
Foulness (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 5)

Field Value Fact links
Reference UK11026 Facts
Prefix ramsar Facts
Name Foulness (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 5) Facts
Dataset Ramsar no fact link
Organisation Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-05-24 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.946323 51.618537, 0.94481 51.618052, 0.944978 51.617672, 0.944991 51.617581, 0.94502 51.617526, 0.945987 51.617846, 0.946902 51.616811, 0.947503 51.616112, 0.947902 51.61625, 0.948054 51.616401, 0.948215 51.616533, 0.948198 51.616604, 0.948363 51.616654, 0.948491 51.616971, 0.948612 51.617305, 0.947602 51.618286, 0.947565 51.618308, 0.947443 51.618345, 0.946685 51.61848, 0.946533 51.618445, 0.94647 51.618515, 0.946417 51.61853, 0.946351 51.618514, 0.946323 51.618537))) Facts
Point POINT (0.947033 51.617516) Facts
Ramsar UK11026 Facts
Wikidata Q5474214 Facts
Wikipedia Foulness Facts
Ramsar site 861 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "UK11026",
    "prefix": "ramsar",
    "name": "Foulness (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 5)",
    "dataset": "ramsar",
    "organisation-entity": "600001",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-05-24",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.946323 51.618537, 0.94481 51.618052, 0.944978 51.617672, 0.944991 51.617581, 0.94502 51.617526, 0.945987 51.617846, 0.946902 51.616811, 0.947503 51.616112, 0.947902 51.61625, 0.948054 51.616401, 0.948215 51.616533, 0.948198 51.616604, 0.948363 51.616654, 0.948491 51.616971, 0.948612 51.617305, 0.947602 51.618286, 0.947565 51.618308, 0.947443 51.618345, 0.946685 51.61848, 0.946533 51.618445, 0.94647 51.618515, 0.946417 51.61853, 0.946351 51.618514, 0.946323 51.618537)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.947033 51.617516)",
    "entity": 612022,
    "ramsar": "UK11026",
    "wikidata": "Q5474214",
    "wikipedia": "Foulness",
    "ramsar-site": "861"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area