Flood storage area


Field Value Fact links
Reference Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Storage_Areas.16 Facts
Prefix flood-storage-area Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Flood storage area no fact link
Organisation Environment Agency no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-08 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.694296 50.434112, -3.694331 50.434147, -3.694366 50.434153, -3.694708 50.434131, -3.694991 50.434076, -3.695114 50.434038, -3.695143 50.434013, -3.695203 50.43402, -3.695503 50.433895, -3.695645 50.433864, -3.695925 50.433834, -3.696609 50.433644, -3.696791 50.433615, -3.696875 50.433618, -3.696931 50.433599, -3.697044 50.433618, -3.697239 50.433574, -3.697376 50.433594, -3.697522 50.433582, -3.697613 50.433548, -3.697686 50.433539, -3.697799 50.433465, -3.69801 50.433453, -3.698307 50.433482, -3.698339 50.433463, -3.698348 50.433413, -3.698262 50.433425, -3.698237 50.433407, -3.698358 50.433351, -3.69843 50.433394, -3.69853 50.433414, -3.698571 50.433403, -3.698615 50.433431, -3.698636 50.433407, -3.698698 50.433386, -3.698709 50.433346, -3.698742 50.433325, -3.698723 50.433322, -3.6986 50.433399, -3.698315 50.43331, -3.698201 50.433328, -3.698075 50.433295, -3.697976 50.433294, -3.697878 50.433318, -3.697709 50.433311, -3.697696 50.43333, -3.69764 50.433345, -3.697611 50.433325, -3.697527 50.433333, -3.6974 50.433315, -3.697299 50.43327, -3.697073 50.433246, -3.696976 50.433269, -3.696899 50.433242, -3.696749 50.433244, -3.696509 50.433224, -3.696388 50.433254, -3.696187 50.433271, -3.696101 50.433235, -3.696024 50.43329, -3.695963 50.433308, -3.69571 50.433332, -3.695585 50.43337, -3.6955 50.433358, -3.695469 50.433321, -3.695429 50.433345, -3.695359 50.433357, -3.695291 50.433405, -3.695224 50.433426, -3.69515 50.433415, -3.695053 50.433464, -3.694884 50.433453, -3.694801 50.433486, -3.694669 50.433474, -3.694562 50.433492, -3.694476 50.433458, -3.69435 50.433469, -3.694208 50.43346, -3.694183 50.433493, -3.694296 50.434112))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.695845 50.433605) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Storage_Areas.16",
    "prefix": "flood-storage-area",
    "name": "",
    "dataset": "flood-storage-area",
    "organisation-entity": "600009",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-08",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.694296 50.434112, -3.694331 50.434147, -3.694366 50.434153, -3.694708 50.434131, -3.694991 50.434076, -3.695114 50.434038, -3.695143 50.434013, -3.695203 50.43402, -3.695503 50.433895, -3.695645 50.433864, -3.695925 50.433834, -3.696609 50.433644, -3.696791 50.433615, -3.696875 50.433618, -3.696931 50.433599, -3.697044 50.433618, -3.697239 50.433574, -3.697376 50.433594, -3.697522 50.433582, -3.697613 50.433548, -3.697686 50.433539, -3.697799 50.433465, -3.69801 50.433453, -3.698307 50.433482, -3.698339 50.433463, -3.698348 50.433413, -3.698262 50.433425, -3.698237 50.433407, -3.698358 50.433351, -3.69843 50.433394, -3.69853 50.433414, -3.698571 50.433403, -3.698615 50.433431, -3.698636 50.433407, -3.698698 50.433386, -3.698709 50.433346, -3.698742 50.433325, -3.698723 50.433322, -3.6986 50.433399, -3.698315 50.43331, -3.698201 50.433328, -3.698075 50.433295, -3.697976 50.433294, -3.697878 50.433318, -3.697709 50.433311, -3.697696 50.43333, -3.69764 50.433345, -3.697611 50.433325, -3.697527 50.433333, -3.6974 50.433315, -3.697299 50.43327, -3.697073 50.433246, -3.696976 50.433269, -3.696899 50.433242, -3.696749 50.433244, -3.696509 50.433224, -3.696388 50.433254, -3.696187 50.433271, -3.696101 50.433235, -3.696024 50.43329, -3.695963 50.433308, -3.69571 50.433332, -3.695585 50.43337, -3.6955 50.433358, -3.695469 50.433321, -3.695429 50.433345, -3.695359 50.433357, -3.695291 50.433405, -3.695224 50.433426, -3.69515 50.433415, -3.695053 50.433464, -3.694884 50.433453, -3.694801 50.433486, -3.694669 50.433474, -3.694562 50.433492, -3.694476 50.433458, -3.69435 50.433469, -3.694208 50.43346, -3.694183 50.433493, -3.694296 50.434112)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.695845 50.433605)",
    "entity": 521015

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area