Article 4 direction area

Parslow's Hillock to Loosley Row, Lacey Green - Agricultural Use

Field Value Fact links
Reference 4W44SCZX0180 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Parslow's Hillock to Loosley Row, Lacey Green - Agricultural Use Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date 1969-10-24 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-08 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.810727 51.709941, -0.810931 51.709837, -0.811042 51.709763, -0.811157 51.709622, -0.811246 51.709551, -0.811326 51.709512, -0.811417 51.709479, -0.811745 51.709401, -0.812138 51.709356, -0.8129 51.708993, -0.812919 51.708955, -0.812976 51.708957, -0.814054 51.708455, -0.814213 51.708359, -0.814425 51.708278, -0.814489 51.70823, -0.814672 51.708048, -0.81486 51.707916, -0.814942 51.707836, -0.815206 51.70767, -0.815301 51.707591, -0.81562 51.707366, -0.815711 51.707287, -0.81624 51.706876, -0.816313 51.706811, -0.816392 51.70671, -0.816537 51.706461, -0.816597 51.7063, -0.816659 51.706028, -0.816841 51.705984, -0.816889 51.705982, -0.817066 51.706005, -0.817142 51.705982, -0.817098 51.705906, -0.817091 51.70588, -0.817105 51.705842, -0.817139 51.705805, -0.817188 51.705773, -0.817244 51.705743, -0.817371 51.705697, -0.81739 51.705666, -0.817317 51.705585, -0.817303 51.705556, -0.817301 51.705526, -0.817328 51.705486, -0.817519 51.705241, -0.817941 51.704738, -0.818058 51.704577, -0.818247 51.704339, -0.818432 51.70415, -0.818572 51.704037, -0.818566 51.703763, -0.818485 51.703582, -0.818466 51.703499, -0.818467 51.703459, -0.818523 51.703377, -0.818807 51.703161, -0.819478 51.702879, -0.819409 51.702555, -0.819408 51.7023, -0.819306 51.701878, -0.81923 51.701465, -0.819206 51.701424, -0.819142 51.701182, -0.819077 51.701053, -0.818878 51.70078, -0.818754 51.700627, -0.818274 51.700108, -0.817832 51.699811, -0.817303 51.701386, -0.817199 51.701551, -0.816523 51.702542, -0.815498 51.703897, -0.814966 51.704505, -0.813983 51.705199, -0.813113 51.705833, -0.812186 51.706422, -0.810654 51.707265, -0.810198 51.707529, -0.808949 51.708306, -0.807057 51.709226, -0.807723 51.709717, -0.807755 51.709767, -0.807759 51.709794, -0.80773 51.709842, -0.807038 51.710402, -0.807091 51.710413, -0.807291 51.710438, -0.808441 51.710461, -0.808649 51.710451, -0.809811 51.710359, -0.80994 51.710327, -0.810264 51.710175, -0.810727 51.709941)), ((-0.806312 51.707366, -0.805356 51.706827, -0.8043 51.706245, -0.802754 51.705365, -0.801428 51.704641, -0.800782 51.704263, -0.800674 51.704416, -0.799847 51.705416, -0.799591 51.705749, -0.79944 51.706068, -0.800017 51.706498, -0.800863 51.707032, -0.801181 51.707284, -0.801389 51.707478, -0.801803 51.707955, -0.801966 51.708095, -0.802033 51.708174, -0.802862 51.708854, -0.802882 51.708903, -0.802983 51.708812, -0.803123 51.708918, -0.803394 51.70907, -0.804144 51.709416, -0.804483 51.709617, -0.806763 51.708524, -0.807431 51.708194, -0.80932 51.707117, -0.810752 51.706356, -0.811754 51.705778, -0.812293 51.705439, -0.812543 51.705257, -0.813369 51.704605, -0.813011 51.704425, -0.812194 51.704082, -0.811971 51.704298, -0.811859 51.704358, -0.811812 51.70437, -0.811652 51.704491, -0.811385 51.70475, -0.810772 51.705313, -0.810127 51.704996, -0.809492 51.704702, -0.806427 51.707259, -0.806312 51.707366)), ((-0.813248 51.699589, -0.814262 51.700253, -0.81463 51.700481, -0.816165 51.701365, -0.816882 51.699522, -0.816841 51.699328, -0.816699 51.699182, -0.814999 51.69819, -0.814148 51.698637, -0.812908 51.699362, -0.813248 51.699589)), ((-0.814934 51.703008, -0.813816 51.70258, -0.813411 51.702987, -0.813823 51.703174, -0.814529 51.703518, -0.814934 51.703008))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.810723 51.70576) Facts
Description Building or engineering operations for agricultural use of land - refer to Order & GDO 1963 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "4W44SCZX0180",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Parslow's Hillock to Loosley Row, Lacey Green - Agricultural Use",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "1969-10-24",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-08",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.810727 51.709941, -0.810931 51.709837, -0.811042 51.709763, -0.811157 51.709622, -0.811246 51.709551, -0.811326 51.709512, -0.811417 51.709479, -0.811745 51.709401, -0.812138 51.709356, -0.8129 51.708993, -0.812919 51.708955, -0.812976 51.708957, -0.814054 51.708455, -0.814213 51.708359, -0.814425 51.708278, -0.814489 51.70823, -0.814672 51.708048, -0.81486 51.707916, -0.814942 51.707836, -0.815206 51.70767, -0.815301 51.707591, -0.81562 51.707366, -0.815711 51.707287, -0.81624 51.706876, -0.816313 51.706811, -0.816392 51.70671, -0.816537 51.706461, -0.816597 51.7063, -0.816659 51.706028, -0.816841 51.705984, -0.816889 51.705982, -0.817066 51.706005, -0.817142 51.705982, -0.817098 51.705906, -0.817091 51.70588, -0.817105 51.705842, -0.817139 51.705805, -0.817188 51.705773, -0.817244 51.705743, -0.817371 51.705697, -0.81739 51.705666, -0.817317 51.705585, -0.817303 51.705556, -0.817301 51.705526, -0.817328 51.705486, -0.817519 51.705241, -0.817941 51.704738, -0.818058 51.704577, -0.818247 51.704339, -0.818432 51.70415, -0.818572 51.704037, -0.818566 51.703763, -0.818485 51.703582, -0.818466 51.703499, -0.818467 51.703459, -0.818523 51.703377, -0.818807 51.703161, -0.819478 51.702879, -0.819409 51.702555, -0.819408 51.7023, -0.819306 51.701878, -0.81923 51.701465, -0.819206 51.701424, -0.819142 51.701182, -0.819077 51.701053, -0.818878 51.70078, -0.818754 51.700627, -0.818274 51.700108, -0.817832 51.699811, -0.817303 51.701386, -0.817199 51.701551, -0.816523 51.702542, -0.815498 51.703897, -0.814966 51.704505, -0.813983 51.705199, -0.813113 51.705833, -0.812186 51.706422, -0.810654 51.707265, -0.810198 51.707529, -0.808949 51.708306, -0.807057 51.709226, -0.807723 51.709717, -0.807755 51.709767, -0.807759 51.709794, -0.80773 51.709842, -0.807038 51.710402, -0.807091 51.710413, -0.807291 51.710438, -0.808441 51.710461, -0.808649 51.710451, -0.809811 51.710359, -0.80994 51.710327, -0.810264 51.710175, -0.810727 51.709941)), ((-0.806312 51.707366, -0.805356 51.706827, -0.8043 51.706245, -0.802754 51.705365, -0.801428 51.704641, -0.800782 51.704263, -0.800674 51.704416, -0.799847 51.705416, -0.799591 51.705749, -0.79944 51.706068, -0.800017 51.706498, -0.800863 51.707032, -0.801181 51.707284, -0.801389 51.707478, -0.801803 51.707955, -0.801966 51.708095, -0.802033 51.708174, -0.802862 51.708854, -0.802882 51.708903, -0.802983 51.708812, -0.803123 51.708918, -0.803394 51.70907, -0.804144 51.709416, -0.804483 51.709617, -0.806763 51.708524, -0.807431 51.708194, -0.80932 51.707117, -0.810752 51.706356, -0.811754 51.705778, -0.812293 51.705439, -0.812543 51.705257, -0.813369 51.704605, -0.813011 51.704425, -0.812194 51.704082, -0.811971 51.704298, -0.811859 51.704358, -0.811812 51.70437, -0.811652 51.704491, -0.811385 51.70475, -0.810772 51.705313, -0.810127 51.704996, -0.809492 51.704702, -0.806427 51.707259, -0.806312 51.707366)), ((-0.813248 51.699589, -0.814262 51.700253, -0.81463 51.700481, -0.816165 51.701365, -0.816882 51.699522, -0.816841 51.699328, -0.816699 51.699182, -0.814999 51.69819, -0.814148 51.698637, -0.812908 51.699362, -0.813248 51.699589)), ((-0.814934 51.703008, -0.813816 51.70258, -0.813411 51.702987, -0.813823 51.703174, -0.814529 51.703518, -0.814934 51.703008)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.810723 51.70576)",
    "entity": 7010002033,
    "description": "Building or engineering operations for agricultural use of land - refer to Order & GDO 1963"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area