.548112, -0.83233 51.548068, -0.832395 51.548053, -0.832535 51.548043, -0.833953 51.548048, -0.833964 51.547979, -0.835898 51.548206, -0.835899 51.548185, -0.836001 51.548175, -0.836003 51.548164, -0.835911 51.548009, -0.835895 51.547972, -0.835894 51.547878, -0.835863 51.547872, -0.835856 51.547839, -0.835866 51.547834, -0.835958 51.547488, -0.835984 51.547344, -0.835893 51.547192, -0.83591 51.547069, -0.835452 51.546986, -0.835172 51.54689, -0.835136 51.546864, -0.834925 51.546614, -0.834878 51.546575, -0.834752 51.546437, -0.834662 51.546359, -0.8346 51.546341, -0.834562 51.546301, -0.834317 51.546103, -0.834178 51.546015, -0.833986 51.545912, -0.833833 51.54589, -0.833607 51.545801, -0.83345 51.545752, -0.833307 51.545751, -0.833095 51.545674, -0.832938 51.545631, -0.832796 51.545608, -0.832413 51.545615, -0.832392 51.545646, -0.832414 51.54577, -0.832345 51.545769, -0.832334 51.545685, -0.832308 51.54567, -0.832269 51.545691, -0.83223 51.545739, -0.832185 51.545952, -0.832175 51.546066, -0.832162 51.546098, -0.832138 51.546125, -0.831958 51.546174, -0.831693 51.54622, -0.831546 51.546254, -0.831333 51.546288, -0.831199 51.546301, -0.831095 51.546295, -0.830603 51.546156, -0.830156 51.54602, -0.82989 51.545921, -0.829629 51.545846, -0.829428 51.545807, -0.829304 51.545806, -0.829243 51.545818, -0.829108 51.54587, -0.828846 51.546003, -0.82861 51.546147, -0.828445 51.546296, -0.828231 51.546535, -0.827864 51.547178, -0.827823 51.547264, -0.827793 51.54739, -0.827785 51.547574, -0.827773 51.547607, -0.827666 51.547782, -0.827627 51.547868, -0.82761 51.547973, -0.827611 51.548009, -0.827659 51.54804, -0.82767 51.548057, -0.827658 51.548073, -0.827614 51.548095, -0.827649 51.548147, -0.827534 51.548387, -0.827714 51.548447)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.83141 51.547305)",
"entity": 7010002044,
"description": "Building or engineering operations for agricultural use or fish farming - refer to Order & GDO 1988"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.