Article 4 direction area

Manor Farm, Coates Lane - Agricultural Use

Field Value Fact links
Reference 4W44SCZX0187 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Manor Farm, Coates Lane - Agricultural Use Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date 1979-08-30 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-08 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.769629 51.645435, -0.76967 51.645331, -0.769584 51.645338, -0.769511 51.64537, -0.769352 51.64548, -0.769207 51.645597, -0.768806 51.645626, -0.768803 51.645662, -0.768661 51.645643, -0.768567 51.645643, -0.767713 51.645715, -0.76679 51.64577, -0.766572 51.645772, -0.766164 51.645755, -0.765685 51.645701, -0.765428 51.645688, -0.765197 51.64568, -0.764723 51.645689, -0.764586 51.645673, -0.764434 51.645617, -0.761029 51.646156, -0.759588 51.64647, -0.759744 51.646756, -0.759887 51.647081, -0.760037 51.647218, -0.760357 51.647432, -0.760464 51.647468, -0.760904 51.64754, -0.761317 51.647635, -0.761432 51.647672, -0.762035 51.647906, -0.762156 51.647812, -0.76251 51.647616, -0.76278 51.647762, -0.763258 51.648169, -0.762965 51.648317, -0.763123 51.64845, -0.763655 51.648855, -0.764344 51.648874, -0.764926 51.648833, -0.765062 51.648843, -0.765311 51.648837, -0.765569 51.648786, -0.765883 51.648837, -0.766124 51.648848, -0.766181 51.648844, -0.766394 51.648793, -0.766861 51.648763, -0.76732 51.648711, -0.767548 51.648727, -0.767445 51.648099, -0.767452 51.647992, -0.767466 51.647929, -0.767616 51.64761, -0.767948 51.647201, -0.768705 51.64644, -0.769168 51.646549, -0.769316 51.646209, -0.769327 51.646105, -0.769322 51.645938, -0.769328 51.645908, -0.769629 51.645435))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.764749 51.647058) Facts
Description Certain building or engineering operations for agricultural use of land - refer to Order & GDO 1977 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "4W44SCZX0187",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Manor Farm, Coates Lane - Agricultural Use",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "1979-08-30",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-08",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.769629 51.645435, -0.76967 51.645331, -0.769584 51.645338, -0.769511 51.64537, -0.769352 51.64548, -0.769207 51.645597, -0.768806 51.645626, -0.768803 51.645662, -0.768661 51.645643, -0.768567 51.645643, -0.767713 51.645715, -0.76679 51.64577, -0.766572 51.645772, -0.766164 51.645755, -0.765685 51.645701, -0.765428 51.645688, -0.765197 51.64568, -0.764723 51.645689, -0.764586 51.645673, -0.764434 51.645617, -0.761029 51.646156, -0.759588 51.64647, -0.759744 51.646756, -0.759887 51.647081, -0.760037 51.647218, -0.760357 51.647432, -0.760464 51.647468, -0.760904 51.64754, -0.761317 51.647635, -0.761432 51.647672, -0.762035 51.647906, -0.762156 51.647812, -0.76251 51.647616, -0.76278 51.647762, -0.763258 51.648169, -0.762965 51.648317, -0.763123 51.64845, -0.763655 51.648855, -0.764344 51.648874, -0.764926 51.648833, -0.765062 51.648843, -0.765311 51.648837, -0.765569 51.648786, -0.765883 51.648837, -0.766124 51.648848, -0.766181 51.648844, -0.766394 51.648793, -0.766861 51.648763, -0.76732 51.648711, -0.767548 51.648727, -0.767445 51.648099, -0.767452 51.647992, -0.767466 51.647929, -0.767616 51.64761, -0.767948 51.647201, -0.768705 51.64644, -0.769168 51.646549, -0.769316 51.646209, -0.769327 51.646105, -0.769322 51.645938, -0.769328 51.645908, -0.769629 51.645435)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.764749 51.647058)",
    "entity": 7010002040,
    "description": "Certain building or engineering operations for agricultural use of land - refer to Order & GDO 1977"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area