Article 4 direction area

Land at Bakers Wood, Denham

Field Value Fact links
Reference DO.26 Facts
Prefix article-4-direction-area Facts
Name Land at Bakers Wood, Denham Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction area no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-08 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.513365 51.575651, -0.513535 51.575243, -0.514245 51.575434, -0.514276 51.575453, -0.514285 51.575511, -0.514632 51.575674, -0.514767 51.57571, -0.514828 51.575722, -0.515244 51.575626, -0.515349 51.575629, -0.51667 51.576278, -0.517798 51.576427, -0.519465 51.576699, -0.519621 51.575918, -0.517758 51.575789, -0.517871 51.575409, -0.517567 51.57534, -0.517389 51.575288, -0.517223 51.575226, -0.516902 51.575078, -0.516776 51.575039, -0.516527 51.574979, -0.516068 51.574808, -0.515722 51.574708, -0.515411 51.574665, -0.515255 51.57463, -0.514975 51.574583, -0.514987 51.574557, -0.51477 51.574512, -0.514546 51.574443, -0.514075 51.574324, -0.513854 51.57429, -0.513962 51.574016, -0.514117 51.573669, -0.514142 51.573633, -0.514257 51.573519, -0.514277 51.573484, -0.5143 51.573353, -0.514269 51.573326, -0.51425 51.573217, -0.514226 51.573134, -0.514145 51.57306, -0.514181 51.573059, -0.514145 51.573036, -0.513964 51.572992, -0.51375 51.572969, -0.513364 51.572977, -0.513161 51.572969, -0.512597 51.572974, -0.511646 51.572967, -0.511207 51.572973, -0.510154 51.572964, -0.510106 51.572969, -0.509246 51.573813, -0.509096 51.574014, -0.508959 51.574007, -0.508907 51.573997, -0.507597 51.57372, -0.507221 51.573648, -0.507186 51.573734, -0.50719 51.573822, -0.507141 51.57391, -0.507161 51.573952, -0.507192 51.573981, -0.507654 51.574321, -0.507853 51.574461, -0.508002 51.574552, -0.508037 51.574568, -0.508495 51.574598, -0.508548 51.574617, -0.5086 51.574647, -0.508665 51.574731, -0.508701 51.574821, -0.508726 51.574862, -0.508762 51.574896, -0.508877 51.574976, -0.508885 51.57501, -0.508879 51.575041, -0.508884 51.575148, -0.508899 51.575183, -0.508966 51.575219, -0.509294 51.575323, -0.509395 51.575379, -0.50945 51.575424, -0.509468 51.57545, -0.509487 51.575554, -0.509493 51.575568, -0.509525 51.575592, -0.509598 51.575572, -0.509791 51.575443, -0.50988 51.575418, -0.509912 51.575417, -0.509975 51.57543, -0.510133 51.575503, -0.510382 51.575518, -0.510535 51.575506, -0.510594 51.575516, -0.510802 51.575576, -0.510887 51.575587, -0.51104 51.575579, -0.511103 51.575567, -0.511183 51.575539, -0.511315 51.575477, -0.511497 51.575446, -0.511602 51.575446, -0.511917 51.575496, -0.512012 51.575503, -0.512267 51.575484, -0.512533 51.575477, -0.51267 51.575457, -0.512673 51.575464, -0.512894 51.57545, -0.512989 51.57546, -0.513056 51.575477, -0.513095 51.575499, -0.513156 51.575556, -0.51322 51.575599, -0.513284 51.575628, -0.513365 51.575651))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.512851 51.57464) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "DO.26",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
    "name": "Land at Bakers Wood, Denham",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-08",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.513365 51.575651, -0.513535 51.575243, -0.514245 51.575434, -0.514276 51.575453, -0.514285 51.575511, -0.514632 51.575674, -0.514767 51.57571, -0.514828 51.575722, -0.515244 51.575626, -0.515349 51.575629, -0.51667 51.576278, -0.517798 51.576427, -0.519465 51.576699, -0.519621 51.575918, -0.517758 51.575789, -0.517871 51.575409, -0.517567 51.57534, -0.517389 51.575288, -0.517223 51.575226, -0.516902 51.575078, -0.516776 51.575039, -0.516527 51.574979, -0.516068 51.574808, -0.515722 51.574708, -0.515411 51.574665, -0.515255 51.57463, -0.514975 51.574583, -0.514987 51.574557, -0.51477 51.574512, -0.514546 51.574443, -0.514075 51.574324, -0.513854 51.57429, -0.513962 51.574016, -0.514117 51.573669, -0.514142 51.573633, -0.514257 51.573519, -0.514277 51.573484, -0.5143 51.573353, -0.514269 51.573326, -0.51425 51.573217, -0.514226 51.573134, -0.514145 51.57306, -0.514181 51.573059, -0.514145 51.573036, -0.513964 51.572992, -0.51375 51.572969, -0.513364 51.572977, -0.513161 51.572969, -0.512597 51.572974, -0.511646 51.572967, -0.511207 51.572973, -0.510154 51.572964, -0.510106 51.572969, -0.509246 51.573813, -0.509096 51.574014, -0.508959 51.574007, -0.508907 51.573997, -0.507597 51.57372, -0.507221 51.573648, -0.507186 51.573734, -0.50719 51.573822, -0.507141 51.57391, -0.507161 51.573952, -0.507192 51.573981, -0.507654 51.574321, -0.507853 51.574461, -0.508002 51.574552, -0.508037 51.574568, -0.508495 51.574598, -0.508548 51.574617, -0.5086 51.574647, -0.508665 51.574731, -0.508701 51.574821, -0.508726 51.574862, -0.508762 51.574896, -0.508877 51.574976, -0.508885 51.57501, -0.508879 51.575041, -0.508884 51.575148, -0.508899 51.575183, -0.508966 51.575219, -0.509294 51.575323, -0.509395 51.575379, -0.50945 51.575424, -0.509468 51.57545, -0.509487 51.575554, -0.509493 51.575568, -0.509525 51.575592, -0.509598 51.575572, -0.509791 51.575443, -0.50988 51.575418, -0.509912 51.575417, -0.509975 51.57543, -0.510133 51.575503, -0.510382 51.575518, -0.510535 51.575506, -0.510594 51.575516, -0.510802 51.575576, -0.510887 51.575587, -0.51104 51.575579, -0.511103 51.575567, -0.511183 51.575539, -0.511315 51.575477, -0.511497 51.575446, -0.511602 51.575446, -0.511917 51.575496, -0.512012 51.575503, -0.512267 51.575484, -0.512533 51.575477, -0.51267 51.575457, -0.512673 51.575464, -0.512894 51.57545, -0.512989 51.57546, -0.513056 51.575477, -0.513095 51.575499, -0.513156 51.575556, -0.51322 51.575599, -0.513284 51.575628, -0.513365 51.575651)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.512851 51.57464)",
    "entity": 7010002023

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area