Green belt


Field Value Fact links
Reference E06000009/Blackpool Facts
Prefix green-belt Facts
Name Blackpool Facts
Dataset Green belt no fact link
Organisation Blackpool Borough Council no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-20 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.013841 53.83635, -3.011653 53.837253, -3.012467 53.837679, -3.012718 53.837861, -3.01277 53.837956, -3.012847 53.838065, -3.013037 53.838222, -3.01313 53.838319, -3.013139 53.838432, -3.013207 53.83868, -3.013278 53.839026, -3.013423 53.839117, -3.014061 53.839437, -3.014184 53.839533, -3.014345 53.839634, -3.014712 53.839901, -3.014802 53.839972, -3.015092 53.840242, -3.015238 53.840387, -3.015367 53.840535, -3.015546 53.840702, -3.015987 53.840621, -3.015542 53.839437, -3.015441 53.839199, -3.015384 53.839032, -3.015304 53.838899, -3.015078 53.83834, -3.015025 53.838266, -3.01492 53.838164, -3.014868 53.838099, -3.013841 53.83635)), ((-3.014576 53.850696, -3.015047 53.851556, -3.015347 53.852127, -3.0154 53.852213, -3.015942 53.852958, -3.017516 53.855193, -3.017761 53.855508, -3.017877 53.85559, -3.017893 53.855637, -3.01789 53.855708, -3.018338 53.856413, -3.018339 53.85644, -3.018546 53.856761, -3.018607 53.856257, -3.018633 53.856131, -3.018682 53.855981, -3.018786 53.85576, -3.018947 53.855469, -3.019019 53.855322, -3.019066 53.855187, -3.019146 53.854865, -3.019202 53.854722, -3.019747 53.853851, -3.019787 53.853747, -3.019821 53.853627, -3.019939 53.853063, -3.019975 53.852924, -3.020017 53.852793, -3.020068 53.852676, -3.02013 53.852577, -3.020207 53.852499, -3.020308 53.852427, -3.020427 53.852361, -3.020561 53.852299, -3.021141 53.852079, -3.021391 53.851969, -3.02152 53.851812, -3.021219 53.85124, -3.020948 53.850663, -3.020793 53.850273, -3.020665 53.849878, -3.022867 53.849508, -3.023623 53.849374, -3.02395 53.849306, -3.023777 53.848508, -3.024118 53.848387, -3.024026 53.84838, -3.023982 53.848361, -3.023962 53.848341, -3.02384 53.848012, -3.023808 53.847909, -3.023807 53.847882, -3.023823 53.847841, -3.023907 53.847776, -3.023931 53.847741, -3.023935 53.847704, -3.023911 53.847575, -3.023951 53.847514, -3.02405 53.847422, -3.024061 53.847372, -3.024054 53.84734, -3.024038 53.847311, -3.023979 53.847261, -3.023768 53.847145, -3.023702 53.847085, -3.023604 53.846932, -3.023391 53.846454, -3.023302 53.8463, -3.023405 53.846273, -3.02349 53.846238, -3.023558 53.846195, -3.023609 53.846145, -3.023643 53.84609, -3.023662 53.846032, -3.023665 53.845972, -3.023653 53.84591, -3.023627 53.845849, -3.023458 53.845625, -3.023361 53.845528, -3.023302 53.845487, -3.023232 53.845454, -3.023149 53.845429, -3.02305 53.845414, -3.022933 53.845411, -3.0228 53.844257, -3.022732 53.844079, -3.022669 53.843941, -3.022598 53.843814, -3.02252 53.843735, -3.022472 53.843664, -3.02242 53.843558, -3.022389 53.84345, -3.022385 53.843385, -3.022403 53.843152, -3.022425 53.842993, -3.022459 53.842834, -3.022509 53.842681, -3.022607 53.842467, -3.022686 53.842184, -3.022724 53.842097, -3.022775 53.842011, -3.022671 53.841987, -3.022476 53.841918, -3.022317 53.841891, -3.022018 53.841877, -3.021143 53.841892, -3.020975 53.841888, -3.020659 53.841859, -3.020617 53.841841, -3.020347 53.841615, -3.020125 53.841446, -3.019943 53.841328, -3.019812 53.841255, -3.019364 53.841445, -3.016367 53.842547, -3.016666 53.842863, -3.016954 53.843183, -3.017035 53.84317, -3.017043 53.843176, -3.017107 53.843265, -3.017252 53.843501, -3.017394 53.843757, -3.017573 53.844146, -3.017671 53.844409, -3.017752 53.844675, -3.017798 53.844881, -3.017916 53.845578, -3.018106 53.846283, -3.01831 53.846718, -3.018443 53.846884, -3.01863 53.847026, -3.01862 53.847028, -3.018653 53.847055, -3.018571 53.84707, -3.018431 53.847115, -3.018311 53.847175, -3.018064 53.847327, -3.017879 53.84739, -3.017782 53.847411, -3.017375 53.847622, -3.017882 53.848144, -3.018005 53.848257, -3.018017 53.848271, -3.018006 53.848275, -3.01842 53.848697, -3.017815 53.848901, -3.01767 53.848739, -3.017138 53.848895, -3.016913 53.848636, -3.016711 53.848709, -3.015638 53.848987, -3.015418 53.849027, -3.015277 53.849025, -3.015199 53.849043, -3.015177 53.849066, -3.015126 53.849168, -3.014963 53.849687, -3.015046 53.849793, -3.015156 53.849895, -3.015072 53.849917, -3.015083 53.84994, -3.014736 53.850189, -3.014344 53.850207, -3.014014 53.85032, -3.014483 53.850708, -3.014493 53.850714, -3.014576 53.850696)), ((-3.01893 53.777497, -3.019282 53.778189, -3.020814 53.777885, -3.020897 53.777992, -3.02358 53.777528, -3.023276 53.776859, -3.022949 53.776194, -3.022777 53.775863, -3.022419 53.775203, -3.021854 53.774225, -3.016321 53.775069, -3.016638 53.775467, -3.016883 53.775831, -3.016985 53.776007, -3.017165 53.776368, -3.017425 53.776995, -3.017456 53.776989, -3.017422 53.777109, -3.017412 53.777275, -3.017417 53.777457, -3.017443 53.777762, -3.01893 53.777497))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.019179 53.833699) Facts
Green belt core Blackpool Facts
Local authority district E06000009 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E06000009/Blackpool",
    "prefix": "green-belt",
    "name": "Blackpool",
    "dataset": "green-belt",
    "organisation-entity": "55",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-20",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.013841 53.83635, -3.011653 53.837253, -3.012467 53.837679, -3.012718 53.837861, -3.01277 53.837956, -3.012847 53.838065, -3.013037 53.838222, -3.01313 53.838319, -3.013139 53.838432, -3.013207 53.83868, -3.013278 53.839026, -3.013423 53.839117, -3.014061 53.839437, -3.014184 53.839533, -3.014345 53.839634, -3.014712 53.839901, -3.014802 53.839972, -3.015092 53.840242, -3.015238 53.840387, -3.015367 53.840535, -3.015546 53.840702, -3.015987 53.840621, -3.015542 53.839437, -3.015441 53.839199, -3.015384 53.839032, -3.015304 53.838899, -3.015078 53.83834, -3.015025 53.838266, -3.01492 53.838164, -3.014868 53.838099, -3.013841 53.83635)), ((-3.014576 53.850696, -3.015047 53.851556, -3.015347 53.852127, -3.0154 53.852213, -3.015942 53.852958, -3.017516 53.855193, -3.017761 53.855508, -3.017877 53.85559, -3.017893 53.855637, -3.01789 53.855708, -3.018338 53.856413, -3.018339 53.85644, -3.018546 53.856761, -3.018607 53.856257, -3.018633 53.856131, -3.018682 53.855981, -3.018786 53.85576, -3.018947 53.855469, -3.019019 53.855322, -3.019066 53.855187, -3.019146 53.854865, -3.019202 53.854722, -3.019747 53.853851, -3.019787 53.853747, -3.019821 53.853627, -3.019939 53.853063, -3.019975 53.852924, -3.020017 53.852793, -3.020068 53.852676, -3.02013 53.852577, -3.020207 53.852499, -3.020308 53.852427, -3.020427 53.852361, -3.020561 53.852299, -3.021141 53.852079, -3.021391 53.851969, -3.02152 53.851812, -3.021219 53.85124, -3.020948 53.850663, -3.020793 53.850273, -3.020665 53.849878, -3.022867 53.849508, -3.023623 53.849374, -3.02395 53.849306, -3.023777 53.848508, -3.024118 53.848387, -3.024026 53.84838, -3.023982 53.848361, -3.023962 53.848341, -3.02384 53.848012, -3.023808 53.847909, -3.023807 53.847882, -3.023823 53.847841, -3.023907 53.847776, -3.023931 53.847741, -3.023935 53.847704, -3.023911 53.847575, -3.023951 53.847514, -3.02405 53.847422, -3.024061 53.847372, -3.024054 53.84734, -3.024038 53.847311, -3.023979 53.847261, -3.023768 53.847145, -3.023702 53.847085, -3.023604 53.846932, -3.023391 53.846454, -3.023302 53.8463, -3.023405 53.846273, -3.02349 53.846238, -3.023558 53.846195, -3.023609 53.846145, -3.023643 53.84609, -3.023662 53.846032, -3.023665 53.845972, -3.023653 53.84591, -3.023627 53.845849, -3.023458 53.845625, -3.023361 53.845528, -3.023302 53.845487, -3.023232 53.845454, -3.023149 53.845429, -3.02305 53.845414, -3.022933 53.845411, -3.0228 53.844257, -3.022732 53.844079, -3.022669 53.843941, -3.022598 53.843814, -3.02252 53.843735, -3.022472 53.843664, -3.02242 53.843558, -3.022389 53.84345, -3.022385 53.843385, -3.022403 53.843152, -3.022425 53.842993, -3.022459 53.842834, -3.022509 53.842681, -3.022607 53.842467, -3.022686 53.842184, -3.022724 53.842097, -3.022775 53.842011, -3.022671 53.841987, -3.022476 53.841918, -3.022317 53.841891, -3.022018 53.841877, -3.021143 53.841892, -3.020975 53.841888, -3.020659 53.841859, -3.020617 53.841841, -3.020347 53.841615, -3.020125 53.841446, -3.019943 53.841328, -3.019812 53.841255, -3.019364 53.841445, -3.016367 53.842547, -3.016666 53.842863, -3.016954 53.843183, -3.017035 53.84317, -3.017043 53.843176, -3.017107 53.843265, -3.017252 53.843501, -3.017394 53.843757, -3.017573 53.844146, -3.017671 53.844409, -3.017752 53.844675, -3.017798 53.844881, -3.017916 53.845578, -3.018106 53.846283, -3.01831 53.846718, -3.018443 53.846884, -3.01863 53.847026, -3.01862 53.847028, -3.018653 53.847055, -3.018571 53.84707, -3.018431 53.847115, -3.018311 53.847175, -3.018064 53.847327, -3.017879 53.84739, -3.017782 53.847411, -3.017375 53.847622, -3.017882 53.848144, -3.018005 53.848257, -3.018017 53.848271, -3.018006 53.848275, -3.01842 53.848697, -3.017815 53.848901, -3.01767 53.848739, -3.017138 53.848895, -3.016913 53.848636, -3.016711 53.848709, -3.015638 53.848987, -3.015418 53.849027, -3.015277 53.849025, -3.015199 53.849043, -3.015177 53.849066, -3.015126 53.849168, -3.014963 53.849687, -3.015046 53.849793, -3.015156 53.849895, -3.015072 53.849917, -3.015083 53.84994, -3.014736 53.850189, -3.014344 53.850207, -3.014014 53.85032, -3.014483 53.850708, -3.014493 53.850714, -3.014576 53.850696)), ((-3.01893 53.777497, -3.019282 53.778189, -3.020814 53.777885, -3.020897 53.777992, -3.02358 53.777528, -3.023276 53.776859, -3.022949 53.776194, -3.022777 53.775863, -3.022419 53.775203, -3.021854 53.774225, -3.016321 53.775069, -3.016638 53.775467, -3.016883 53.775831, -3.016985 53.776007, -3.017165 53.776368, -3.017425 53.776995, -3.017456 53.776989, -3.017422 53.777109, -3.017412 53.777275, -3.017417 53.777457, -3.017443 53.777762, -3.01893 53.777497)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.019179 53.833699)",
    "entity": 610003,
    "green-belt-core": "Blackpool",
    "local-authority-district": "E06000009"

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Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area