Article 4 direction area
Alderbourne Farm, Fulmer
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | DO.21 | Facts |
Prefix | article-4-direction-area | Facts |
Name | Alderbourne Farm, Fulmer | Facts |
Dataset | Article 4 direction area | no fact link |
Organisation | Buckinghamshire Council | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-01-08 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.530022 51.558617, -0.529968 51.558644, -0.529863 51.558664, -0.529634 51.558668, -0.529602 51.55866, -0.529567 51.558629, -0.52954 51.558622, -0.529414 51.558622, -0.529392 51.558693, -0.529353 51.55876, -0.529311 51.55881, -0.529247 51.558864, -0.52915 51.558987, -0.52911 51.559104, -0.529079 51.559154, -0.528959 51.5593, -0.528907 51.559437, -0.528816 51.559571, -0.528703 51.559699, -0.528617 51.559765, -0.528516 51.559818, -0.52863 51.559917, -0.528723 51.560018, -0.529343 51.559901, -0.529361 51.559938, -0.529983 51.559833, -0.530225 51.559801, -0.530282 51.559816, -0.530363 51.559877, -0.530459 51.559932, -0.530638 51.559975, -0.530796 51.559997, -0.531249 51.559992, -0.531489 51.55997, -0.531945 51.559892, -0.532249 51.559859, -0.53251 51.559851, -0.532675 51.559864, -0.533018 51.559926, -0.533159 51.559944, -0.53345 51.559967, -0.534043 51.560084, -0.534227 51.560095, -0.53437 51.560069, -0.535395 51.55974, -0.535424 51.55974, -0.535387 51.559805, -0.535387 51.559829, -0.5354 51.559856, -0.53556 51.560009, -0.535642 51.560128, -0.535717 51.560176, -0.535711 51.560231, -0.535678 51.560275, -0.535684 51.560296, -0.535845 51.560323, -0.535866 51.560333, -0.535868 51.560371, -0.535856 51.560441, -0.536211 51.560672, -0.536212 51.560695, -0.536197 51.560733, -0.53613 51.560811, -0.536668 51.560884, -0.537233 51.560785, -0.537482 51.560755, -0.538908 51.560718, -0.539091 51.560533, -0.539458 51.560277, -0.539916 51.560267, -0.540576 51.560265, -0.540688 51.560302, -0.540787 51.560317, -0.541117 51.560343, -0.541699 51.560415, -0.542187 51.560407, -0.542764 51.560357, -0.542828 51.56034, -0.542833 51.560105, -0.542798 51.559932, -0.542785 51.559787, -0.542783 51.55962, -0.54281 51.559508, -0.542901 51.559336, -0.542921 51.559281, -0.542927 51.559231, -0.54281 51.558663, -0.542784 51.558653, -0.542986 51.558052, -0.543374 51.55728, -0.543076 51.557215, -0.542801 51.557127, -0.542602 51.557054, -0.542474 51.556998, -0.542392 51.556952, -0.542317 51.556826, -0.542266 51.556764, -0.542169 51.556675, -0.542071 51.556412, -0.541958 51.555987, -0.541944 51.555911, -0.541927 51.555873, -0.541851 51.555793, -0.541831 51.555762, -0.541813 51.555718, -0.541793 51.5556, -0.541777 51.55556, -0.541712 51.555472, -0.541645 51.555399, -0.541488 51.555281, -0.541423 51.555211, -0.541316 51.55503, -0.541291 51.554962, -0.541263 51.554919, -0.541178 51.554814, -0.541029 51.554605, -0.540952 51.55448, -0.540859 51.554393, -0.540739 51.554325, -0.540548 51.554238, -0.539143 51.554403, -0.539102 51.554263, -0.539064 51.554066, -0.539036 51.554037, -0.539013 51.554026, -0.538872 51.554029, -0.538199 51.554142, -0.537856 51.554231, -0.537525 51.554343, -0.536719 51.554702, -0.536604 51.554742, -0.53639 51.554806, -0.535969 51.554892, -0.535742 51.554949, -0.535606 51.555018, -0.535457 51.555134, -0.535032 51.555403, -0.534664 51.555579, -0.534572 51.555608, -0.534482 51.555662, -0.534463 51.555694, -0.534439 51.555957, -0.534378 51.556287, -0.534402 51.5563, -0.534357 51.55648, -0.534336 51.556732, -0.534357 51.556819, -0.534375 51.556956, -0.534463 51.557328, -0.534479 51.557456, -0.534422 51.557783, -0.534427 51.557873, -0.5345 51.55806, -0.534571 51.558195, -0.534579 51.558279, -0.534558 51.558378, -0.534529 51.558441, -0.534485 51.558492, -0.534431 51.558529, -0.534134 51.558657, -0.534098 51.558634, -0.53385 51.558786, -0.533658 51.558718, -0.533549 51.558701, -0.533427 51.558695, -0.533324 51.558743, -0.533202 51.558745, -0.533038 51.558648, -0.532951 51.558686, -0.532849 51.558689, -0.532746 51.558651, -0.532618 51.558647, -0.532512 51.558629, -0.532407 51.5586, -0.532149 51.558597, -0.531704 51.558494, -0.531505 51.558427, -0.531265 51.558443, -0.531225 51.558386, -0.531249 51.558322, -0.531206 51.558311, -0.531126 51.558306, -0.531011 51.558331, -0.530927 51.55837, -0.530856 51.558434, -0.530826 51.558504, -0.530717 51.558502, -0.53047 51.558451, -0.530403 51.558481, -0.530401 51.558554, -0.530085 51.558596, -0.530022 51.558617)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.537643 51.557837)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "DO.21",
"prefix": "article-4-direction-area",
"name": "Alderbourne Farm, Fulmer",
"dataset": "article-4-direction-area",
"organisation-entity": "67",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-01-08",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.530022 51.558617, -0.529968 51.558644, -0.529863 51.558664, -0.529634 51.558668, -0.529602 51.55866, -0.529567 51.558629, -0.52954 51.558622, -0.529414 51.558622, -0.529392 51.558693, -0.529353 51.55876, -0.529311 51.55881, -0.529247 51.558864, -0.52915 51.558987, -0.52911 51.559104, -0.529079 51.559154, -0.528959 51.5593, -0.528907 51.559437, -0.528816 51.559571, -0.528703 51.559699, -0.528617 51.559765, -0.528516 51.559818, -0.52863 51.559917, -0.528723 51.560018, -0.529343 51.559901, -0.529361 51.559938, -0.529983 51.559833, -0.530225 51.559801, -0.530282 51.559816, -0.530363 51.559877, -0.530459 51.559932, -0.530638 51.559975, -0.530796 51.559997, -0.531249 51.559992, -0.531489 51.55997, -0.531945 51.559892, -0.532249 51.559859, -0.53251 51.559851, -0.532675 51.559864, -0.533018 51.559926, -0.533159 51.559944, -0.53345 51.559967, -0.534043 51.560084, -0.534227 51.560095, -0.53437 51.560069, -0.535395 51.55974, -0.535424 51.55974, -0.535387 51.559805, -0.535387 51.559829, -0.5354 51.559856, -0.53556 51.560009, -0.535642 51.560128, -0.535717 51.560176, -0.535711 51.560231, -0.535678 51.560275, -0.535684 51.560296, -0.535845 51.560323, -0.535866 51.560333, -0.535868 51.560371, -0.535856 51.560441, -0.536211 51.560672, -0.536212 51.560695, -0.536197 51.560733, -0.53613 51.560811, -0.536668 51.560884, -0.537233 51.560785, -0.537482 51.560755, -0.538908 51.560718, -0.539091 51.560533, -0.539458 51.560277, -0.539916 51.560267, -0.540576 51.560265, -0.540688 51.560302, -0.540787 51.560317, -0.541117 51.560343, -0.541699 51.560415, -0.542187 51.560407, -0.542764 51.560357, -0.542828 51.56034, -0.542833 51.560105, -0.542798 51.559932, -0.542785 51.559787, -0.542783 51.55962, -0.54281 51.559508, -0.542901 51.559336, -0.542921 51.559281, -0.542927 51.559231, -0.54281 51.558663, -0.542784 51.558653, -0.542986 51.558052, -0.543374 51.55728, -0.543076 51.557215, -0.542801 51.557127, -0.542602 51.557054, -0.542474 51.556998, -0.542392 51.556952, -0.542317 51.556826, -0.542266 51.556764, -0.542169 51.556675, -0.542071 51.556412, -0.541958 51.555987, -0.541944 51.555911, -0.541927 51.555873, -0.541851 51.555793, -0.541831 51.555762, -0.541813 51.555718, -0.541793 51.5556, -0.541777 51.55556, -0.541712 51.555472, -0.541645 51.555399, -0.541488 51.555281, -0.541423 51.555211, -0.541316 51.55503, -0.541291 51.554962, -0.541263 51.554919, -0.541178 51.554814, -0.541029 51.554605, -0.540952 51.55448, -0.540859 51.554393, -0.540739 51.554325, -0.540548 51.554238, -0.539143 51.554403, -0.539102 51.554263, -0.539064 51.554066, -0.539036 51.554037, -0.539013 51.554026, -0.538872 51.554029, -0.538199 51.554142, -0.537856 51.554231, -0.537525 51.554343, -0.536719 51.554702, -0.536604 51.554742, -0.53639 51.554806, -0.535969 51.554892, -0.535742 51.554949, -0.535606 51.555018, -0.535457 51.555134, -0.535032 51.555403, -0.534664 51.555579, -0.534572 51.555608, -0.534482 51.555662, -0.534463 51.555694, -0.534439 51.555957, -0.534378 51.556287, -0.534402 51.5563, -0.534357 51.55648, -0.534336 51.556732, -0.534357 51.556819, -0.534375 51.556956, -0.534463 51.557328, -0.534479 51.557456, -0.534422 51.557783, -0.534427 51.557873, -0.5345 51.55806, -0.534571 51.558195, -0.534579 51.558279, -0.534558 51.558378, -0.534529 51.558441, -0.534485 51.558492, -0.534431 51.558529, -0.534134 51.558657, -0.534098 51.558634, -0.53385 51.558786, -0.533658 51.558718, -0.533549 51.558701, -0.533427 51.558695, -0.533324 51.558743, -0.533202 51.558745, -0.533038 51.558648, -0.532951 51.558686, -0.532849 51.558689, -0.532746 51.558651, -0.532618 51.558647, -0.532512 51.558629, -0.532407 51.5586, -0.532149 51.558597, -0.531704 51.558494, -0.531505 51.558427, -0.531265 51.558443, -0.531225 51.558386, -0.531249 51.558322, -0.531206 51.558311, -0.531126 51.558306, -0.531011 51.558331, -0.530927 51.55837, -0.530856 51.558434, -0.530826 51.558504, -0.530717 51.558502, -0.53047 51.558451, -0.530403 51.558481, -0.530401 51.558554, -0.530085 51.558596, -0.530022 51.558617)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.537643 51.557837)",
"entity": 7010002019
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.