
Alde-Ore Estuary

Field Value Fact links
Reference UK11002 Facts
Prefix ramsar Facts
Name Alde-Ore Estuary Facts
Dataset Ramsar no fact link
Organisation Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-05-24 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.458456 52.034929, 1.458424 52.034989, 1.458378 52.035046, 1.458296 52.035104, 1.458238 52.035132, 1.458203 52.035162, 1.458007 52.035404, 1.457943 52.035515, 1.457881 52.035603, 1.457782 52.035709, 1.457715 52.035768, 1.457655 52.035792, 1.457587 52.035803, 1.457503 52.035766, 1.457343 52.035669, 1.457036 52.03545, 1.456962 52.035391, 1.456882 52.035297, 1.456875 52.035272, 1.456889 52.035236, 1.45684 52.035097, 1.456791 52.034922, 1.456784 52.034831, 1.456756 52.034714, 1.457193 52.03468, 1.45737 52.034814, 1.457475 52.03487, 1.457649 52.034929, 1.457714 52.034937, 1.45777 52.034933, 1.457937 52.034866, 1.457963 52.03481, 1.457992 52.034781, 1.458303 52.034679, 1.458406 52.034634, 1.458568 52.034526, 1.458665 52.034475, 1.458781 52.034373, 1.458846 52.034296, 1.458886 52.034273, 1.458922 52.034264, 1.458878 52.034309, 1.458832 52.034425, 1.458646 52.034597, 1.458562 52.034698, 1.458547 52.034768, 1.458456 52.034929))) Facts
Point POINT (1.457618 52.035129) Facts
Ramsar UK11002 Facts
Wikidata Q1786232 Facts
Wikipedia River_Alde Facts
Ramsar site 862 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "UK11002",
    "prefix": "ramsar",
    "name": "Alde-Ore Estuary",
    "dataset": "ramsar",
    "organisation-entity": "600001",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-05-24",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.458456 52.034929, 1.458424 52.034989, 1.458378 52.035046, 1.458296 52.035104, 1.458238 52.035132, 1.458203 52.035162, 1.458007 52.035404, 1.457943 52.035515, 1.457881 52.035603, 1.457782 52.035709, 1.457715 52.035768, 1.457655 52.035792, 1.457587 52.035803, 1.457503 52.035766, 1.457343 52.035669, 1.457036 52.03545, 1.456962 52.035391, 1.456882 52.035297, 1.456875 52.035272, 1.456889 52.035236, 1.45684 52.035097, 1.456791 52.034922, 1.456784 52.034831, 1.456756 52.034714, 1.457193 52.03468, 1.45737 52.034814, 1.457475 52.03487, 1.457649 52.034929, 1.457714 52.034937, 1.45777 52.034933, 1.457937 52.034866, 1.457963 52.03481, 1.457992 52.034781, 1.458303 52.034679, 1.458406 52.034634, 1.458568 52.034526, 1.458665 52.034475, 1.458781 52.034373, 1.458846 52.034296, 1.458886 52.034273, 1.458922 52.034264, 1.458878 52.034309, 1.458832 52.034425, 1.458646 52.034597, 1.458562 52.034698, 1.458547 52.034768, 1.458456 52.034929)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.457618 52.035129)",
    "entity": 612002,
    "ramsar": "UK11002",
    "wikidata": "Q1786232",
    "wikipedia": "River_Alde",
    "ramsar-site": "862"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area