Abberton Reservoir
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | UK11001 | Facts |
Prefix | ramsar | Facts |
Name | Abberton Reservoir | Facts |
Dataset | Ramsar | no fact link |
Organisation | Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2022-05-24 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((0.82463 51.819687, 0.825038 51.819842, 0.824326 51.821035, 0.824107 51.821225, 0.822119 51.820827, 0.822159 51.820673, 0.822395 51.820165, 0.822627 51.819709, 0.822758 51.819562, 0.821771 51.819085, 0.821114 51.818779, 0.820861 51.81875, 0.820603 51.81867, 0.819923 51.818387, 0.818777 51.817836, 0.817519 51.817297, 0.818142 51.816414, 0.815095 51.81569, 0.81484 51.816127, 0.814225 51.815963, 0.813982 51.815937, 0.813881 51.815896, 0.813332 51.815844, 0.812943 51.815791, 0.81229 51.815748, 0.811683 51.815693, 0.811494 51.815652, 0.811376 51.815609, 0.81146 51.815519, 0.812355 51.813996, 0.812514 51.813805, 0.812525 51.813861, 0.812551 51.813883, 0.812854 51.813954, 0.812891 51.813947, 0.812934 51.813927, 0.812954 51.813879, 0.812952 51.813867, 0.812938 51.813856, 0.812922 51.813742, 0.812932 51.813692, 0.812963 51.813655, 0.81304 51.813606, 0.813123 51.813606, 0.813296 51.813584, 0.813251 51.813504, 0.812973 51.813077, 0.812955 51.812998, 0.812974 51.812973, 0.81302 51.81295, 0.813712 51.812963, 0.814372 51.813013, 0.815875 51.812322, 0.819865 51.812198, 0.829174 51.811889, 0.829355 51.811907, 0.829471 51.811954, 0.829512 51.812008, 0.829036 51.812402, 0.828929 51.812508, 0.828796 51.812676, 0.828281 51.813731, 0.827211 51.815997, 0.827188 51.816073, 0.827171 51.816173, 0.827155 51.816373, 0.827134 51.817622, 0.827121 51.817837, 0.825804 51.817734, 0.8256 51.818066, 0.82553 51.818232, 0.825303 51.818526, 0.825371 51.818542, 0.825317 51.818572, 0.825272 51.818614, 0.824825 51.819414, 0.824792 51.819407, 0.82463 51.819687)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (0.821334 51.815279)
Facts |
Ramsar | UK11001 | Facts |
Wikidata | Q4663930 | Facts |
Wikipedia | Abberton_Reservoir | Facts |
Ramsar site | 220 | Facts |
Special protection area | UK9009141 | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"prefix": "ramsar",
"name": "Abberton Reservoir",
"dataset": "ramsar",
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"start-date": "",
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"entry-date": "2022-05-24",
"typology": "geography",
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"point": "POINT (0.821334 51.815279)",
"entity": 612001,
"ramsar": "UK11001",
"wikidata": "Q4663930",
"wikipedia": "Abberton_Reservoir",
"ramsar-site": "220",
"special-protection-area": "UK9009141"
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.