Article 4 direction

Northumberland Gardens Exception

Field Value Fact links
Reference A4NG Facts
Prefix article-4-direction Facts
Name Northumberland Gardens Exception Facts
Dataset Article 4 direction no fact link
Organisation Newcastle City Council no fact link
Start date 1997-03-19 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2023-02-17 Facts
Typology legal-instrument no fact link
Notes A number of changes to properties within this area are restricted in order to protect the character of the Northumberland Gardens Conservation Area. 11A Northumberland Gardens has differing restrictions to rest of the Article 4 area. Facts
Description A number of changes to properties within this area are restricted in order to protect the character of the Northumberland Gardens Conservation Area. 11A Northumberland Gardens has differing restrictions to rest of the Article 4 area. Facts
Document url Facts
Documentation url Facts


    "reference": "A4NG",
    "prefix": "article-4-direction",
    "name": "Northumberland Gardens Exception",
    "dataset": "article-4-direction",
    "organisation-entity": "228",
    "start-date": "1997-03-19",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2023-02-17",
    "typology": "legal-instrument",
    "geometry": "",
    "point": "",
    "entity": 6100010,
    "notes": "A number of changes to properties within this area are restricted in order to protect the character of the Northumberland Gardens Conservation Area. 11A Northumberland Gardens has differing restrictions to rest of the Article 4 area.",
    "description": "A number of changes to properties within this area are restricted in order to protect the character of the Northumberland Gardens Conservation Area. 11A Northumberland Gardens has differing restrictions to rest of the Article 4 area.",
    "document-url": "",
    "documentation-url": ""

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