Flood storage area
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Storage_Areas.6 | Facts |
Prefix | flood-storage-area | Facts |
Name | Facts | |
Dataset | Flood storage area | no fact link |
Organisation | Environment Agency | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-08 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.730528 50.393522, -3.730571 50.393507, -3.730598 50.393512, -3.730434 50.393137, -3.730583 50.39311, -3.730628 50.393073, -3.730723 50.393076, -3.730856 50.393013, -3.730707 50.393042, -3.730679 50.393036, -3.730609 50.39307, -3.730568 50.393061, -3.730547 50.393084, -3.730446 50.393119, -3.730423 50.393113, -3.730411 50.393085, -3.730442 50.393089, -3.730452 50.393071, -3.730525 50.393053, -3.730565 50.393017, -3.730507 50.392955, -3.730471 50.392951, -3.730463 50.392926, -3.730316 50.392868, -3.730052 50.392266, -3.729443 50.391198, -3.728156 50.390847, -3.725985 50.390654, -3.724866 50.390783, -3.723938 50.390861, -3.723678 50.390798, -3.723134 50.39059, -3.722964 50.390552, -3.722792 50.390476, -3.722604 50.390471, -3.722503 50.390584, -3.722439 50.390592, -3.722445 50.39061, -3.722346 50.390729, -3.722333 50.390774, -3.722281 50.390832, -3.721719 50.391118, -3.722204 50.391146, -3.722568 50.391278, -3.722684 50.39127, -3.722907 50.391305, -3.722967 50.391322, -3.722986 50.391344, -3.723109 50.391363, -3.723347 50.391447, -3.723446 50.391463, -3.723502 50.39144, -3.723557 50.391439, -3.723572 50.391424, -3.723628 50.391429, -3.723597 50.391471, -3.723631 50.391498, -3.723637 50.391534, -3.723773 50.391625, -3.723785 50.391655, -3.723879 50.391731, -3.723889 50.391767, -3.723968 50.39181, -3.72401 50.391873, -3.72414 50.391934, -3.724216 50.392005, -3.724291 50.392025, -3.724423 50.392104, -3.724455 50.392104, -3.724526 50.392143, -3.724569 50.392144, -3.724626 50.392177, -3.724697 50.392181, -3.724839 50.392225, -3.724899 50.392229, -3.724924 50.392247, -3.725079 50.392267, -3.725392 50.392375, -3.725442 50.392379, -3.725521 50.392417, -3.726214 50.392516, -3.727037 50.39272, -3.727199 50.392735, -3.727547 50.392812, -3.727688 50.392817, -3.727945 50.392859, -3.72798 50.39284, -3.727955 50.392804, -3.727966 50.392777, -3.727996 50.39277, -3.728008 50.392821, -3.727983 50.392866, -3.728057 50.392889, -3.728238 50.392891, -3.728565 50.392937, -3.728662 50.392907, -3.728699 50.392856, -3.729223 50.393048, -3.72939 50.393187, -3.729361 50.393215, -3.729406 50.393269, -3.729438 50.393276, -3.729474 50.393313, -3.729513 50.393312, -3.729552 50.393347, -3.729593 50.393355, -3.729642 50.393381, -3.72964 50.393477, -3.729894 50.393511, -3.72995 50.393487, -3.73002 50.393481, -3.730063 50.393498, -3.730165 50.393445, -3.730262 50.393459, -3.730264 50.393479, -3.730357 50.393474, -3.730387 50.393509, -3.730528 50.393522)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-3.726829 50.391763)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "Flood_Map_for_Planning_Rivers_and_Sea_Flood_Storage_Areas.6",
"prefix": "flood-storage-area",
"name": "",
"dataset": "flood-storage-area",
"organisation-entity": "600009",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-08",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.730528 50.393522, -3.730571 50.393507, -3.730598 50.393512, -3.730434 50.393137, -3.730583 50.39311, -3.730628 50.393073, -3.730723 50.393076, -3.730856 50.393013, -3.730707 50.393042, -3.730679 50.393036, -3.730609 50.39307, -3.730568 50.393061, -3.730547 50.393084, -3.730446 50.393119, -3.730423 50.393113, -3.730411 50.393085, -3.730442 50.393089, -3.730452 50.393071, -3.730525 50.393053, -3.730565 50.393017, -3.730507 50.392955, -3.730471 50.392951, -3.730463 50.392926, -3.730316 50.392868, -3.730052 50.392266, -3.729443 50.391198, -3.728156 50.390847, -3.725985 50.390654, -3.724866 50.390783, -3.723938 50.390861, -3.723678 50.390798, -3.723134 50.39059, -3.722964 50.390552, -3.722792 50.390476, -3.722604 50.390471, -3.722503 50.390584, -3.722439 50.390592, -3.722445 50.39061, -3.722346 50.390729, -3.722333 50.390774, -3.722281 50.390832, -3.721719 50.391118, -3.722204 50.391146, -3.722568 50.391278, -3.722684 50.39127, -3.722907 50.391305, -3.722967 50.391322, -3.722986 50.391344, -3.723109 50.391363, -3.723347 50.391447, -3.723446 50.391463, -3.723502 50.39144, -3.723557 50.391439, -3.723572 50.391424, -3.723628 50.391429, -3.723597 50.391471, -3.723631 50.391498, -3.723637 50.391534, -3.723773 50.391625, -3.723785 50.391655, -3.723879 50.391731, -3.723889 50.391767, -3.723968 50.39181, -3.72401 50.391873, -3.72414 50.391934, -3.724216 50.392005, -3.724291 50.392025, -3.724423 50.392104, -3.724455 50.392104, -3.724526 50.392143, -3.724569 50.392144, -3.724626 50.392177, -3.724697 50.392181, -3.724839 50.392225, -3.724899 50.392229, -3.724924 50.392247, -3.725079 50.392267, -3.725392 50.392375, -3.725442 50.392379, -3.725521 50.392417, -3.726214 50.392516, -3.727037 50.39272, -3.727199 50.392735, -3.727547 50.392812, -3.727688 50.392817, -3.727945 50.392859, -3.72798 50.39284, -3.727955 50.392804, -3.727966 50.392777, -3.727996 50.39277, -3.728008 50.392821, -3.727983 50.392866, -3.728057 50.392889, -3.728238 50.392891, -3.728565 50.392937, -3.728662 50.392907, -3.728699 50.392856, -3.729223 50.393048, -3.72939 50.393187, -3.729361 50.393215, -3.729406 50.393269, -3.729438 50.393276, -3.729474 50.393313, -3.729513 50.393312, -3.729552 50.393347, -3.729593 50.393355, -3.729642 50.393381, -3.72964 50.393477, -3.729894 50.393511, -3.72995 50.393487, -3.73002 50.393481, -3.730063 50.393498, -3.730165 50.393445, -3.730262 50.393459, -3.730264 50.393479, -3.730357 50.393474, -3.730387 50.393509, -3.730528 50.393522)))",
"point": "POINT (-3.726829 50.391763)",
"entity": 521005
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.