Flood storage area


Field Value Fact links
Reference Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Storage_Areas.9 Facts
Prefix flood-storage-area Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Flood storage area no fact link
Organisation Environment Agency no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-08 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.580865 50.425686, -3.580958 50.425718, -3.580985 50.42575, -3.581024 50.425751, -3.581135 50.425692, -3.581133 50.425644, -3.581296 50.425616, -3.581455 50.425544, -3.581532 50.425438, -3.581418 50.425153, -3.581374 50.425097, -3.581329 50.42509, -3.581119 50.425165, -3.581034 50.425169, -3.580997 50.425158, -3.580965 50.425094, -3.581004 50.425062, -3.581111 50.425056, -3.581386 50.425002, -3.581439 50.424941, -3.581473 50.424809, -3.581515 50.424756, -3.58155 50.424589, -3.581519 50.424529, -3.581414 50.424455, -3.581365 50.424374, -3.581128 50.424365, -3.581057 50.424412, -3.581012 50.424488, -3.580772 50.424758, -3.580738 50.424884, -3.580664 50.425032, -3.580667 50.425052, -3.580724 50.425069, -3.58076 50.425025, -3.580758 50.424985, -3.58085 50.424749, -3.580888 50.424708, -3.580948 50.42469, -3.581011 50.424724, -3.581054 50.424801, -3.580957 50.424852, -3.580869 50.424926, -3.580835 50.425001, -3.580771 50.425031, -3.580736 50.425074, -3.580782 50.425088, -3.58086 50.425075, -3.580892 50.425112, -3.580773 50.425145, -3.580735 50.425182, -3.580723 50.425329, -3.580872 50.425325, -3.580993 50.425274, -3.581097 50.425258, -3.581286 50.425185, -3.581395 50.425246, -3.581434 50.425395, -3.581384 50.425518, -3.581139 50.425568, -3.580954 50.425663, -3.580765 50.425632, -3.580679 50.42549, -3.580603 50.425481, -3.580585 50.425542, -3.580693 50.425658, -3.580865 50.425686))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.581135 50.424949) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Storage_Areas.9",
    "prefix": "flood-storage-area",
    "name": "",
    "dataset": "flood-storage-area",
    "organisation-entity": "600009",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-08",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.580865 50.425686, -3.580958 50.425718, -3.580985 50.42575, -3.581024 50.425751, -3.581135 50.425692, -3.581133 50.425644, -3.581296 50.425616, -3.581455 50.425544, -3.581532 50.425438, -3.581418 50.425153, -3.581374 50.425097, -3.581329 50.42509, -3.581119 50.425165, -3.581034 50.425169, -3.580997 50.425158, -3.580965 50.425094, -3.581004 50.425062, -3.581111 50.425056, -3.581386 50.425002, -3.581439 50.424941, -3.581473 50.424809, -3.581515 50.424756, -3.58155 50.424589, -3.581519 50.424529, -3.581414 50.424455, -3.581365 50.424374, -3.581128 50.424365, -3.581057 50.424412, -3.581012 50.424488, -3.580772 50.424758, -3.580738 50.424884, -3.580664 50.425032, -3.580667 50.425052, -3.580724 50.425069, -3.58076 50.425025, -3.580758 50.424985, -3.58085 50.424749, -3.580888 50.424708, -3.580948 50.42469, -3.581011 50.424724, -3.581054 50.424801, -3.580957 50.424852, -3.580869 50.424926, -3.580835 50.425001, -3.580771 50.425031, -3.580736 50.425074, -3.580782 50.425088, -3.58086 50.425075, -3.580892 50.425112, -3.580773 50.425145, -3.580735 50.425182, -3.580723 50.425329, -3.580872 50.425325, -3.580993 50.425274, -3.581097 50.425258, -3.581286 50.425185, -3.581395 50.425246, -3.581434 50.425395, -3.581384 50.425518, -3.581139 50.425568, -3.580954 50.425663, -3.580765 50.425632, -3.580679 50.42549, -3.580603 50.425481, -3.580585 50.425542, -3.580693 50.425658, -3.580865 50.425686)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.581135 50.424949)",
    "entity": 521008

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area